Vedic Yoga

Vedic Yoga Union with the self through love, with teachings of Kriya Yoga, Meditation, Devotional Prayers and Vedanta Kriya.

Vedic Retreats was established to bring weekends of Vedic prayers, deep meditation and understanding of how to realise the soul to retreats around South Africa. Where the focus is going deeper within, guided by the Vedic traditions and ways. Alongside the retreats, we will be offering Kriya Yoga courses and initiations every month.

The Power and the Grace of Atma Kriya YogaParamahamsa Vishwananda talks about the grace and power of Kriya and Mahavatar...

The Power and the Grace of Atma Kriya Yoga
Paramahamsa Vishwananda talks about the grace and power of Kriya and Mahavatar Babaji

How Much Karma does 1 round of Kriya Yoga Burn?
One Round is 12 years! - 10 rounds is 120 years

120 years of karma being burned in 10 rounds of kriya per day, morning and evening.

It’s true, when you are practising your Kriya, and this is the difference between Kriya Yoga and other Sadhanas, other Sadhanas, don’t burn the karma, whereas Kriya Yoga, releases you.

These 12 years of karma that we are talking about, or 120 years per day, you should not take it literally as what you hear. Because these years are not human years. They are Divine years. Because Divine years and human years are different. You also have to understand, the vibration, and how karma is created, it is not that I do something, and it’s one year of karma. It’s never like that. You can do one thing and it has a regression of Karma for 1000 years.

This is the interesting part of it, because, you see, in the mind of men they think that, doing one action will result in one karma.

This is how you think about it, but in reality is not like this.

Because karma can have a regression of a really long-term, for example, you kill an animal. This karma of killing an animal can make you come to earth maybe 10 or 20 times to finish that karma. This means that a certain frequency of karma – it doesn’t mean one – the ratio of it is not 1:1. It’s the intensity of what you are doing.

So per day, it could be that you create karma for maybe a thousand lives. Just an example I’m talking about right now!

You understand? So out of these thousand lives of karma that you create per day, if you have done something very bad and you feel very guilty about it, of course, the karma is higher. So, out of these thousand, you are burning only 120! Not much.

That’s why I was explaining; that the intensity of karma depends on the action that you have been doing. Because a certain action can give you an effect of more karma.

An easy example; one of the worst things that gives you karma – One of the worst! There is a whole list of worst things. – But one of the worst things which daily people do without realising the intensity of that is? Judgement.

One of the worst things that people do every day, even without realising the intensity of the karma which such a thing does, is judgment. You constantly judge others. But that’s one of the worst things that you do every day. Unknowingly you do it, but it is there. The second is gossiping.

But there is a catching point to that, those who practice kriya yoga, have a benefit. The benefit is – Mahavatar Babaji is very merciful. He likes to see people making an effort. He waits till the endpoint where you long for Him, long for the result.

So He will give you lots of tests. But He waits to see how sincere you are. Because He doesn’t reveal Himself just like that. He reveals Himself only when you have sincerity inside of you, when you are sincere about your practice, sincere about what you really want, then He helps. At night, you know, whenever you practice your kriya, whoever practices their kriya in the morning or even when you don’t practice it in the morning, He comes and blesses you.

But Babaji comes and gives His blessing, energises you on your path, helping you. So that what is left, when He sees that you are sincere about your practice, that 120 years from the thousand which is the 880 years which are left, He removes it. That’s how merciful He is. So every day He cleanses you and renews the Kriya Shakti inside of you. He energises the blessing inside of you.

This is what Atma Kriya Yoga stands for, and it stands also for devotion because it’s only through bhakti that one becomes humble. If there is no bhakti then the other two qualities will take over: Karma and Jyaana. And if Karma and Jyaana take over then you can forget about attaining the Divine in this life. You can forget about attaining Realisation in this life.

