Packraft Touren

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Packraft Touren Packraft - was ist das? Packraft, auch Trekkingboot oder Rucksackboot genannt, ist ein sehr strapazierfähiges, aufblasbares Schlauchboot.

Durch sein großes Luftvolumen ist das Packraft extrem kippstabil. Dies erleichtert vor allem dem Beginner den Einstieg ins Wildwasserfahren. Darüber hinaus bestechen die Packrafts noch durch ihr geringes Gewicht und ihr kleines Packmaß, was sie zum perfekten Begleiter bei Wander und Fahrradtouren macht.

One day or day one, you decide...

One day or day one, you decide...

You too could learn packrafting in this wonderful setting!Then register now for our 5-day packraft beginners course in t...

You too could learn packrafting in this wonderful setting!
Then register now for our 5-day packraft beginners course in the Allgäu on May 30th. - 02.06.
Leave your 🚗 at home and realize how easy everything can be.
This week you will enjoy a wonderful landscape and an unforgettable group experience. The whole thing is crowned with learning how to maneuver yourself and your packraft safely through the rapids

Our packrafting adventures in the Allgäu are perfect for anyone who longs for a unique outdoor experience. Whether you are an experienced adventurer or a beginner, this course offers you the opportunity to discover the fascinating world of packrafting.

In dieser wundervaren Kulisse könntest auch du das Packraften erlernen!
Dann melde dich gleich noch an für unseren 5 tägigen Packraft Anfängerkurs im Allgäu 30.05. - 02.06.
Lass dein 🚗 zuhause und merke wie einfach alles sein kann.
In dieser Woche kommst du in den Genuss einer wunderbaren Landschaft sowie einem unvergesslichem Gruppenerlebnis. Gekrönt wird das Ganze mit dem Erlernen dich und dein Packraft sicher durch die Stromschnellen zu manövrieren

Unsere Packrafting-Abenteuer im Allgäu sind perfekt für alle, die sich nach einer einzigartigen Outdoor-Erfahrung sehnen Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Abenteurer oder ein Anfänger bist, dieser Kurs bietet dir die Gelegenheit, die faszinierende Welt des Packraftens zu entdecken.

Unsere erfahrene Guides werden dich in die Grundlagen des Packrafting einführen, einschließlich der richtigen Ausrüstung und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen.
Du wirst die verschiedenen Paddeltechniken erlernen, die erforderlich sind, um dein Packraft sicher und effizient auf dem Wasser zu manövrieren.

That's what we call a damn successful start to the season.

That's what we call a damn successful start to the season.

Kommende Saison haben wir   im wunderschönen Mölltal für Anfänger- und Fortgeschrittene Paddler im Program.  Auch Lust d...

Kommende Saison haben wir im wunderschönen Mölltal für Anfänger- und Fortgeschrittene Paddler im Program. Auch Lust dort zu Paddeln? Wir freuen uns auf euch.

Next season, we have courses in the beautiful Mölltal for beginners and advanced paddlers. Would you also like to paddle there? We look forward to seeing you.

Do you feel like packrafting again in these mild temperatures? We have put together many exciting course concepts for yo...

Do you feel like packrafting again in these mild temperatures? We have put together many exciting course concepts for you again next season. From day tours to beginner and advanced courses, safety- and Eskimo training throughout Europe, there is something for everyone. Just take a look at our website, and we look forward to packraft with you.

Rock on.. Packraft Advancedcourse

Rock on.. Packraft Advancedcourse

Welcome to the classroom.

Welcome to the classroom.

On this beautiful   we offer you a   intermediate course soon.The   in the   is a very good and varied paddling area and...

On this beautiful we offer you a intermediate course soon.
The in the is a very good and varied paddling area and ideal for advanced beginners. An intermediate course is for who have already in WWII or who have already attended a beginner's course with us and want to deepen and perfect what they have learned. During this week, you will have the pleasure of experiencing the wonderful but also maneuvering yourself and your packraft through the with confidence.
👉 From September 4th to 8th, 🫵 you still have 10 days to register, and we look forward to your participation.

Lass uns dich Trainieren um ein guter und selbstverantwortlichen packrafter zu werden. Wir bieten dir täglich Privatkurs...

Lass uns dich Trainieren um ein guter und selbstverantwortlichen packrafter zu werden. Wir bieten dir täglich Privatkurse, Gruppentouren und mehrtägige Kurse für jede Könnerstufe. Schöne Bilder gibt's gratis 😉

Let us train you to become a good and responsible packrafter. We offer daily private courses, group tours and multi-day courses for every skill level. Beautiful pictures are available for free 😉

 Happy Weekend!  ROBfin designs     ophion paddles

Happy Weekend!

ROBfin designs ophion paddles


Join the August 13th to 14th
Become part of the first by , supported by experienced
The of and are among the most beautiful and unspoiled in the .
Reason enough to to this on foot and on the water.
This starts in south Germany 🇩🇪 and meanders along wildly romantic paths up in the mountains to an Alpine hut that invites you for the night.
Down on rustic trails, the constant proximity to the creek will get you in mood for the next highlight. with our , we play our way through the varied down the , which is still allowed to unfold freely in the
More information at

Bachnah Oberstdorf ROBfin designs Kokopelli Anfibio Packrafting

Glückliche Gesichter unserer Kurse der letzten 16 Tage... Welches Bild gefällt dir am besten?Dürfen wir dir auch zum Glü...

