We at bluVerve specialise in the development of Software for the various sectors of the Maritime Industry. After having researched and used a fair number of applications that are tailored to Shipping and Para-Shipping Companies, we found that there is a great need for good Software that does what users need it to do. With that in mind we decided to write Software for Shipping Companies that is tai
lored to their specific sector of the Maritime Industry. In other words, we provide the employees of the companies with everything they need to perform their day-to-day tasks quickly and efficiently. Taking into account the fact that people in this industry tend to travel a lot, and that a fair number of companies have offices in more than one city, we decided to write Software that has little or no installation hassles and is accessible from anywhere. We, thus, created the Software as a Web Platform, where the only thing a user needs is a browser and his/her log-in details. Each of our modules is tailored to the sector of the Maritime Industry for which it is designed, containing more than the required minimum features, and also allows the option of adding custom features on a per company basis, so that each company can incorporate their trade secrets. The goal of bluVerve is not to increase our clients' bottom line, but to enable our clients' employees to become more efficient and more productive so that they can increase the bottom line themselves.