Also, realise in the presence of the Master when you practice Kriya Yoga, you burn much more than that. That’s why when you practice your Kriya Yoga it is said firstly to call upon the Masters. When you call upon the Master automatically the Master is present there. So the effect of Kriya is stronger.

You have the Grace of Mahavatar Babaji with you, one of the greatest avatars who have ever walked the earth, which is still alive, which is still here.

So when you are practicing know that He is with you, know that I am with you and know that all the kriya saints, sages, are with you.

This is the blessing that you got while receiving the Shaktipat. The Shaktipat is not just the transfer of the Kriya energy to you.

It’s not just a key to unlock. It’s a transfer of a Grace of the Master to you. And that Grace each one of you who practice Kriya, you hold upon that Grace inside of you, you have it.

That’s why Babaji said that you are all yogis because He has made you His yogis. And as He has made you His yogis you carry His Grace and blessing with you.

So, that’s the blessing that after this life, you know, you will attain Him. And if you don’t succeed in attaining Him in this life, He will help you, of course, but if your karma is too high, like I said, you have not even a thousand lives of karma, you have a billion lives of karma, then the Grace will carry on in next life as it has carried on from last life to this life.

Because throughout lives, you know, all these thousands of years, you have been practicing also. And because He wanted you to know about Him, He has graced you with His blessing of knowing Him. And above all, He has graced you with the Supreme blessing of bhakti.

So you are very fortunate to receive this Grace, you know. You are very fortunate to be among His chosen ones. Let His Love, Let the Love which God has put inside of you radiate through you. Each time when you are practising your kriya, know that when you are invoking Him, He is next to you.

I pray to Babaji that He showers His blessings upon you, that you advance in your spiritual growth, and that your Kriya sadhana bears its fruits and that you bring His Love, His Grace, to the world. You are the carriers of His blessings, you are His apostles, so bring His Love to all. Bring His blessing to all and fear nothing! Know that He is with you.

Jai Guru Dev, it is with great happiness that we announce the beautiful direction the Divine has taken our offering. Wha...

Jai Guru Dev, it is with great happiness that we announce the beautiful direction the Divine has taken our offering. What started out as a simple vision to bring Vedic Retreats, where the focus is Vedic teachings and principles to locations outside India, has slowly grown into Vedic Yoga, where we teach and share the Vedic Life path from Vedanta Teachings, Meditation, Devotional Prayers, etc with the Kriya Yoga Centre opening in Cape Town South Africa.

AUGUST Events, Meditations, Courses • Sat 3rd - SPIRITUAL MOVIE NIGHT - 6pm - 9pmKriya Yoga Centre Newlands• Sun 4th - O...

AUGUST Events, Meditations, Courses

• Sat 3rd - SPIRITUAL MOVIE NIGHT - 6pm - 9pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

• Sun 4th - OM CHANTING - 4pm - 5pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

• Mon 5th & Tue 20th - Online Vedanta Class - 7:30pm - 8:30pm
via Zoom - contact for link

• Wed 7th & 21st - Guided Mantra Meditation - 7pm - 8:30pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands - 7 spaces (R150 pp)

• Mon 12th & Tue 27th- GROUP KRIYA PRACTICE - 6pm - 7:15pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

• Sat / Sun17th - 18th - KRIYA YOGA COURSE & INITIATION
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

• Mon 19th - FULL MOON OM CHANTING - 6:30am - 7:30pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

• Mon 26th - KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI YAGNA - 7pm - 9pm
Hout Bay Northshore

Truth is the most difficult Tapasya (austerity) to perform as it is through the mind's perception of how the senses push...

Truth is the most difficult Tapasya (austerity) to perform as it is through the mind's perception of how the senses push through the input from the material world that we justify truth in the mind, yet the Truth in the soul is always pure and we know it even when we delude ourselves and cover our consciousness so we exist with the minds control and the Driver is the Ego.

Ravana the great Asura who conquered the 10 worlds including heaven from Indra, He was always deluding His understanding of truth to Justify His decisions and the deeper the justification the deeper the delusion till there is a point where complete destruction happens.

