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TEDxAlQudsUniversity At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-orga

nized. About TED
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 30 years ago, TED has grown to support its mission with multiple initiatives. The two annual TED Conferences invite the world's leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less. Many of these talks are then made available, free, at TED.com. TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan Nilekani, Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Sal Khan and Daniel Kahneman. The annual TED Conference takes place each spring in Vancouver, British Columbia. TED's media initiatives include TED.com, where new TED Talks are posted daily; the Open Translation Project, which provides subtitles and interactive transcripts as well as translations from volunteers worldwide; the educational initiative TED-Ed. TED has established the annual TED Prize, where exceptional individuals with a wish to change the world get help translating their wishes into action; TEDx, which supports individuals or groups in hosting local, self- organized TED-style events around the world, and the TED Fellows program, helping world-changing innovators from around the globe to amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities. Follow TED on Twitter at http://twitter.com/TEDTalks, or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/TED.

إنه من دواعي سرورنا أن نعلن عن عودة نشاط تيدكس جامعة القدس لهذا العام! كما و نعلن عن حاجتنا لطلاب مميزين للإنضمام إلى  ف...

إنه من دواعي سرورنا أن نعلن عن عودة نشاط تيدكس جامعة القدس لهذا العام! كما و نعلن عن حاجتنا لطلاب مميزين للإنضمام إلى فريق العمل.
بإمكانكم الإنضمام إلنا عن طريق تعبئة الفورم المرفق:


للتواصل و الاستفسار، الرجاء التواصل معنا عن طريق الإيميل الرسمي لنا:
[email protected]

ATTENTION! We are looking for a new organizer for TEDxAlQudsUniversity 2024. Apply now and join our family: https://form...


We are looking for a new organizer for TEDxAlQudsUniversity 2024. Apply now and join our family: https://forms.gle/nGwnKnRRJLBTyBEX9

Estimated time to complete this application is 15 minutes.

This application closes in 14 days [23rd of August 2023].

📣Our beloved TED❌AlQudsUniversity fans, Start your countdown !⏱… Our event is finally here! Less than a week separating ...

📣Our beloved TED❌AlQudsUniversity fans,
Start your countdown !⏱… Our event is finally here! Less than a week separating us from witnessing the moving speeches of brilliant speakers, accompanied by outstanding performances.
🎟 The TICKETS are limited, so don’t forget to buy yours as soon as possible.
The tickets are now available in four locations:
📍Al-Burtuqala, Al-Quds University.
📍Zeit ou Zaater, Ramallah (Rukab Street).
📍Zuwadeh, Beit Jala.
📍Nordic, Jerusalem.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Stay tuned for our surprises 🔜🔜

لكل محبين TEDx جامعة القدس ..
بدأنا العد التنازلي ليومنا المميز و لنشهد الخطابات المميزة من متحدثينا 😍😍
أقل من أسبوع يفصلنا عن حدث TEDx في جامعة القدس أبو ديس⏱
سارعوا في شراء التذاكر ، كون الكمية محدودة جدا🎟
نقاط بيع التذاكر:
📍كشك البرتقالة ،جامعة القدس
📍زيت وزعتر ، رام الله
📍زوادة ، بيت جالا
📍نوردك، القدس

English follows,متحدثنا الثامن والأخير، صالح اليماني، مستشار إقتصادي ومؤسس معهد خطوات للنجاح الدولي، ومدرب معتمد من البو...

English follows,

متحدثنا الثامن والأخير،
صالح اليماني، مستشار إقتصادي ومؤسس معهد خطوات للنجاح الدولي، ومدرب معتمد من البورد الأمريكي في التدريبات الشبابية لريادة الأعمال، ومنسق علاقات تجارية دولية في شؤون الاستيراد والتصدير. شارك في عدة مؤتمرات دولية كمتحدث عن دور الطاقة الشبابية في إنعاش الاقتصاد الوطني والحد من البطالة في سوق العمل الفلسطيني.

يقوم بشكل مستمر على تدريب الشباب في استخدام الأزمات والظروف الصعبة لتغيير واقعهم المهني والمادي. كما يعمل على تنشيط الطاقات الشبابية الفلسطينية من خلال إحياء القطاعات المهمشة المهنية لاشراكها في منظومة العجلة الاقتصادية لزيادة تنوع الإبداع الشبابي والخدمات المتاحة لأفراد المجتمع في السوق الفلسطيني.

