Amateur Radio - The Truth

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Amateur Radio - The Truth Amateur Radio forum. Antenna's, coax, amplifiers, Transceiver, propagation advice, testing material This is the site that is devoted to amateur radio.

Did you ever visit a internet forum devoted to amateur radio, that only seemed to serve one purpose - provide a site for a group of hams that were only there to hang out with each other. Did you find that you were almost as dumb after asking them a question as what you were before you visited their web page? Did you ever want someone to just give you a truthful answer without having to endure the

Kenwood vs Icom vs Yaesu vs Ten-Tec vs Flex vs Elecraft? Did you ever wonder what an amateur radio club was all about? Or does your club lack the luster of a real club, where the members don't sit around drinking coffee and eating doughnuts, talking about how much money they have in the bank? Then this is the club for you! Do you think that you can't belong to a club because work, family, health - doesn't permit you to attend a club meeting once a month? Then this club is for you!

The pressure in the Gulf tonight is 900 Millibars.Hurricane Katrina was only 902.

The pressure in the Gulf tonight is 900 Millibars.

Hurricane Katrina was only 902.

Extremely Powerful Hurricane Katrina Leaves a Historic Mark on the Northern Gulf Coast A Killer Hurricane Our Country Will Never Forget Tuned to What?

Stay Tuned to What?

NYC Emergency Management shares important steps for New Yorkers to follow if a nuclear attack occurs.For more information on how to be prepared for emergenci...

I made a copy of "1950's Russian Kerosene Powered Radio" with kerosene lamp generator and a radio, this is the only custom made receiver and generator works ...

Originally this referred to units which could be used directly by AC mains supply (mains radio); it can also refer to units which do not require a power source at all, except for the power that they receive from an ambient radio source, such as radio waves.


Amateur Radio and The War With Russia.

Retired Col. Douglas McGregor, when interviewed yesterday commented about the situation in Gaza being directly related t...

Retired Col. Douglas McGregor, when interviewed yesterday commented about the situation in Gaza being directly related to what is happening in the Ukraine.
This is not a war! But when a war does occur one of the very first things that will happen will be the destruction of most all of the communication satellites in space by Russia.
Russia has said that they are going to do this.
Immediately the electricity in the U.S.A will go out.
Why? Because if you understand the electric grid you would know that it is regulated by GPS.
This is how they determine time. Time is how the grid determines phase. To connect to the grid the electricity must be in phase. Even just one source being slightly out of phase will cause a disruption and will cause a meltdown.
Remember that the signal sent by The National Institute of Time in Fort Collins Colorado did this for years.
Also remember that the United States government wanted to shut it down to save money.

Also remember what I previously wrote about being prepared. Owning quality Amateur Radio equipment, having the means Now to generate your own power, not with solar panels or a cheap Harbor Freight Chinese generator.

Having on hand at least 25 gallons of fuel and 5 gallons of motor oil for your automobile and the generator.

Col McGregor said that our country will be plunged into utter darkness. All forms of communications will fail.

Television relies on its satellite feed, radio relies on it's satellite feeds because we have very few live djs.
Cell phones will quit working because it relies on the satellite.

The only thing left for John Q. Public will be wireless communications.

My question to you is how many private repeater owners do you know that has their repeater connected to a generator?
How many repeater owners do you know that has a delivery scheduled for fuel to keep the repeater running in a disaster or emergency?

+1 my guess is none!
When I worked construction back in the early 90s, the state tower sites l worked on used wet cell batteries for tower backup.
If used sparingly would support the tower for about 48 hours.

Do you want some cbr on your repeater gabbing about some nonsense, killing the battery?

One holligan I knew would get on the repeater when there was any kind of storm, real or imagined and would read weather scripts.

We turned Eddie in to the FCC and the ARRL and instead of telling him to stop they gave him an award.

I had the privilege of speaking to a small group of people the other night on 80 meters.

I legally broke in to their conversation and injected my opinion.

Do you know what their reply was? Hey Joe did you get any of what he just said.
The answer was no, just a word here or there.

Why? I had a efficient dipole antenna and I had about 90 watts radiated.
The answer is simple.
They were not hams!