He was advised against His actions of abducting and keeping Sita, Rama's wife by His own wife who He dismissed, He banished His own brother from Lanka who went and prostrated at Rama's feet. Even His own brother Kumbakarnan who was feared for His anger and lust when awoken from His 6 months slumber early, chastised Ravana for the Delusion of His wisdom driven by Lust and Jealousy and the untruths He was speaking to justify His actions.

Truth is always hard to speak firstly as we need to have the truth from the consciousness of the Soul, then it is its purest form and not an understanding of the mind. This consciousness of the soul truth is realised through our Sadhana and aligning our thoughts, words and deeds with the remembrance and service of the Divine. Every action done should be with the consciousness of the Divine doing it with us then the senses and mind are unable to delude us and put boundaries in place, be insecure or jealous. In union with God there is only love and Love unites that is why we say union with the Divine, it does not separate with rules and ultimatums, that is the mind and ego acting from a place of insecurity and jealousy.

The second reason this conscious Divine truth is always hard, is people want others to like them or speak good of them, they want power and control. This is a delusion as everything in the material world is temporary and one day you can be a hero and the next a villain, and when you search for that you will always fall short of uniting with your Atma. When you need to have all this from external input you are never in control of your own consciousness as your state of existence is taking from others' input to you, like a bank robber who gets more desperate for a bigger score you need to control and use people more and more until there is nothing left to take and you stand alone and empty, lifetimes from coming out of the delusion and uniting with your Atma.

It is important to realise that truth from the Soul is never spoken harshly or with anger yet it can be a hot poker to those who do not want to understand, just like Ravana who could not hear the truth and brought destruction to His entire Kingdom. Sit and be with your Atma and the Divine, allow yourself to be taken away in this union, and ask yourself each night before sleep have my thoughts, words and deeds aligned with the consciousness of Union with the Divine.

True Surrender as spoken about this Sharanagati that is said in Ch 18 verse 66 is simply allowing me to be with you as i...

True Surrender as spoken about this Sharanagati that is said in Ch 18 verse 66 is simply allowing me to be with you as i will, not as you have read or understood through your mind and senses by reading or listening. I am complete with you and without just as you are complete with me and without me, but like two lovers dancing in a dark in a large hall, we know our true love of our soul is somewhere there in the dark searching for each other, so we move, dance and search for each other moving closer, always complete yet we know the expanse and beauty of our love in this union, so when our arms embrace and we come together the love becomes its truest existence it can be.

There is no searching or anything needed simply allow yourself to surrender to the understanding of allowing me to be with you as I know is needed beyond anything you think you may know or understand. All teachings and scriptures are there to help us focus and go into something greater then the material existence of maya. My union is beyond all that and simply surrendering to be with me as i will. Until one moves past the need for identification and this illusion that can be found in there, the mind will always determine how we should meet and be in this hall, there is no freedom or surrender possible until you simply be, allowing me to be with you as I will.🙏

JGD So a huge thank you to everyone that was able to contribute to making food or supplying fruit for this morning's ser...

JGD So a huge thank you to everyone that was able to contribute to making food or supplying fruit for this morning's service to thers. 🙏🫶🏻☺️

5 of us were able to make it, mainly due to it being a weekday but thanks to everyone's generosity we were able to hand over between 60 - 70 meals to really grateful people, who were so happy that people still cared enough to come and talk to them and support them.

Vedic Retreats Upcoming Events & Retreats June / July• 9th June OM CHANTING - 4pm - 5:30pmKriya Yoga Centre Newlands• 13...