Glückliche Gesichter unserer Kurse der letzten 16 Tage...

Welches Bild gefällt dir am besten?
Dürfen wir dir auch zum Glück verhelfen? Dann Melde dich an z.B. zu unserem Packraft Aufbaukurs in Österreich vom 04.-08.09.23
In unseren Kurskonzepten bitten wir Ausbildungen für jeder Könner Stufe vom Anfänger bis zum Profipackrafter.

Happy faces of our courses of the last 16 days...

Which picture do you like best?
May we help you to be lucky too? Then register, for example, for our Packraft intermediate course in Austria from September 4th to 8th, 2023
In our course concepts, we offer training for every skill level, from beginners to professional packrafters.

Unfortunately, running water is all too often underestimated. It is important to be aware of this. Because the dangers o...

Unfortunately, running water is all too often underestimated. It is important to be aware of this. Because the dangers on rivers can have final consequences. Therefore, the top priority is to avoid them. It is important for us to educate about this and create a heightened awareness of it. In addition, we also train rescue techniques in our courses. But it is much better not to provoke the worst case. By the way, every water that flows is already white water. In this sense, have fun but be smart.

Schon wieder ist eine tolle Woche auf dem Fluss vorüber. Bei solch motivierten Teilnehmern vergehen die Tage viel zu sch...

Schon wieder ist eine tolle Woche auf dem Fluss vorüber. Bei solch motivierten Teilnehmern vergehen die Tage viel zu schnell. Danke das wir mit Euch paddeln durften.

Another great week on the river is over. With such motivated participants, the days go by far too quickly. Thanks for letting us paddle with you.


Das waren unsere Highlights in unserem   Anfängerkurs :) Wetter war diesmal etwas aufregend. Dafür hatten wir auf dem Fl...

Das waren unsere Highlights in unserem Anfängerkurs :) Wetter war diesmal etwas aufregend. Dafür hatten wir auf dem Fluss ungewöhnlich viel Platz zum üben. Du bist etwas neidisch auf die Bilder? Es ist noch nicht zu spät. Im September sind wir wieder vor Ort, wenn du dich für einen der registrierst haben auch wir ein Bild für dich und du kommst eine Runde weiter ;) Nächster Stopp ̈lltal.

These were our highlights in our Soca beginner course :) The weather was a bit exciting this time. But we had an unusual amount of space on the river to practice. Are you jealous of the pictures? It is not too late yet. We'll be there again in September, if you've registered for one of the packrafting courses, we'll also have a picture for you and you'll get one round further ;) Next stop Mölltal

ROBfin designs Kokopelli Bachnah Oberstdorf Packraft Touren Anfibio Packrafting ophion paddles ophion paddles

Gerade waren wir noch im L**htal mit unserem Packraft Schnupperkurs und bald geht es schon wieder weiter auf Slowenien u...

Gerade waren wir noch im L**htal mit unserem Packraft Schnupperkurs und bald geht es schon wieder weiter auf Slowenien und nach Österreich für Packraft Anfänger- und Fortgeschrittenenkurse Du möchtest noch mit? Dann melde dich am besten noch heute bei uns ;)

We were just in the L**h Valley with our packraft taster course and soon we'll be back in Slovenia and Austria for beginner and advanced packraft courses. Would you like to join us? Then get in touch :)

That was our   indermediate course 2023 in Switzerland, sorry for everyone who missed this great trip. But the good news...

That was our indermediate course 2023 in Switzerland, sorry for everyone who missed this great trip. But the good news is we will do it again next season ;)
There were great days with best weather, motivated paddlers, a cozy get-together and very good food. It's always nice to see how the participants improve in a short time and thus become even more motivated. Thank you it was great guys and we look forward to paddling with you again soon.
Seeing this made you want to paddle with us too? No problem, take a look at the website, there will certainly be something suitable for you, we look forward to it.

Good morning to all the Soča river kayakers and users/visitors!Kobarid's municipality wants to raise the cost of the dai...

Good morning to all the Soča river kayakers and users/visitors!
Kobarid's municipality wants to raise the cost of the daily river pass in Soča Valley to 15€ in 2024, 5 times the current price (3€).
We think this is unacceptable and so we are submiting this petition to try to stop this nonsense. Join us, sign this petition and help us stop this unfairness!
Sign here:

Last weekend we went packrafting in Austria and Switzerland. We had the honor of being joined by Jen  & Mark Oates    To...

Last weekend we went packrafting in Austria and Switzerland. We had the honor of being joined by Jen & Mark Oates Tommy and Robert. It was great fun to be on the road with such experienced and skilled packrafters. We are already looking forward to a repeat. Would you also like to go paddling with us? Then take a look at the homepage to see if there is anything else that suits you.

