An eruption began on the Sundhnúkar volcanic lineament at ~22:17 in the evening of 18 December with a curtain of fire along a 4 km-long volcanic fissure, extending from north side of Hagafell in the south and just past Stóra Skógfell in the north, with magma discharge in the range of 100-200 m3/s and lava fountains rising as high as ~100 m.
The lava advances from the vents at rates close to 0.5-1 km per hour and the above values for the magma discharge-, along with the anticipated composition of the erupted magma, the current SO2 outgassing is on the order of 30 to 60 thousand tons per day or an order of magnitude more than in the 2021-23 eruptions. Sulfur dioxide reacts with atmospheric v***r to produce sulfuric aerosols / haze (= sulfuric acid droplets) and at this level in the atmosphere it takes about a day to convert half of th eSO2 mass into sulfuric aerosols, which are far more toxic than sulfur dioxide. If this eruption maintains this intensity, it will produce significant air pollution. The good news are that the wind is northwesterly and according to the forecast it will stay northerly for the next few days. Hence the eruption plume is likely to be blown away from inhabited areas.
Góða kvöldið
Eldgos hófst í Sundhnúkum um kl. 22:17 í kvöld (18 desember 2023) og er virknin á um 4 km langri sprungu sem liggur frá norðurhlíðum Hagafells og norður undir Stóra-Skógfell. Kvikustrókarnir virðast vera ansi öflugir og þeir hæstu um eða rétt yfir 100 metrunum og framleiðnin á bilinu 100 – 200 m3/s.
Þetta þýðir að hraunflæðið frá gígunum er að fara 0.5-1 km á klst. og miðað við ofangreinda framleiðni og væntanlega efnasamsetningu hraunkvikunnar þá er útstreymi brennisteinsdíoxíðs yfir gosstöðvunum einhversstaðar á bilinu 30-60 þúsund tonn á dag eða 10-falt meiri brennisteinslosun á tímaeiningu en var í gosunum 2021-23. Brennisteinsdíoxiðið hvarfast við vatnsgufu í andrúmsloftinu - myndar brennisteinssýru-agnir eða -móðu, sem er mun eitraðri en brennisteinsdíoxíð – og neðst í veðrahvolfinu er helmingunartími hvarfsins SO2 yfir í H2SO4 um það bil einn dagur. Þannig að gasútstreymið getur valdið verulegri, en tímabundinni mengun Sem betur fer þá er núverandi vindátt norðvestlæg og samkvæmt spánni á hún að vera norðlæg á næstu dögum. Vindurinn ætti því að halda gasmenguninni að mestu frá byggðum bólum.
Good evening everyone.
An eruption began on the Sundhnúkar volcanic lineament at ~22:17 in the evening of 18 December with a curtain of fire along a 4 km-long volcanic fissure, extending from north side of Hagafell in the south and just past Stóra Skógfell in the north, with magma discharge in the range of 100-200 m3/s and lava fountains rising as high as ~100 m.
The lava advances from the vents at rates close to 0.5-1 km per hour and the above values for the magma discharge-, along with the anticipated composition of the erupted magma, the current SO2 outgassing is on the order of 30 to 60 thousand tons per day or an order of magnitude more than in the 2021-23 eruptions. Sulfur dioxide reacts with atmospheric v***r to produce sulfuric aerosols / haze (= sulfuric acid droplets) and at this level in the atmosphere it takes about a day to convert half of th eSO2 mass into sulfuric aerosols, which are far more toxic than sulfur dioxide. If this eruption maintains this intensity, it will produce significant air pollution. The good news are that the wind is northwesterly and according to the forecast it will stay northerly for the next few days. Hence the eruption plume is likely to be blown away from inhabited areas.