Welcome our 8th speaker!

Saleh Alyamani is an economic advisor and founder of Steps 4 Success Institute. He is a certified trainer by the American Board in Entrepreneurship and Neuro-linguistic programming, and is a coordinator of international business relations in importation and exportation. Alyamani presented at several international business conferences on the role of youth in reviving the national economy and decline the unemployment rates in the Palestinian market.

Alyamani trains youth on how to use crises and bad times in changing their lives personally and professionally. He continuously works to empower youth in Palestine by targeting the marginalized vocational sectors to involve them in the local economy.


يمكنكم الآن شراء التذاكر 🎟 في رام الله من
📍 زيت وزعتر، شارع ركب
زيت و زعتر Zeit ou Zaater

📢 EXCITING NEWS!! 📢THE TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE. 🎟Get Your Ticket starting from Tomorrow (17/09/2022) at 11am from Al-B...


Get Your Ticket starting from Tomorrow (17/09/2022) at 11am from Al-Burtqala (كشك البرتقالة) at Al-Quds University. 🍊

📍 Other locations where you could buy your tickets will be announced soon.

Stay tuned!

English follows,نرحب بمتحدثنا السابع!سامر شريف، من مؤسسي مجموعة تجوال سفر الشبابية التي ادخلت مفهوم التجوال ⛰️ الى اجندة...

English follows,

نرحب بمتحدثنا السابع!

سامر شريف، من مؤسسي مجموعة تجوال سفر الشبابية التي ادخلت مفهوم التجوال ⛰️ الى اجندة المؤسسات والمجموعات النشيطة الاخرى، شارك في التجوالات الالاف من الشباب الفلسطيني منذ عام 2011، ومن مؤسسي مساحة الملتقى للافكار الشبابية الابداعيّة في رام الله. يعمل مدير روّاد التنمية في فلسطين التي تمكّن الشباب الفلسطنيي عن طريق التعليم وتشجيع العمل التعاوني.🤝 يرأس مجلس إدارة مركز خليل السكاكيني الثقافي، وعضو في مجلس إدارة خزائن، ونشيط في عدة
مجموعات وشبكات ثقافية وشبابية.✨️

Welcome our seventh speaker!

Samer Sharif, is one of the founders of Tijwal Safar, which introduced the concept of touring ⛰️ to the agenda of Palestinian institutes and youth groups. Thousands of young Palestinian men and women have participated in these activities since 2011. Samer is a founder of the forum space for creative youth ideas in Ramallah, and is currently the Director of Ruwwad Al-Tanmeya in Palestine which is an organization that empowers Palestinian youth through education while encouraging voluntary and collaborative work.🤝 He is also a part of Khalil Al-Sakakini Cultural Centre and Khazen boards of directors. His work makes him an asset member in the community and a very active contributor in cultural and youth groups.✨️

English follows,!نرحب بمتحدثتنا السادسة منى أبو رميشان فلسطينية ممثلة وكوميدية أمريكية/بريطانية. وهي أيضا مؤلفة، ومخرجة،...

English follows,

!نرحب بمتحدثتنا السادسة

منى أبو رميشان فلسطينية ممثلة وكوميدية أمريكية/بريطانية. وهي أيضا مؤلفة، ومخرجة، ومدربة دولية. تقدم دورات في الكوميديا لجميع الأعمار وفئات المجتمع بهدف مساعدتهم في التغلب على الخوف والقلق بجميع أشكاله. وتسعى منى حاليًا للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه في مجالها.
وهي تتطلع لرسم الابتسامة على وجوهكم!😊

Mona Aburmishan is an international comedian, author, producer and instructor. She teaches courses in comedy to all types of people to help overcome fear in all forms. Mona is a Palestinian-American/Brit and currently pursuing her PhD in this field and looks forward to making you smile! 😊

English follows,رحبوا معنا بمتحدثتنا الخامسة! نداء عواوده مهندسة حاسوب ومبرمجة ويب💻🌐 تخرجت من جامعة القدس. عانت في طفولت...

