Just an example of where big fish will sit and hide. With a small fresh in the river, this makes the fish swim out of the bigger deeper holes and push their way up the running water into tiny pockets to wait and ambush. This fish in this video is roughly 90-100cm in length.
My Japanese customer Rei catching a Murray cod in less than a foot of water in the middle of the day off the surface. #iguidemurraycod
When you don’t have to move your topwater lure to catch a cod! Love how dark they go from sitting under the weed.
Awesome eat from Murray cod at the base of a waterfall 😎
Customer Rei catching a really nice river Murray cod out of the bottom of a waterfall on his recent guided trip!
Fat topwater creek cod on the Liprip iguide lure. Watch as you’ll see a subtle change in water movement on the retrieve giving himself away. Slowing down the lure with side to side twitches make this quality fish eat!
Fat topwater creek cod on the Liprip iguide lure.
Watch as you’ll see a subtle change in water movement on the retrieve. Slowing down the lure with side to side twitches making this quality fish eat!
Phone in one hand, rod in the other sight casting at murray cod 🎣
Midday topwater froggin’ for murray cod 🐸
Sight casting at a Murray cod!
My customer sight casting at a nice Murray cod and getting him to eat the lure!! 😎
Meter + Murray cod eats smaller fish!
My Singapore customer catching his first meter Murray cod in a double hookup! That’s a pretty darn special thing to see in the wild!