Vedic Retreats Upcoming Events & Retreats June / July

• 9th June OM CHANTING - 4pm - 5:30pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

• 13th June VEDIC YAGNA & DINNER - 6:30pm - 9pm
Hout Bay / North Shore

• 15th June HALF DAY VEDIC RETREAT - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Somerset West (Exchange R350)

• 16th June YOUNG ADULTS WALK (13- 16 y/o) - 8:30am - 2:30pm
Silvermine Dam start (Exchange R150 includes picnic)

4pm - 5:30pm
Kriya Yoga Centre Newlands

When the mind is silent the true depth of the mantra
& prayer can be understood
Cederberg Mountains

During an early morning meditation, Babaji showed me a very beautiful understanding of the spiritual funnel with the mas...

During an early morning meditation, Babaji showed me a very beautiful understanding of the spiritual funnel with the masters and the different levels as souls come to earth.

There are various levels of what can be described as 'sieves' and at the top closest to the Divine the holes/gaps in the sieves are massive and allow only the widest consciousness to be caught/stay there, as the sieves get closer to the material nature the holes/gaps become finer as the Divine consciousness shrinks and the material desire is stronger catching those that match that understanding.

Each level represents Gurus or Teachers, the ones closest to the top are able to allow us to obtain far more realisation and that is due to the consciousness the souls 'being caught' exist with at that point, meaning their self-realisation from past life work as they incarnate, and of course the masters are also existing with full consciousness.

Then the other ones all have a role to play in the uplifting of the consciousness of the soul. The bottom ones catch the greatest numbers and have the most publicity and people think they are the greatest based on the material world's understanding that quantity is the way we know the greatness of a being. In the material world that is false just as it is in the spiritual world.

But due to conditioning of the senses that is how humans value something. However, the sieves with the largest whole that catch only the most conscious souls is where God's true nature is and experienced in its fullest.

Babajis final words were: When expansion and reach are the focus, the ego will lead and those with the greatest ego will strive for the front, when realisation of the Divine is the focus, sincerity and love will come forth, and the one strives for name and fame the other strives for union with God.


OM SHREEM HREEM SHREEM MAHA LAKSHMAYA NAMAHA Mahalakshmi, also known as Goddess Lakshmi, She blesses those who pray to her with Devotion, Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, and Fortune. She is considered the embodiment of these ideals and is revered as the consort of Lord Vishnu. Inthe Rigveda, Lakshmi is not merely associated with material wealth but also symbolizes auspicious fortune. For those seeking financial stability or success, this mantra is recommended for chanting.
Full Video -

There is a beautiful 40 day meditation that Babaji gave to align ourselves to Him. I have been working on this for awhil...

There is a beautiful 40 day meditation that Babaji gave to align ourselves to Him. I have been working on this for awhile to allow people to easily to connect with Him through the meditation.

Was going to send out on Monday however they have been on my case to send out today and I realised why, it 40 Days to Guruji Birthday and is the perfect day to start 🙏☺️🥰.

The journey is yours and making it 40 days is completely up to you 🙏

For forty days consecutively, I invite you to rest awhile in quietness as I lead you in meditation to attune you to my vibration. There in only Divine Light ...

Beautiful Asato Ma Sadgamaya 1-hour chant to take you from the mind to the heart so peace will manifest inside us.ॐ असतो...

Beautiful Asato Ma Sadgamaya 1-hour chant to take you from the mind to the heart so peace will manifest inside us.

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय । Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Lead us from the unreal to the real
Lead us from darkness to light
Lead us from death to immortality
Aum peace, peace, peace!

Beautiful Asato Ma Sadgamaya 1-hour chant to take you from the mind to the heart so peace will manifest inside us.ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamay...

Om Mahavatar Vidmahe Jagat Guru Devaya Dhimai Tanno Babaji PrachodayateWho is Mahavatar Babaji?Mahavatar Babaji is a gre...

Om Mahavatar Vidmahe
Jagat Guru Devaya Dhimai
Tanno Babaji Prachodayate

Who is Mahavatar Babaji?
Mahavatar Babaji is a great yogi who has mastered the art of immortality. He is known as the father of all the modern kriya-yoga traditions. The Shaktipat Initiation transfers the grace of all kriya masters to the students, so they are protected in their practice and can rapidly advance on their spiritual path.