English follows,

رحبوا معنا بمتحدثتنا الخامسة!

نداء عواوده مهندسة حاسوب ومبرمجة ويب💻🌐 تخرجت من جامعة القدس. عانت في طفولتها من الاعاقة بفعل إصابتها بشلل الأطفال.
حصولها على الدعم للنجاح جعلها تؤمن بفكرة حب العطاء. لذلك أنشأت الشركة الناشئة (جيهان) والتي تهدف لتخدم مستقبلاً مليون شخص في القطاع الصحي. ⚕️

Welcome our fifth speaker!

Nidaa Awawda, a computer engineer and web designer, 💻🌐 who suffers from a motor disability since childhood due to her infection with polio. The familial support she received to become a successful woman encouraged her to provide support to others who faced similar fates as hers. Therefore, Awawda established (JIHAN), a technology company that aims to serve one million people in the health sector.⚕️

English follows,نرحب بمتحدثنا الرابع!محمد زهيري ناشط بيئي يبلغ من العمر 16 عامًا 👦، ويكمل حاليًا دراسته في مدارس المستقب...

English follows,

نرحب بمتحدثنا الرابع!
محمد زهيري ناشط بيئي يبلغ من العمر 16 عامًا 👦، ويكمل حاليًا دراسته في مدارس المستقبل. لديه شغف كبير بمجال البيئة 🌱لذلك قام بتأسيس النادي البيئي في مدارس المستقبل "AMS Eco-Committee" في سن الرابعة عشرة لزيادة الوعي بشأن تغير المناخ وأن يكون عاملا للتغيير لجيله وبلده. أتيحت له فرص عديدة لتمثيل الشباب الفلسطيني 🇵🇸 في مؤتمرات عالمية مثل مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة لتغير المناخ لعام 2021 (Pre-COP26) في إيطاليا 🇮🇹 و Youth4Climate في نيويورك .🇺🇸

We welcome our fourth speaker!

Mohammed Zhairi is a 16 year old Environmental Activist👦, currently completing his A-Levels at Al-Mustaqbal Schools (AMS). He founded the “AMS Eco-Committee” at the age of 14 out of his passion for environmental work.🌱 Zhairi wants to act as an agent of change while raising awareness about climate change within his generation and country. He had the opportunity to represent Palestinian voices 🇵🇸 by participating in International Climate Conferences such as the 2021 Pre- United Nations Climate Change Conference (Pre-COP26) in Italy 🇮🇹 and Youth4Climate in New York. 🇺🇸

English follows,نرحب بمتحدثنا الثالث محمود المحتسب!مدرب رياضي 🏋🏻 ومؤثر على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، عاش حياة سابقة مليئة...

English follows,

نرحب بمتحدثنا الثالث محمود المحتسب!

مدرب رياضي 🏋🏻 ومؤثر على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، عاش حياة سابقة مليئة بالسمنة والعادات السيئة. قرر تغيير مجرى حياته والخروج من قالب عاش به سنين عديدة، فخسر أكثر من ٣٠ كيلو من الوزن، وحصل على عدة شهادات دولية بالتدريب والتأهيل البدني، بالاضافة إلى سنوات من الخبرة والتدريب تحت أيدي أمهر المدربين العالميين.
خلال مسيرته في التدريب و وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، ساعد الكثير في تغيير مجرى حياتهم، ولأول مرة هنا في تيدإكس قرر أن يشاركنا سبب هذا التغيير وسبب شغفه لمساعدة الغير والدخول في عالم السوشال ميديا.

We welcome our third speaker!

Mahmoud Muhtasib is a fitness trainer 🏋🏻 and a social media influencer. He used to obese with many bad habits, until he decided to change and break free from the mold he lived for years. Muhtasib lost more than 30 kg and received several international certificates in fitness training and physical rehabilitation, as well as trained under world's most skilled trainers.
In his career of training and social media, he has helped many adopt healthier lifestyles.
Exclusive: for the first time, Muhtasib would like to share on our platform the reason behind his passion to help others and entering the world of social media.

English Follows,نرحب بمتحدثتنا الثانية!ڤيرا بابون كاتبة، وباحثة في مجال النوع الاجتماعي،📝 وأول امرأة منتخبة لمنصب رئيسة ...

