#BeReal #Vulnerability #Authenticity #ShowYourTrueSelf #RealTalk #EmbraceVulnerability #TrueConnections #HonestConversations #CourageToBeReal #VulnerableAndBeautiful #LifeCoach #IdentityCoach #TellYourStory #Thyme2BCoaching
You have gained more than you realise through your difficult journey. May you always have abundant hope to share with others
#BreastCancerAwareness #HopeForACure #PinkOctober #SurvivorStrong #TogetherWeFight #EarlyDetectionSavesLives
#BreastCancerSupport #StrengthInSisters #BreastCancerWarrior #LifeCoach #IdentityCoach #Thyme2Bcoaching
Having a mastectomy, whether it's a single or bilateral procedure, is a significant intervention, but take heart, you will get through it with the love and support of your doctors, family, and friends. Make sure to rest enough and take it slow. You have so much courage!
#MastectomyRecovery #BreastCancerAwareness #HealingJourney #StrongerThanCancer #SurvivorStrong #BreastCancerSurvivor #MastectomyWarrior #HealingAfterMastectomy #KindnessAfterMastectomy #CourageousWomen #BreastHealth #BreastCancerSupport #MastectomyLife #HopeAndHealing #ThriveAfterMastectomy #Thyme2Bcoaching #LifeCoaching #IdentityCoaching
It's important to stay grounded in the face of adversity. What is your favourite activity that grounds you? I recommend getting a journal to write down your thoughts, fears, and hopes to help calm you. Years later, this journal will still serve as an inspiration for how you walked your journey with courage.
#GroundingYourself #BreastCancerJourney #MindfulnessInCancer #StayGrounded #HealingThroughAdversity #CancerSupport #MentalWellness #BreastCancerWarrior #JournalingForHealing #InnerStrength #CalmInTheStorm #LifeCoach #IdentityCoach #Thyme2BCoaching
We often find our identity in what happens to us. I received the news of a positive breast cancer diagnosis two years ago, and the healing journey was difficult but ultimately life-changing. So today, I want to remind you that how life treats you is not who you are, and I encourage you to please go for your regular mammogram. Early detection can save your life.
#BreastCancerAwareness #EarlyDetectionSavesLives #MammogramMatters #KnowYourRisk #DetectItEarly #BreastHealth #FightBreastCancer #SaveLives #ScreeningSavesLives #SelfExam #HopeAfterDiagnosis #BreastCancerSurvivor #LifeCoach #IdentityCoach
How can we regain our calm and clarity when the world around us is ever changing? In this book, John Sanai asks us to look inwards first, to find authenticity and meaning and then look out to the ever changing world around us. It's worth the read!
"This little book is titled Mini-Flore du jardinier promeneur by Marie Cressy. It focuses on noticing the wildflowers you encounter all along your path—flowers that sometimes bloom without anyone specifically tending to them. May you find inspiration today in the beauty and new life around you, and may you learn from it.""
#StayPositive #OptimisticOutlook #PositiveVibesOnly #ChooseJoy #BrightFuture #HopefulHeart #SeeTheGood #PositiveThinking #EmbracePositivity #OptimismWins #Thyme2bcoaching #IdentityCoaching #LifeCoaching
This book is full of lovely things to make you smile, laugh relax and have a good day. Because YOU are a wonderful woman!!
Brené Brown says: “If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. This book is all about getting back up.” Hope you enjoy it!
#Resilience #StayStrong #BounceBack #OvercomeObstacles #NeverGiveUp #StrengthInAdversity #KeepPushing #RiseAbove #MentalToughness #ResilientMindset #FindYourStrength #ConquerChallenges #StayResilient #EmbraceTheJourney #ResilienceBuilding #BeautifulResilie #RisingStrong
Inner beauty is linked to a deep, intrinsic strength that helps us navigate life's ups and downs. This strength is resilience, and it is partly about tapping into your inner strength to overcome difficulties and emerge stronger.
#Resilience #StayStrong #BounceBack #OvercomeObstacles #NeverGiveUp #StrengthInAdversity #KeepPushing #RiseAbove #MentalToughness #ResilientMindset #FindYourStrength #ConquerChallenges #StayResilient #EmbraceTheJourney #ResilienceBuilding #BeautifulResilient
Inner beauty involves emotional intelligence and empathy towards others' feelings and experiences, and women who are able to understand and connect with others on an emotional level are often perceived as having inner beauty. Is this you?
#Empathy #EmpathyMatters #BeEmpathetic #EmpathyInAction #UnderstandingOthers #PracticeEmpathy #EmpathyIsKey #WalkInTheirShoes #CompassionateLiving #EmbraceEmpathy #KindnessAndEmpathy #JesusShowsUsHow
Happy Women's day! May you know that you are beautiful inside!
Inner beauty includes qualities of strength and resilience in the face of challenges, and it is so that women who demonstrate courage, perseverance, and the ability to overcome adversity, are admired for their inner strength. Today I want to encourage you, take heart, you can overcome anything. You are strong and beautiful. Have courage!
#InnerStrength #CourageousHeart #BraveSouls #StrengthWithin #FearlessSpirit #ResilientSoul #EmbraceCourage #InnerWarrior #BoldAndBrave #CourageToGrow #Resilience #CoachingTowardsCourage #LifeCoach #IdentityCoach
In uncertain times, we are ripped apart with anxiety, and our trust in the future looses its innocence as we know now that anything can happen from one second to the next. But it is exactly then that we need to call on, and awaken beauty.
#BeautyInAdversity #ResilientBeauty #BeautyThroughStruggle #StrengthAndBeauty #BeautyInChallenges #FindingBeautyInHardship #GraceInDifficulty #BeautyAmidstStrife #BeautyInHardTimes #CourageousBeauty #BeautyInCoaching
I always think that if Frances Mayes was too scared to embrace her new adventure in Italy, she would never have found her dream home and life. What a beautiful reminder to step out and have courage.
#italy #courage #change #newlife #IamNotScared #newadventure #UnderTheTuscanSun #goals #doinglife