#KaysersChiefs KBRA MIA or what? Kayser's Connect trying hard to introduce the new seven-person Res Assoc to you, really hard, me darlins.
But, alas. No response. Since Kayser's Connect's Deep Throat told us who's on the committee, on Saturday, and we published the names... all schtum.
No response either to cries on WA for information about the dire water situation in Kayser's Beach.
What's happening? When will there be water again? What's the story?
The Kidd's Beach Res and Ratepayers Association took the bull by the horns and went to see the muni / city manager yesterday. Voila!
They got water. Last night.
That's what a res association is about: communication with muni and res, and action.
Where are you, KBRA?
We need to work together so you can get more than 5,5 percent voter buy-in! And... Kayser's Connect can help you tell residents what's going on! Mahalla.
Viral video
Laiza The Mop Driver
Read the story on Kayser's Connect
Take charge of your BCMM Water meter readings:
Deadline Feb 5.
Send to [email protected]
Include: the date, your name and address, your erf number, account number, the reading, Plus photo of the meter and the reading indicating consumption.
Perhaps cc yourself too. #KaysersRising #NewDaysNewWays #LuckyFishINFO brought to you by Kayser's Connect
The borehole testing site will move to the area of the social club, on about Sunday, once they've finished near the shop.
Groundwater Solutions is in Kayser's Beach to test three boreholes for capacity and drinkability.
The first borehole ran for eight hours then dried up.
But it would be pumped again to gauge a recovery period.
This, the second borehole, is also being tested.
The pump is scheduled to run for 24 hours until tomorrow morning.
Once work is concluded here, the team of three will move to the borehole near the club.
"We're helping the municipality to check how much water is in the ground," Takalani Mbadaliga told Kayser's Connect.
"We'll also take samples to the lab to see if it's suitable to drink. If not, we'll have to purify it."
The team travels around ZA testing water.
"Some water is very bad. It just stinks," he said.
"Some water is the colour of coal. And other water smells like rotten eggs."
He said Kayser's water was "clean and looking fine".
He and I took a sip.
It tasted sweet. And soft.
Beautiful day in Kayser's. Why spoil it moaning about No Wa-wa-Water?
The taps are dry. Again. Where's cllr Shabana?
Perhaps she's watching the ANC's 113th birthday rally in Khayelitsha.
Coterie of wreckers and looters, if ever there were one! Talking about the ANC's heyday and kxk about Cape Town.
Where every sanddune is the fiefdom of slumlords letting land that's not theirs to squatters.
#ANCvrotpatat #VoetsekANC
No tanker at the shop. But boy, there's beautiful fruit.
At last. Thank you, Sharief.
In other news, the waves are champagne mousse today.
So... instead of getting grumpy about The Great Unravelling, I'm taking the boogie board that the mouse chewed, and heading to the FlatSands.
I'll leave the dogs at home.
Spotty and Beentjies are resting nicely after our walk to the mussel rocks. The beds are Rather Denuded, it seems. Alas. Plunder is not only the prerogative of fat cat carpetbaggers....
Anyway, nothing can dampen a day in the sun.
Surf's up, hun. Mx
Meanwhile... here is what's left of the Shelber's flow under the bridge that links Khala and Kayser's.
Note to Facebook: Allow inclusion of video with stills, and facilitate the moving of photos in a series.
It's all happening at Buffs
ANC hides massive BCMM increases in tariff book
DA REP Sue Bentley has made a video to pinpoint how the ANC is going to make you pay MUCH MORE for your electricity.
It's not 15.31% as we've been led to believe. No! Extra charges can go up to a whopping 35%, and charges turn out higher the less you use.
That's ANC brains for you.
Increases of tariffs in cost of supply:
Prepaid from zero to R465pm. What? Really? In this economic climate?
Other categories noted in video
R70 to R782 and R108 to R1083pm.
The tariff increases likely to increase Muni debt, says Sue.
She also points out that ANC passed the budget at a meeting attended only by themselves and one opposition member.
There also was no public participation process as required by law. What's more, opposition received docs too late for judicious perusal before meeting. And some did not get them at all.
Naturally. The DA is escalating this egregiously tone-deaf matter to try and stop BCMM residents from having to pay these exorbitant fees to a Muni that's bad at service delivery and revenue collection. Thanks, ANC. We can rely on the fat guts Eastern Cape ANC to rip us off.
Fortunately, we can rely on DA to try and do something about it.
2026 here we come.
Ps. I just wish our Super Civic, from Cove Rock to Chalumna, were up and running. (I'm working on it) Because, if ever there were an issue that affects us all, it's this. Don't agonise, mense. Organise!
Damon is an accomplished and knowledgeable person but what I really like about him is that he doesn't think he's the bee's knees! I'd like him to give a talk at The Lucky Fish once there's nectar for the bees in the hives and his Ambrosia is in the bottles. Roll on spring time. Fascinating thing this beekeeping and the honey is delicious too.
Magic Made in Kayser's.
Video : Michele S