English Follows,

نرحب بمتحدثتنا الثانية!

ڤيرا بابون كاتبة، وباحثة في مجال النوع الاجتماعي،📝 وأول امرأة منتخبة لمنصب رئيسة بلدية مدينة بيت لحم عام 2012 منذ تأسيس البلدية عام 1857. كما وأنها عضو في المجلس الوطني الفلسطيني، والاتحاد العام للمرأة الفلسطينية منذ عام 2018، ولها دور فعال في التمكين السياسي للمرأة في الشرق الأوسط.⚖️✨

We welcome our second speaker!

Vera Baboun is a researcher 📝and advocate ⚖️ with an active role in the political empowerment of women in the Middle East. She was elected as the first Woman Mayor (2012) of the Bethlehem Municipal Council, since its inception in 1857.
Moreover, since 2018, Baboun has been a member of the Palestinian National Council and the General Union of Palestinian Women.✨

English Follows,أحد أهم أعلام ورواد المسرح الفلسطيني، 🎭خالد المصو من بيت جالا هو ممثل🎬، ومؤلف✍، ومدرس👨‍🏫، ومخرج📽️، ومعد ...

English Follows,

أحد أهم أعلام ورواد المسرح الفلسطيني، 🎭
خالد المصو من بيت جالا هو ممثل🎬، ومؤلف✍، ومدرس👨‍🏫، ومخرج📽️، ومعد للعديد من المسرحيات، القصص القصيرة📚، البرامج التلفزيونية🖥️ والاذاعية📻. أحب المسرح منذ صغره، مما دفعه إلى تأسيس مسرح عناد في عمر السادسة عشرة ليكون من أقدم المسارح في فلسطين ومن أكثرها تأثيرا، ونقطة انطلاق لمسيرة خالد في المسرح التي لم تقتصر على فلسطين فقط بل شملت عدد من الدول العربية والأوروبية . 🇵🇸🌍

Khalid Massou is one of the most prominent figures and pioneers of Palestinian theater. 🎭 He is an actor 🎬, author ✍, teacher 👨‍🏫, director 📽️, and has produced numerous plays, short stories 📚, TV and radio programs 🖥️📻. His love for theater started in his childhood, which led him to establish the مسرح عناد | Inad Theater at the age of sixteen; to be one of the first and most impactful theaters in Palestine, as well as a starting point for Khalid's career not only in Palestine, but also in many Arab and European counties. 🇵🇸🌍

🔊Save the date!
⭕ Looking forward to see you on 𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟲, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮! ⭕

𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗺!We are a group of passionate students coming together to make this year’s TEDxAlQudsUniversity event as en...

𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗺!

We are a group of passionate students coming together to make this year’s TEDxAlQudsUniversity event as enjoyable as can be! 🥳

Stay tuned for our upcoming list of speakers! ✨

Our event will be held on September 26, 2022. Save the date!

تعرف على فريقنا لهذا العام

نحن مجموعة من طلبة جامعة القدس من الطلاب واجتمعنا معًا لجعل حدث TEDxAlQudsUniversity لهذا العام مميزا قدر الإمكان! 🥳

ترقبوا قائمة المتحدثين لهذا العام ! ✨

سيعقد حفلنا في 26 سبتمبر 2022. كونوا بالانتظار!

Last day to apply as a speaker for TEDXAlQudsUniversity 2022!!

Last day to apply as a speaker for TEDXAlQudsUniversity 2022!!

🔊This is a call for application as a speaker at TEDxAlQudsUniversity 2022!!
Our theme for this year is 𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁.

TEDxAlQudsUniversity اجت فرصتكم للتقديم كمتحدثين على منصة 🔊
اذا عندكم فكرة أو انجاز أو قصة بتواكب موضوعنا لهاي السنة (𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁)، عبوا الطلب وشاركونا فيها!

English Application Form link: https://forms.gle/2Fj4gvUEVzPZndHi6
Arabic Application Form link: https://forms.gle/3MACn1MuiSmFFt2DA

Looking forward to read your applications!

🔊This is a call for application as a speaker at TEDxAlQudsUniversity 2022!!Our theme for this year is 𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁.TEDxAlQ...

