#r62adventuretours #capepeninsula #capepoint #sunset #spectacular #chapmanspeakdrive #capetown #journeyofalifetime #zuidafrika
#r62adventuretours #africanpenguin #capefurseal #capetown
Today’s one minute and a half is dedicated to #sharks #sharkcage and #sharkcagediving #r62adventuretours #capesharkadventures #southafrica #atlanticocean #sealife #seaeagle #hermanus #gansbaai
Today’s minute and a half: mostly by the Ocean. #r62adventuretours #capeagulhas #indeanocean #atlanticocean #hermanus #westerncape #southernmostpoint
One and a half minute of today’s #journeyofalifetime with #r62adventuretours : #lion #elephant #ostrich #rihno #rhinoceros #rhino #lioness #zebra #karoo #gravelroad #4x4 #southafrica
#monkeybusiness #baboon #funny #R62AdventureTours
A day in a minute and a half…. #r62adventuretours #karoo #karoolife #sabelantilope #springboks #whithespringbok #kleinkaroo #giraffe
Summing up a day in a minute and a half isn’t easy.
#r62adventuretours #cangocaves #elephant #swartbergpass #knysna #gardenroute #kleinkaroo #indianocean #knysnaheads #offroading #flare www.R62AdventureTours.co.za #zuidafrikareis
#r62adventuretours #monkey #monkeys #southafrica #journeyofalifetime #zuidafrika
#r62adventuretours #bungie #bungyjump #worldshighestbungee #faceadrenalinebungyjump #bloukransbridge #tsitsikamma
#r62adventuretours #tsitsikamma #suspensionbridge #stormsriver #ocean #indianocean
Are you ready? #bloukransbridge #bungyjump #stormsriver #tsitsikamma #r62adventuretours
Another day another #exploration
#visitsouthafrica #r62adventuretours #cadillac #bsa #cars #motorcycle #60s #elvis
#r62adventuretours #elephant #zebra #gamedrive #pumba #warthog #dungbeetle #hartebeest #addo #addoelephantpark
#r62adventuretours #zebra
On yesterday afternoon and this morning’s #gamedrive in #southafrica with #r62adventuretours … are you ready to join us on a #southafrican adventure? www.r62adventuretours.co.za
#r62adventuretours #lion #safari #southafrica #zuidafrikareisopmaat