Rooted ground Biodynamics combines an integrated form of Craniosacral Therapy to include Biodynamics and Biomechanical approaches as well as Biodynamic Massage and Integrative Therapeutic Massage to create a process oriented treatment plan. Ideally, a treatment plan would be a series of 6 treatments on a weekly basis to give the body that sense of rhythm and tracking so the client can feel the pro
cess unfold. This is a "listening" approach to bodywork so the experience is about engaging and listening to the language of the tissues as they tell their story and tell the practitioner what needs to happen next. In Craniosacral Therapy this process is listened to or felt for when the practioner makes a very light contact and can engage with the clients process via the CranioSacral System. There are many wonderful resources for information on this modality. My work has been influenced by Thomas Attlee who teaches a very integrated approach to the work as well as by Franklyn Sills who has had much influence on Craniosacral Biodynamics. The strength of his work is to teach practitioners how to listen very deeply for the health or potency in the system and to not latch on or chase tissue patterns but to hold these tensile patterns within a larger field of health and potency. This approach is very helpful to those with processes of deep trauma because it helps the client build and connect with internal resources so that they don't spiral into the trauma held in their tissue memory. You can read more about this approach at
Biodynamic Massage is a Psychotherapeutic form of massage where the clients process is listened to through different levels of tissue work. The depth and pace will be determined by listening to the sounds the digestive track will produce and be reported through a stethoscope. Naturally, we will hear regular digestive peristalsis but additionally, as we get into the session and find the most appropriate level of contact, the stethoscope will report increased and particular peristalsis when the therapist has found the right level of contact and area of the body where something most needs to happen, or what is ripe to be moved in the body. More information on this modality can be found by visiting .