Our first 'review' comes from a very informed source. Maggie Menefee, Executive Director of ALIVE STL, attended on Saturday, and formalized her thoughts into an open letter:
"From the first moment of the play to the final act, the story captivates you and holds your attention to the lives of these three women. Each recounts her life in a very poignant, and at times, humorous, tender expression of hope, love, and ultimately, control by her abusive husband.
Even though this play is set at the turn of the century, the dilemma and reality of intimate partner violence still contains the same elements experienced by these women. They fall in love with the hope of marriage and happiness. Their lives turn into isolation, leaving their families behind, who protest
loudly against the “man” they are each marrying. “He is not good enough for you, he is taking your money”. The families can see what the eyes of these vulnerable women do not.
The control begins with isolation and moves quickly into shaming, making them believe they are sick, and/or unworthy of affection. Financial control, emotional control, and isolation: all are clearly components of abusive relationships. For these three women, their lives were taken violently away.
At ALIVE, we hear these stories from victims every day, recounting the fear, the physical abuse, the emotional abuse, the control over activities, who their friends are, who they can see in their families- all in the name of love.
I urge you to see this play and experience the brief lives of The Drowning Girls."
Our sincerest thanks, Maggie.
Fourth Wall Down theatre collective presents "The Drowning Girls" (by Beth Graham, Daniela Vlaskalic, and Charlie Tomlinson), at Wild Carrot, 8pm, June 22- July 14.That's pretty enticing. Maybe just get your tickets now.Or...If you'd like to hear A LOT more about the play... READ ON!----------------...