Retired Col. Douglas McGregor, when interviewed yesterday commented about the situation in Gaza being directly related to what is happening in the Ukraine.
This is not a war! But when a war does occur one of the very first things that will happen will be the destruction of most all of the communication satellites in space by Russia.
Russia has said that they are going to do this.
Immediately the electricity in the U.S.A will go out.
Why? Because if you understand the electric grid you would know that it is regulated by GPS.
This is how they determine time. Time is how the grid determines phase. To connect to the grid the electricity must be in phase. Even just one source being slightly out of phase will cause a disruption and will cause a meltdown.
Remember that the signal sent by The National Institute of Time in Fort Collins Colorado did this for years.
Also remember that the United States government wanted to shut it down to save money.
Also remember what I previously wrote about being prepared. Owning quality Amateur Radio equipment, having the means Now to generate your own power, not with solar panels or a cheap Harbor Freight Chinese generator.
Having on hand at least 25 gallons of fuel and 5 gallons of motor oil for your automobile and the generator.
Col McGregor said that our country will be plunged into utter darkness. All forms of communications will fail.
Television relies on its satellite feed, radio relies on it's satellite feeds because we have very few live djs.
Cell phones will quit working because it relies on the satellite.
The only thing left for John Q. Public will be wireless communications.
My question to you is how many private repeater owners do you know that has their repeater connected to a generator?
How many repeater owners do you know that has a delivery scheduled for fuel to keep the repeater running in a disaster or emergency?
+1 my guess is none!
When I worked construction back in the early 90s, the state tower sites l worked on used wet cell batteries for tower backup.
If used sparingly would support the tower for about 48 hours.
Do you want some cbr on your repeater gabbing about some nonsense, killing the battery?
One holligan I knew would get on the repeater when there was any kind of storm, real or imagined and would read weather scripts.
We turned Eddie in to the FCC and the ARRL and instead of telling him to stop they gave him an award.
I had the privilege of speaking to a small group of people the other night on 80 meters.
I legally broke in to their conversation and injected my opinion.
Do you know what their reply was? Hey Joe did you get any of what he just said.
The answer was no, just a word here or there.
Why? I had a efficient dipole antenna and I had about 90 watts radiated.
The answer is simple.
They were not hams!
They were not operating they were broadcasting.
One operator with 1000 watts talking to other operators with 600 - 1500+ watts.
Because they want fidelity, their receiver was closed, the squelch turned up so high that all they hear is each other audio.
If you don't have a 30 / 9 signal they can't hear you, and the k**b is welded to one position and they refuse to move it.
They are not hams. You cannot rely on those people when the chips are down.
What you can rely on is them telling you to get the heck off their frequency because they hang out there every night at this time and the frequency is theirs.
Just remember this when the time comes for you to operate in a disaster or emergency.