Tour Mama Africa,just want to say thank you to the Bank of England for all there advice and assistance that we are in discussions with for the last few weeks,the Bank that will appear in the first monopoly board I designed to show the territory of Great Britain-Cape of Goodhope until the local school have created the hitlist for Franschhoek,the French Heritage board.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and my own mother that is the Rock in my life thats always there for me and her children, Hope all Mother's get spoiled today and treated like the Queen's they are in our life's.
With God by our side we will accomplish everything we set out to do!!
We will flourish where ever we Go
Tour Mama Africa International Digital UGC Marketing and Advertising Franschhoek Valley,we just want to say thank you to Edward Arendse and Gavin Adams for once again providing a professional service with a local shuttle service from Groendal to Paarl always ready to provide a service to Tour Mama Africa clients in Groendal and international.
Remember local is lekker and providing a local service to the community need local rates, yes so if you a local Transport provider in Groendal contact Tour Mama Africa how we can work together providing local tours to the community.
Thank you and once again thank you to Edward Arendse and Gavin Adams enjoy the last video we made with wishtrip,this is an Tour Mama Africa enterprise Franschhoek.
Remember much more is coming and everything is possible with God by your side wishtrip is a student project under tour Mama Africa
Local Bookings.
Email:[email protected]
Love Tour Mama Africa Travel and Tourism Student Project
We will flourish where ever we Go
#roadtrip #local #tourism #tours #celebration
Tour Mama Africa Digital UCG Marketing and Advertising Hop On Virtual Tour Chobe National Park an unspoilt safari playground in Southern Africa.
After driving a few metres along the impressive Chobe Riverfront, your guide suddenly stops and have an close encounters with the giants of Chobe.
An elephant family slowly wanders across the road, planning to take a bath. As you gaze at this amazing scene, you can hear the dull sound of heavy feet in the sand, the breathing and whiffing, and occasional trumpeting from these beautiful, mighty creatures.
One of the most awe-inspiring safari experiences is the up-close and personal meetings with wildlife at Chobe National Park, and Tour Mama Africa can assure you will have them frequently during your visit.One of the memories that you will take away from a Chobe River is that of elephants about 120.000 live in and around Chobe National Park.
Well pack your bags and strap your boots we flying to Botswana for our close up encounter with the Giants that once roamed Franschhoek.
Tour Mama Africa friend and Tour Operator in Botswana is ready to meet you and take you on Tour in Chobe National Park.
Jackal Expeditions
Bookings Tour Mama Africa Digital UCG Marketing and Advertising Franschhoek C-10
Community Development
Email:[email protected]
We will flourish where ever we Go.
#Botswana #africa #chobenationalpark #flourish #tours