With their distinctive black-and-white stripes—nature’s own fingerprints—zebras are among the most remarkable animals on Earth.
They roam the African grasslands in close-knit herds, playing a vital role in the ecosystem alongside elephants, lions, and countless other species. But as wild spaces shrink, so does their freedom. If we want to keep zebras wild and thriving, we must protect the lands they call home.
This Zebra Day, let’s stand up for conservation and ensure these incredible animals always have room to roam free.
#ZebraDay #ProtectWildSpaces #RoamFree
Back in 2015, while filming for @singita_ at their Lebombo villa, we had one of those once-in-a-blue-moon moments—we came face-to-face with the “White Lion of Satara.”
Born in 2014, this rare lion was part of a pride that roams the Singita concession, and its striking white coat, caused by a recessive gene, made it truly unforgettable. White lions like this are incredibly rare in the wild, with believed to be fewer than 20 remaining.
In African mythology, it is believed that white lions were the sons and daughters of the Sun God and were gifted to man. It was one of those experiences we will never forget.
#WhiteLionOfSatara #Singita #Lebombo #RareSightings
Education is the first step in inspiring the next generation to love and protect wildlife.
The @grumetifund is making this possible by supporting young people in the communities around the Serengeti with scholarships, mentorships, and hands-on learning opportunities. From improving English skills to empowering girls through confidence-building programs, these efforts give students the tools they need to succeed and follow careers that make a difference.
By investing in education, the Grumeti Fund is not just shaping brighter futures for these kids but also for the wildlife and ecosystems they’ll grow up to protect.
#EducationForConservation #FutureWildlifeGuardians #GrumetiFund #EmpowerThroughEducation #WildlifeEducation
We had such an amazing time creating this video for Cheetah Plains, a luxury safari lodge that truly redefines the safari experience.
This shoot was extra special for us at Black Bean because, for once, our directors and their kids got to step in front of the camera instead of working behind it. It was such a fun, memorable experience—combining family time with the breathtaking beauty of the African bush.
We loved capturing the essence of Cheetah Plains: its elegance, exclusivity, and deep connection to nature.
#CheetahPlains #SustainableTravel #FamilyAdventure
2024 | Our Year in Reflection
As we reflect on 2024, we’re filled with gratitude for the incredible stories we’ve had the privilege to tell.
From the icy landscapes of Antarctica to the open plains of Tanzania, this year reminded us why we’re so passionate about filmmaking, conservation, and the meaningful connections we make along the way.
Take a moment to watch our “2024 - Our Year in Reflection” film and read the blog to see how your support has helped bring these stories to life.
Thank you for being such an important part of our journey!
#2024Reflection #YearInReview #FilmmakingJourney #MeaningfulConnections #OurYearInFilm #StoriesThatMatter #BehindTheScenes2024 #ConservationFilmmakers
Team Bean had an incredible experience filming in the coastal waters of the Galápagos Islands, testing out our fins in one of the most unique ecosystems on the planet.
These waters are home to countless rare species, including the elusive white-tip reef sharks and the endangered Galápagos penguin, making every dive an adventure.
We felt so fortunate to have the chance to explore and document this extraordinary place—it was truly a highlight of 2024.
#TeamBean #GalapagosIslands #MarineLife #CoastalEcosystems #UnderwaterFilming #BiodiversityHotspot
One year ago, our crew found themselves sailing through the middle of the Southern Ocean, en route to Antarctica.
It was one of our favourite assignments to date—being thrown into such an unknown, untamed landscape was humbling and inspiring and pushed us to grow, not just as filmmakers, but as individuals. Capturing the beauty of wildlife and an environment few have experienced was unreal.
The experience was full of challenges and beauty, leaving us with unforgettable memories and a deeper passion for what we do.
#SouthernOcean #Antarctica #Filmmakers #RemoteLocations
Earlier this year, our crew camped in the Knysna Forest while filming our documentary Elephant Alone.
We delved into the history of this ancient forest, where hundreds of elephants once roamed, discussing the bittersweet reality that only one remains today through fascinating stories and little-known facts shared by the locals we interviewed.
After a long day of shooting, we’d gather around the campfire, reflecting on what we’d learned. Those evenings became a big part of the documentary itself—us, as a crew, learning and grappling with the same questions as our audience.
Should new elephants be reintroduced to restore the forest’s legacy, or should the last elephant be left to live out its days in solitude, marking the end of an era? The experience left us all deeply connected to the story and to one another.
#ElephantAlone #KnysnaForest #SpillTheBeans #BTS
While on assignment at Sabi Sands, our crew captured this wildlife sighting.
A massive hippo was lounging in the water, its tiny ears almost comical against its huge body. In the background, a leopard rested on the riverbank, looking perfectly at ease.
As we filmed, the hippo emerged from the water, opening its mouth wide in that signature hippo style. It’s these everyday moments in nature that always leave us in awe.
#Hippopotamus #SabiSands #OnAssignment
Team Bean had the opportunity to greet the wild horses roaming near Ushuaia, Argentina.
They are a resilient group with an intriguing history, descended from settlers’ horses who braved the wild life at the edge of the world. Over generations, they’ve adapted to the chilly winds and tough terrain, growing thick coats and sturdy frames to keep cozy. They’re part of the unique spirit of Ushuaia, adding a wild charm to the landscape at the “end of the earth.”
#BTS #SpillTheBeans #WildHorses #Ushuaia #Argentina
Join us with a behind-the-scenes look at our crew on assignment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where we documented the illegal wildlife trade that’s taking a toll on the region’s wildlife.
Elephants, rhinos, and pangolins are some of the most vulnerable species, relentlessly targeted by poachers to satisfy the demands of the black market. It was shocking to see the national park’s vaults filled with confiscated ivory and bags overflowing with pangolin scales, a stark reminder of the urgent threat they face.
But there’s a reason to feel hopeful. Over the last decade, Garamba National Park has seen incredible changes, thanks to the tireless work of anti-poaching units and organisations like African Parks. Their dedication is helping to turn the tide, offering a renewed sense of hope for these magnificent animals and the future of their habitat.
#SpillTheBeans #BTS IllegalWildlifeTrade #IWT #DRC #GarambaNationalPark #AntiPoaching #AfricanParks
Over the weekend our very own Oli Caldow got married!
It was such a joyful day - where friends and family gathered to celebrate Oli and his now wife, Lee.
James was the best man (of course) and together with his best man speech, he had a video made to showcase some of the best moments we have had with Oli over the past decade.
@oli_caldow & @lee__caldow - we wish you both a very happy marriage and we love you both dearly x
Thank you @rainheart_777 for the video.