Mahavatar Babaji appeared more than 5000 years ago. When Mahavatar Babaji was about to leave His own body, 1800 years ago, His sister Mataji intervened saying, ‘If it makes no difference to you, then please stay in your body until everyone has attained the true purpose of their lives.’

Moved by His sister’s request, Mahavatar Babaji agreed and committed His life to serve humanity on its path toward realisation, both Self- and God-realisation. He is still alive today, residing in the remote regions of the Himalayas.

This knowledge is imperishable, eternal. Once enlightenment arises in you, you will realise that you always had this knowledge inside of you.
— Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Om Mahavatar Vidmahe Jagat Guru Devaya Dhimai Tanno Babaji PrachodayateWho is Mahavatar Babaji?Mahavatar Babaji is a great yogi who has mastered the art of i...

Om Namo NarayanayaMeaning:Om Namo Narayanaya means: the Supreme Lord is in us and we are all in Him and He gave Himself ...

Om Namo Narayanaya
Om Namo Narayanaya means: the Supreme Lord is in us and we are all in Him and He gave Himself to us.

Om Namo NarayanayaMeaning:Om Namo means: the Supreme Lord is in us and we are all in Him and He gave Himself to us.Om Namo Narayanaya is a Maha M...

śrī viṭṭhala giridhārī parabrahmane namaḥTRANSLATION:'My obeisances to the Supreme Lord Viṭṭhala, which is the refuge an...

śrī viṭṭhala giridhārī parabrahmane namaḥ

'My obeisances to the Supreme Lord Viṭṭhala, which is the refuge and protection of everyone.

śrī viṭṭhala giridhārī parabrahmane namaḥTRANSLATION:'My obeisances to the Supreme Lord Viṭṭhala, which is the refuge and protection of everyone.The mantra t...


Siddhidatri Devi
Day 9 of Navaratri celebrates the ninth form of Nava Durga called Siddhidatri Devi. She helps us spiritually with the burning of past karmas and the ability to move forward clearly.

The meaning of Siddhidatri is – “Siddhi” means Perfection and spiritual power while “Datri” means “the one who gives” that’s why she is recognized as Mata Siddhidatri. The one who gives perfection or spiritual power

As mentioned in the Devi Purana, Siddhidatri Mata was pleased with Lord Shiva’s worship and blessed Him with eight Siddhis, namely:
1. Anima – the power to reduce to the size of an atom
2. Mahima – the power to become enormous in size
3. Garima – the power to become very heavy in weight
4. Laghima – the power to become very light in weight
5. Prapti – the power to acquire anything at will at any time
6. Prakambya – the power to do anything you desire from flying to walking on water
7. Ishatva – power over all the elements of creation
8. Vash*tva – power to control all the natural forces, and power over life and death

According to an ancient belief, the ‘Ardhanareshwar’ form of Lord Shiva has Goddess Siddhidatri as His other half.

Appeased with Lord Shiva’s worship, Goddess Siddhidatri blessed Lord Shiva with the ‘Ardhanareshwar’ form, which is a symbol of the holy unification of divine feminine and male energies. In this form, half the body of Lord Shiva and half the body of Divine Mother Siddhidatri are unified.

Dressed in red, She sits on a lotus flower and In her four arms She holds a club, discus, conch, and lotus. She is surrounded on all sides by sadhus, sages, rishis, and Gods, who worship Her as Jaya or Victory.

Lotus that is fully bloomed and means she completes the blossoming of the spiritual aspirant. The kundalini shakti which was just awakening in the first chakra as Shailaputri Devi, has now travelled to the crown and fully bloomed above the head, as Siddhidatri Devi.

Worshiped by great sages and even the demons go to her for the final attainment.

The club signifies power, removes ignorance and the final blow to ego.
Discus to cut through our final karma.

Conch, signifies victory, the sound takes us back to the source.

Red dress: symbolizes action as She is always busy destroying evil, protecting, and gracing devotees.