They were not operating they were broadcasting.
One operator with 1000 watts talking to other operators with 600 - 1500+ watts.

Because they want fidelity, their receiver was closed, the squelch turned up so high that all they hear is each other audio.

If you don't have a 30 / 9 signal they can't hear you, and the k**b is welded to one position and they refuse to move it.

They are not hams. You cannot rely on those people when the chips are down.

What you can rely on is them telling you to get the heck off their frequency because they hang out there every night at this time and the frequency is theirs.

Just remember this when the time comes for you to operate in a disaster or emergency.

Some people who have been spoon fed, wet nursed all of their lives has commented about my previous post.And so I had to ...

Some people who have been spoon fed, wet nursed all of their lives has commented about my previous post.
And so I had to take a second look to see what was so offensive.
And what l seen was the push back that came from someone whom I offended because I said something they were offended by, because it was true.

Today while unboxing a new monitor for the security system I noticed that there is something loose, rolling around inside the cabinet.

Should I send it back or accept it as is and hope that it works.
And this is what we have come to as a country.
Where everyone succeeds from the Union and goes Chinese.

Can we trust the stuff we purchased online to be reliable and dependable.
Will that Chinese walkie talkie work in a disaster or emergency?
Or are we just kidding ourselves and making excuses for crap we know is not going to make the long haul.

Our politicians are sparing with each other, but neither side addresses the real issues.

Each time the ARRL becomes desperate they include hands free laws for cell phones that includes a exemption for licensed radio amateurs

But how many of them actually received any sort of training or preparedness course for being a emergency communicator.

The FEMA course does little to nothing to teach you anything but the chain of command and who is in charge.

What we need is a movement, a rally of people willing to learn that asks what can you teach me and when can we start?

Waiting for a emergency to get proper training, you are too late.
And not asking your county radio officer - when is the next class? Is a start. But the first thing you should ask is what is your call sign and what class of license do you hold.

If the guy has been licensed 30 years and they are still a Technician or General, then you have to figure that they have not kept up with technology and they have not tried to better themselves.

Find someone else, someone who can help you.
We are in this mess together.
We need to learn how to make the best of it.

If I touched a nerve - GOOD!




If I was asked why my page was not visited by anyone in 3 months and now a sudden resurgence in interest,  l would have ...

If I was asked why my page was not visited by anyone in 3 months and now a sudden resurgence in interest, l would have to say that it is because of the event taking place throughout the world, and the lack of coverage by the American media.

The reason why they want us to look one way is because they don't want us to see what they are doing.

There is a war coming and no one realizes what is happening.

Traditionally when global events takes place, the short wave radio and the hams are the go to place to be.

But as I warned you for many years, the only source for intelligence is reliant upon the Amateur Radio community recruitment of knowledgeable people, which we did not d o.

Amateur Radio failed to retain the knowledgeable people we had, and we recruited the scum of the earth. Mostly due to lowering our standards and allowing the cb radio people in, just because our numbers were dropping and the ARRL was more worried about revenue than intelligence.

So now we are left with a unfillable void that must be filled by people who doesn't know anything and just got a license because they thought it would make them something, and that they could buy their way into the hobby.

Please tell me how this is working out for you?

When you cannot explain the virtue of having a efficient, resonant antenna and you have a whole population of people who either owns a G5RV because it is the cheapest antenna they can buy.
Or they have a end fed wire because they are trying to hide the antenna and are too cheap to buy good coax and run the antenna between two or 3 supports.

When you cannot have a emergency net anywhere except 80 meters, because most people do not have a efficient antenna that can do 10 - 80 meters without a antenna tuner, and they don't know how to operate without a amplifier and the amplifier does not allow them to migrate to a different frequency without having to tune everything again for maximum smoke.

Where would the American Indians be if their blanket only made one kind of smoke signal?

We are living in a world where everything has gone microwave or up on the satellite. We have been left behind because we refuse to listen or learn new ways of doing things.

Place your hands on the top of your HF radio and pray with me brothers and sisters. Can l get a Amen?

Sit down interview with Allan and Angela Weiner, owners of WBCQ radio - 9.330 AM. Technical discussion about station construction, its electronics and the ...

The Birth of the Rocck and Roll D.J.

