How does being a contributor to the Hilton Security Initiatives benefit you?
1. Through your street captains, you have immediate escalated access to our combined SAPS lead Rapid Response Security team, if it's in the Hilton Village area; if you are experiencing a criminal act, or you have been caught/involved locally in a accident, they are there to assist.
2. If someone has gone missing, and you need people to be activated to assist in the search, our Hilton CIB volunteers (Community in Blue) and Rapid Response are quick to respond.
3. If there is poaching happening in the confines of the Hilton area, there are teams that will quickly respond.
4. You will enjoy a safer Hilton due to the regular patrols conducted by our CIB volunteers (Community in Blue) members that happen every day.
5. In the event of fire or unfortunate event you will have quick access to our quick response activation teams.
6. Your contributions towards the UCSI (Umngeni Community Security Initiative) camera surveylance for suspicious vehicles on our local roads in and around the Hilton area. This initiative is very useful in keeping criminal elements out of Hilton that would otherwise enter without our knowledge.
7. As a result of a safer Hilton your property values will continue to increase, as Hilton has become one of South Africa's most sought after places to live. Location, location, location..