🔊This is a call for application as a speaker at TEDxAlQudsUniversity 2022!!
Our theme for this year is 𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁.

TEDxAlQudsUniversity اجت فرصتكم للتقديم كمتحدثين على منصة 🔊
اذا عندكم فكرة أو انجاز أو قصة بتواكب موضوعنا لهاي السنة (𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁)، عبوا الطلب وشاركونا فيها!

English Application Form link: https://forms.gle/2Fj4gvUEVzPZndHi6
Arabic Application Form link: https://forms.gle/3MACn1MuiSmFFt2DA

Looking forward to read your applications!

➡ SAVE THE DATE ⬅It is official! Our conference for this year will be held on September 26, 2022. 🥳Stay tuned for more u...

It is official! Our conference for this year will be held on September 26, 2022. 🥳
Stay tuned for more updates about our speakers. 👀

ترقبونا هاي السنة! موعدنا معكم حيكون يوم الاثنين بال26 من شهر ايلول 2022. 🥳

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, 💡✨TEDxAlQudsUniversity's theme this year is: 𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁.Our aim to shed light on...

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, 💡✨TEDxAlQudsUniversity's theme this year is: 𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁.

Our aim to shed light on how every field in our community has a major turning point that changes the course of events.

We believe that by focusing our efforts on such projects and points, we could increase the efficacy of our efforts. 📈

انطلاقا برسالتنا لدعم الأفكار التي تستحق الانتشار، 💡✨ سيكون موضوعنا لهذه السنة : 𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁.

نهدف الى تسليط الضوء بأن لكل مجال في مجتمعنا نقطة تحول رئيسية سيمر بها وقد تغير مسار الأحداث.

ونأمل بمشاركتنا لهذع القصص والانجازات
أن نحفز التركيز على هذه المشاريع وزيادة فعالية جهودنا 📈.

كل عام وانتم بخير بمناسبة حلول عيد الاضحى المبارك! اعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالصحة والسلامة. ❤️🖤

كل عام وانتم بخير بمناسبة حلول عيد الاضحى المبارك! اعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالصحة والسلامة. ❤️🖤

TEDxAlQudsUniversity is back again with a new list of amazing speakers!! 🥳🤩Can you guess our theme for this year!? 🤔Leav...

TEDxAlQudsUniversity is back again with a new list of amazing speakers!! 🥳🤩

Can you guess our theme for this year!? 🤔
Leave your guess in a comment below 👇

رجعنالكم كمان مرة هاي السنة مع متحدثين مميزين ومواضيع جديدة!! 🥳🤩

فكركم ايش موضوعنا لهاي السنة؟ 🤔
اكتبولنا بالتعليقات 👇

TEDxAlQudsUniversity is back!We are delighted to announce that TEDxAlQudsUniversity will be held in the upcoming months!...

TEDxAlQudsUniversity is back!

We are delighted to announce that TEDxAlQudsUniversity will be held in the upcoming months!
NOW you have the chance to apply as a speaker for the event via this link: https://forms.gle/zbwcj7HYSgQdxt969

Make sure to follow our page for new updates.


We are very proud of you, Lina!
Great work 👍🏻

Sliman Mansour is a Palestinian painter that is considered one of the most important figures among contemporary Palestin...

Sliman Mansour is a Palestinian painter that is considered one of the most important figures among contemporary Palestinian artists. Mansour is an artist of the intifada whose work gave visual expression to the cultural concept of sumud.

Full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJZO_3k1rk&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=1

Sliman Mansour is a Palestinian painter that is considered one of the most important figures among contemporary Palestinian artists. Mansour is an artist of ...

Safa Dhaher is an experienced assistant professor that strongly believes in the importance of education in women empower...

Safa Dhaher is an experienced assistant professor that strongly believes in the importance of education in women empowerment. This strong belief of her is presented clearly in her own personal experience; for Dr Safa has decided not to let anything come in between her and her educational pursuit. Consequently, Dr Daher from the University of Trento in Italy. Dr Safa academic excellence has led her to successfully publish several articles concerning local development, sociology, and the Palestinian conflict.

Full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygMTAq87lPc&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=2

Safa Daher is an experienced assistant professor that strongly believes in the importance of education in women empowerment. This strong belief of her is pre...