Maha Gauri
Day 8 of Navaratri celebrates the eighth form of Nava Durga called Mahagauri, and she is worshipped on Ashtami, the eighth day of Navratri.

There are two stories of how Maha Gauri came into being:
Goddess Gauri is the kanya, unmarried girl who performed severe penance to attain Lord Shiva as her husband. Scriptures say the little girl was none other than Goddess Parvati. She performed severe penance for many years and due to this, dust settled on her skin, making her appear black. Lord Shiva was pleased with her penance and blessed her with the promise of marriage. The sacred water of the river Ganga was used to wash the soil and dust from Goddess Parvati, turning her skin white and she came to be known as Mahagauri.

The second understanding from the scriptures says the demons, Shumbha and Nishumbha, were creating havoc on earth. They could only be destroyed by Parvati’s daughter. Based on advice by Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva turned Goddess Parvati’s skin black. He teasingly called her, Kali, enraging her.

The Goddess performed severe penance and prayed to Lord Brahma to restore her complexion. Lord Brahma was pleased and told her to bathe in the Manasarovar. In the cool waters of the famed lake, Goddess Parvati’s dark skin separated from her, and took a female form. That form was called Kaushiki who went on to slay the demons. And Goddess Parvati’s form with her white complexion was called Mahagauri.

Her fair complexion is compared to the whiteness of the conch, moon and jasmine flowers. ‘Maha’ means great, and ‘Gauri’ means white. Seated on a white vrishabha, bull, Devi Mahagauri is depicted with three eyes and four arms.

Two of her arms on either side are in the varada and abhay mudras, to bless her devotees and remove all fear from their lives. Her other arms hold the trishul, trident and damaru, drum. Her clothes and ornaments are white and pure.

Looking at the depiction of this great Goddess, Her purity and calm nature come to life.
White, brilliant, pure, and shining with the absence of all colours, meaning no opinions but rather pure objectivity. White also refers to shuddha sattva, which is transcendent purity that is untainted by the qualities of material nature.
Her right hand mudra grants boons and blessings of fortune (śubhaṁ)
The Trident, Trishul represents the dissolution of past, present, and future karmas and sins
Her left hand mudra bestows fearlessness
The drum damaru sound beats to the rhythm of the cosmic vibrations and the energy is activated by the divine Mother or Shakti
In Her essence, Mahagauri is the pure, stainless shakti that vibrates the entire universe into manifestation. As a Mother, she takes care of Her children‘s karma and sins, fulfils their desires, and removes fear and sorrow, leading them to the path of virtue and self-realization.

Goddess Mahagauri is believed to be the 16-year-old unmarried form of Goddess Parvati and She represents purity, calmness, wisdom and austerity.
‘Gauri’ also signifies that she is the daughter of Giri (mountain). Mahagauri defeats all evil forces from creation. She also helps a devotee overcome the evil forces within.


Kali Mata
Day 7 of Navaratri celebrates Kali Mata, the dark night for the soul where all we hide deep inside comes up so we may free ourselves of our negative qualities, as inevitably on the spiritual path we become acutely aware of our egoistic tendencies.

Rātri means night and Kāla means time, death, black or dark. Kalaratri is the one who is beyond time, and the darkness of night.

Kalaratri Devi is the great Dark Night Mother of overcoming egotism.

She represents the unfolding of time: the reality of time on our bodies as we keep moving forward, getting older, leading us to our final destination of the soul leaving the body.

Though Her appearance appears fearful and scary, in truth She is not to be feared, because when She is pleased, She grants very auspicious fruits to spiritual aspirants. She takes aspirants beyond the darkness of attachment into the illumination of deep wisdom.

For a spiritual aspirant, this process of surrendering the ego can feel painful. Ultimately though, the removal of the darkness opens up space for the Divine Light to pe*****te our awareness, moving us into wisdom.