Kennt ihr eigentlich schon..?   in Oberschleißheim 24. - 25. Juni 2023...

Kennt ihr eigentlich schon..?
Das in Oberschleißheim 24. - 25. Juni 2023
An diesem Wochenende geht es an der Münchner Regatta Strecke um den Kanu - und Outdoorsport. Es wird wie immer viel geboten, Einblicke in verschiedenste Sportarten, alles kann getestet werden und das alles Auch wir Packraft Touren Bachnah Oberstdorf Kajakschule Prijon Augsburg werden natürlich mit Workshops, Testbooten und einer Verlosung am Start sein wir freuen uns auf Euch.

ROBfin designs Kokopelli Prijon GmbH Kajakschule Prijon Augsburg

Kanutouren, Kurse, Workshops, Events

A legend has gone...Rest in peace.Thank you for letting us cross your paths, you not only impressed us as an athlete but...

A legend has gone...
Rest in peace.
Thank you for letting us cross your paths, you not only impressed us as an athlete but also as a personality. We will miss you....

Norbert Sattler, Silbermedaillengewinner im Wildwasserslalom bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 1972 in München, ist am Donnerstag mit 71 Jahren ...

Are you ready for packrafting in 2023? Our training program, tours and trips for next season can now be viewed online, l...

Are you ready for packrafting in 2023?
Our training program, tours and trips for next season can now be viewed online, let yourself be surprised by our new concepts We are again offering taster, beginner and advanced courses in Germany, Austria and Slovenia... But we also have many new destinations, course concepts and workshops in program. How about packrafting in Switzerland? An intermediate course or a packraft trip to Turkey? Check out our website, it's worth it 😎

ROBfin designs ophion paddles Bachnah Oberstdorf Packraft Touren Kokopelli

Vergangenes Wochenende haben wir unseren letzten   Schnupperkurs im L**htal abgehalten. Trotz des frühen Herbstanbruchs ...

Vergangenes Wochenende haben wir unseren letzten Schnupperkurs im L**htal abgehalten. Trotz des frühen Herbstanbruchs waren alle Teilnehmer hoch Motiviert und voll bei der Sache. Wir freuen uns die Begeisterung für diese Sportart immer wieder mit euch teilen zu dürfen. Unser Kurs und Tour Programm für 2023 wird in den nächsten Wochen veröffentlicht und freuen uns jetzt schon darauf im kommenden Sommer wieder viele Menschen mit unserer Begeisterung anstecken zu dürfen und mit alt bekannten Packraftern die Flüsse zu rocken...

Last weekend we held our last taster course in the L**h Valley. Despite the early fall, all participants were highly motivated and fully engaged. We are happy to be able to share our enthusiasm for this sport with you again and again. Our course and tour program for 2023 will be published in the next few weeks and we are already looking forward to infecting many people with our enthusiasm again next summer and rocking the rivers with well-known packrafters...

Bachnah Oberstdorf ROBfin designs ophion paddles Packraft Touren

Time is just running too fast, the participants of our packraft beginner course in Slovenia are almost all back home now...

Time is just running too fast, the participants of our packraft beginner course in Slovenia are almost all back home now and autumn is fast approaching. Thank you for helping to shape the week so well, we had a lot of fun with you and look forward to seeing you again soon. Until then, take care, think first, then paddle ;)

ROBfin designs Kokopelli Bachnah Oberstdorf ophion paddles

This area is always breathtakingly beautiful and is not called the wild alps for nothing. In this wonderful environment ...

This area is always breathtakingly beautiful and is not called the wild alps for nothing. In this wonderful environment we got off to a good start in our beginner course, the participants a stoked and learn a lot about this great sport every day.

This season we will again be paddling the beautiful   in the Wildalpen / Austria. We are also offering a packraft beginn...

This season we will again be paddling the beautiful in the Wildalpen / Austria. We are also offering a packraft beginner's course from September 5th to 9th, a few places are still available. We look forward to your participation.

Kokopelli ROBfin designs Bachnah Oberstdorf

The last few days of our advanced course have been insane. With enough water under our bums, we trained a lot, the resul...

The last few days of our advanced course have been insane. With enough water under our bums, we trained a lot, the result was great progress for all participants and we aslo had a lot of fun. Thank you for letting us share the great rivers like and with you and we look forward to seeing you again soon, until then keep practicing.
Are you interested in improving your skills? No Problem!
We are still giving a few courses this season, check them out.

Bachnah Oberstdorf ROBfin designs ophion paddles

Next week we will be back in the Mölltal. We are really looking forward to it 🫶Participants of our last five-day beginne...

Next week we will be back in the Mölltal. We are really looking forward to it 🫶
Participants of our last five-day beginner's course in Mölltal made a video of it.... So you get an impression of how such a training week can go. Many thanks to Flo and Jonis 😘

Bachnah Oberstdorf Kokopelli ̈lltal ̈ngerkurs

Im August 2021 sind wir spontan auf einen Packrafting Kurs im österreichischen Mölltal gegangen.Für alle die's selbst ausprobieren wollen hier der Link:https...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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