The Birth of the Rocck and Roll D.J.

Pirate radio: A force for change or a transient subversive movement?The Voice of Peace and Radio Caroline were pirate radio stations that launched in the 196...

How an AM hot stick tower works.

How an AM hot stick tower works.

KMOX-AM is a 50kW clear channel station in St. Louis, MO; take a tower of the tower and transmitter site!Special thanks to Audacy and KMOX-AM engineers for a...

The Day When All Else Failed!

The Day When All Else Failed!

In 2003, one of the most severe power outages in history affected the northeastern US and parts of eastern Canada. This video summarizes the events leading u...

Dr. Joseph Vancheri - W8BWHIn the Punxsutawney Hometown Magazine there is an excellent article that tells the story of D...

Dr. Joseph Vancheri - W8BWH

In the Punxsutawney Hometown Magazine there is an excellent article that tells the story of Doc Vancheri and his radios.
Doctor Vancheri was a very famous dentist that you probably never heard of.
Doc Vancheri's involvement in Amateur radio goes back to the early days of Amateur radio and includes his call sign found in the Summer Edition of The Amateur Radio Call Book - 1930.

To briefly touch on just some of his accomplishments - Doc built the first broadcast AM radio station in Punxsutawney. From what I recall he had as many as 3 different AM stations and the very first FM broadcast station in Punxsutawney back when it was around 40 MHz - before the second world war.

Doc Vancheri assisted in Emergency Communications during the famous St. Patricks Day Flood of 1936. Doc's station was a liason - between Johnstown PA - which was shut down by order of the mayor of Johnstown during the flood and their network of stations encompassed an area from Erie PA to Pittsburgh PA to Harrisburgh / State College PA.

You can read about this in the May 1936 edition of QST Magazine, starting on page 11, which stated that at 4:30 PM on the day of the flood, downtown Punxsutawney was under no less than 4 to 6 inches of water. John operated for 39 hours straight, got two hours of sleep and operated for an additional 20 hours straight handling all of the traffic to and from the governor in State College PA for a total of 95 hours without relief.. At times taking both phone and CW traffic at the same time, and sending faximilie pictures of the flood situation in Punxsutawney, some of which were rebroadcast on the NBC radio network.

During the Korean and Viet Nam war - doc ran a MARS station and did radio relays and phone patches for the military.

His Mighty 20 meter beam antenna stood proudly above the main roof of his house on a tower about 40 feet tall.
Urban sprawl has reduced the size of his lot to the point of where you could no longer put a 80 / 160 meter antenna on his property.

During the 1950's SS Cosmos and Damien School had a basketball team that managed to go to the playoffs in Erie PA.
Doc rigged up a ham radio transmitter in Erie Pa and installed a receiver in the auditorium of SSCD school, and the people that could not attend the game was able to listen to the game, play by play via ham radio.
Sadly Feb 21, 1981 doctor Vancheri died at the age of 75.

The Railroad, Coal, Morse Code and Punxsutawney.And so you wonder why amateur radio was an important part of life in Pun...

The Railroad, Coal, Morse Code and Punxsutawney.

And so you wonder why amateur radio was an important part of life in Punxsutawney PA.

The railroad was built to get to the coal fields of southern Jefferson County - Punxsutawney, and the morse code was used by the railroad to conduct business in a rapid motion - you had to be able to call long distances to ensure that the train was on time, was not on the wrong track, was at the siding when the opposing train was on the same track.

The business office for the B&O railroad in Punxsutawney had the ability to talk the whole way out to Chicago ill by telegraph.

So there was already trained telegraph operators, as there was also more operators in the town of Ridgeway PA.

The endpoint for the BR&P railroad was Rykers Yard in Punxsutawney and was Rykers Island in New York City NY.,_Rochester_and_Pittsburgh_Railway

Russian missile successfully destroys a Kharkiv Ukraine TV tower..

Russian missile successfully destroys a Kharkiv Ukraine TV tower..

On March 6, 2022, a Russian fighter jet attacked a television station in Kharkiv, Ukraine, releasing eight 1,100-pound bombs at the station's 790-foot tower and the adjacent building. Despite substantial damage, the broadcasting infrastructure was quickly repaired, and…




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