Kālarātri is black and naked except for her ear-ornaments on her large ears. Her lips hang open, her body is covered in oil, and she sits on a donkey.

In the war with the Demons Kali Devi, rampaged through the battle field killing everything in her path. Raktabeej had the boon that when even one drop of blood hit the ground another demon as strong as Him would manifest from the drop. As the Devi cut the demon countless times his blood was flowing everywhere and new versions of Raktabeej manifested and covered the earth. To counter this Kali drank His blood as it fell and swallowed all of Raktabeeja’s manifestations eventually killing Him.

However, Her rage was unstoppable and the Devas became terrified as who ever went before her was swallowed up. So the Deva’s approached Lord Shiva and realising only He could stop Kali He lay down in her path. As she stood on Lord Shiva she realised that she had stood on Her Husband and came to her senses and calmed down.

She has a single braid in her hair and Her hair is unbound and flies wildly in all directions. She wears a garland of skulls, and from her body emanates a light, that is as bright as fire.

She holds an iron hook in her upper left hand and a lightning bolt in her lower left hand. Her other hands are granting blessings and protection.

The donkey is strong and sure-footed as we need to be on our spiritual path.
The iron hook is beyond sharp to cut the negativity from the mind.
The lightning is diamond-hard Shakti.
Her upper right-hand grants boons to those who worship her.
Her lower right hand blesses us with fearlessness.
The single braid in her hair represents mourning.
And Her unbound wild hair shows her fierce, wild, untamed

The lightning bolt Kali Mata holds came about as Lord Shiva gave Rishi Dadhici the boon that his bones would be indestructible. Indra needed a very strong weapon with which to fight the Asuras, and so he asked the Rishi for his bones. Rishi Dadhici gladly gave up his life so that his bones could be fashioned into Indra’s weapon.


Katyayani Devi
Day 6 of Navaratri celebrates Katyayani Devi, as the sixth manifestation of Goddess Durga. She blesses Her children with purity as She destroys our negative qualities.

Katyayani Devi presides over the hidden and intangible realm, the subtle world, which eludes our sight and understanding. In this aspect, she embodies the aspects of existence that are beyond ordinary perception, symbolizing the profound mysteries and intricacies of the Divine.

The Vamana Purana recounts the tale of Katyayani's incarnation and her glorious times.

Among a group of demons who sought to appease the Gods and gain boons, Mahishasura was their leader. With the visage of a buffalo and unmatched strength, he performed rigorous penance to Lord Brahma, who granted various boons making him almost invincible and that only a woman could vanquish him.

Empowered by these blessings, Mahishasura wreaked havoc upon heaven and earth, perpetrating unspeakable atrocities against Devas and humans alike.

At the same time, Sage Katyayan longed for Devi Durga to be born as his daughter. He prayed and practised austere penance for years.

Witnessing the escalating chaos, the Tri Murthi of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva went to Sage Katyayan’s ashram and unleashed a blazing flame together, birthing Devi Katyayani, as radiant as countless suns, adorned with three eyes, eighteen arms, and flowing black hair. Revered by celestial beings, she was armed by the Gods with formidable weapons and set forth atop her lion mount to confront Mahishasura.

As she was born in Sage Katyayan’s Ashram She was called Katyayani Devi and the sage was the first to worship Goddess Durga in the form of Katyayani.

Upon encountering the goddess, Mahishasura was entranced by her beauty, opting to propose rather than battle. Unfazed, Katyayani Devi challenged him to prove his worth.

In a fierce clash, she emerged victorious, severing Mahishasura's head with her sword. Grateful for her triumph, the world hailed Katyayani as Mahishasuramardhini, the destroyer of Mahishasura.

Maa Katyayani, is the victory over evil and is depicted riding a lion with a blazing sword and lotus in her left hands, symbolizing protection and blessings. She keeps her right hands in Abhaya and Varada Mudras.

We pray to her to destroy disease, sorrow, and fear and to bless us with wealth, salvation, success, passion and a deep spiritual life.



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