Nidal Ghaith and his son, Abood, believe that the human spirit is one of ability, perseverance, and courage that no disa...

Nidal Ghaith and his son, Abood, believe that the human spirit is one of ability, perseverance, and courage that no disability can steal away. Through their determination, and life-long dedication to living their dreams to the fullest; those two challenge our understanding of the concept of disability, and offer, indeed, to redefine it.
حدودي السماء Sky Is My Limit

Full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9mPptaxEfM&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=6

نضال غيث وابنه عبود! نضال وعبود يؤمنان بأن الروح البشرية تتجلى بالقدرة والمثابرة والشجاعة التي لا يمكن لأي تحدي أن يكسرها. فمن خلال تصميمهم وتفانيهم لتحق...

Majd AbuAlrob Majd Abu Al-Rub is a fresh MD graduate from Al-Quds University, a  neuroscience researcher and a founder o...

Majd AbuAlrob Majd Abu Al-Rub is a fresh MD graduate from Al-Quds University, a neuroscience researcher and a founder of a clinical teaching initiative for medical students. Majd is currently aiming at spreading new approaches in teaching medicine, those of which can optimize patient care and reduce the rates of depression among medical students. Additionally, he considers TEDx as a gate for intellects to share their ideas, and always had the dream to be a part of it.

Full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjK5etIZfRE&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=7

Majd Abu Al-Rub is a fresh MD graduate from Al-Quds University, a neuroscience researcher and the founder of CliniKeys, a clinical teaching initiative for me...

Nadine Toukan is a Palestinian dedicated Artist, who considers art as her primary hobby and passion in life. She holds a...

Nadine Toukan is a Palestinian dedicated Artist, who considers art as her primary hobby and passion in life. She holds a Master's degree in Archaeology and a Bachelor's degree in Architecture. She worked as a planning engineer and as a design engineer, she has been painting since her early childhood. Her recent artworks bring out the unique architectural heritage of Palestine, with a special focus on the landmarks of Jerusalem's old city.

Full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2icot0aEc5I&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=8

نادين طوقان من مواليد مدينة القدس وحاصلة على شهادة الماجستير في الآثار والبكالوريوس في الهندسة المعمارية. عملت في مجال الهندسة والتخطيط الحضري والفن التشكيلي...

Jumana Kaplanian Halabi is a social activist and the founder of Psychology Spa, a non-profit company for psychological a...

Jumana Kaplanian Halabi is a social activist and the founder of Psychology Spa, a non-profit company for psychological awareness and psycho-education in Palestine. Kaplanian received a B.A. in Social Work/ Psychology from Bethlehem University in 2012. In 2014, She received an MSc in Psychology from Oxford Brookes University. Kaplanian worked on providing psychological first aid, and psycho-education to people affected by violence and conflict and she has a desire to make psychological therapy sessions accessible to everyone. Kaplanian believes that the learning process is the most powerful in leading any community transformation. Learning is her effective tool in helping the Palestinian population to improve and enhance their quality of life.

Full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NRGFW2-j80&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=4

Jumana Kaplanian is a psychologist and social activist and the founder of Psychology Spa, a non-profit company for psychological awareness and psychoeducatio...

Mazaj Ensemble فرقة مزاج is a Palestinian musical band that was established by a group of Jerusalemite youth in 2014. It...

Mazaj Ensemble فرقة مزاج is a Palestinian musical band that was established by a group of Jerusalemite youth in 2014. Its artistic production mixes between Arabic and Western classical music, and its melodies are arranged by merging these two musical styles in one unique frame that reflects a new artistic reality which is a vibrant extension of civilizations that left a cultural and musical impact on Palestine centuries ago.

The music is composed and arranged collectively by the members and founders of the ensemble: Jiries Boullata (Piano), Maral Khoury (Qanun), Osama Abu Arafeh (Oud), Mohammad Ghosheh (Violin) and Abdelsalam Sabbah (Percussion).

Full performance on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF1IWBRupfA&list=PLoCY5wRH1pZ9IX-a1-_Q-6z4a8_f07uS0&index=9

Mazaj Ensemble a Palestinian musical band that was established by a group of Jerusalemite youth in 2014. Its artistic production mixes between Arabic and Wes...



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