The Wildebeest

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The Wildebeest This is the "Wildebeest's Guide to South Africa." It describes the towns, places, mammals, birds and

BlueGnu is my personal project to explore, photograph and describe as much of South Africa as I can. I would like to share details of South Africa's amazing variety of animals and plants as well as the places that one can visit. We are fortunate in having a good road network and some excellent game reserves. I hope that the information and photographs encourage people to do some exploring of their

own. My goal is to find a sponsor to support me and my website so that I have the time and money to fully promote South Africa!

On Wednesday we took a trip to visit Lory Park Zoo in Midrand. After our last trip to the National Zoological Garden in ...

On Wednesday we took a trip to visit Lory Park Zoo in Midrand. After our last trip to the National Zoological Garden in Pretoria, which wasn't in the greatest state, we weren't sure what to expect.

We were pleasantly surprised. It is a compact zoo that mainly focuses on birds, monkeys and big cats. The animals seemed to be in great shape and the zoo was well run. I would love some of the enclosures to be bigger but it is what it is. The big cats were really fantastic to see up close and included white lions, leopards, tiger, lynx and more. There were a number of owl species to be seen including the Giant Eagle Owl (see photo).

The zoo was busy and is a great place for families with younger kids. Food and drinks are available as well.

Visit for more information.

Did you know that today is International Leopard Day? The purpose of dedicating today to these magnificent cats is "to i...

Did you know that today is International Leopard Day? The purpose of dedicating today to these magnificent cats is "to increase the global awareness of the status of leopards as well as the threats that leopard populations are faced with." Leopard Day occurs each year on 3rd May.

Over the last two summers we have had a pair of Greater Striped Swallows nesting above our front door. After our initial...

Over the last two summers we have had a pair of Greater Striped Swallows nesting above our front door. After our initial reservations about the mess they would make they soon became part of the family. We enjoy their cheerful whistles and calls while they perch on our security gate, and miss them during their winter migration.

Last summer they had three broods with one having three chicks and the others two. This year they have had four broods with one chick leaving the nest only two days ago. I guess that they will leave us in a week or so but are sure to be back in September (I hope).

Why do you often see flies sitting on the faces of antelope and many other species of mammal? You would think that it wo...

Why do you often see flies sitting on the faces of antelope and many other species of mammal? You would think that it would drive the animal, like this female Nyala, crazy. I am sure it does but they are far more tolerant of it than us humans! Most species of fly are just after the natural secretions that come from the eyes and nostrils and are not harmful to the animal. Of course other flies like Bot Flies and Tsetse Flies are a different story.


Birds are interesting creatures. Learning more about them can be an empowering experience. If you want to start birding, consider these tips.

Great work by the Honorary Rangers removing snares in Kruger National Park. 👍

Great work by the Honorary Rangers removing snares in Kruger National Park. 👍


This Wildebeest is not a fan of hunting but realises that hunters do make a big contribution to conservation through their "sport." If hunting is your thing then you may want to visit "Huntex" this weekend at Gallagher Estate.

For those of us that prefer to shoot with cameras there are plenty of stalls that will appeal to us.

Visit for more info.

On my many visits to Rietvlei Nature Reserve I normally encounter large flocks of Pied Starlings. Strangely, on other vi...

On my many visits to Rietvlei Nature Reserve I normally encounter large flocks of Pied Starlings. Strangely, on other visits, they seem to be totally absent. They are very obliging subjects for a nature photographer!

Did you know that today is World Water Day 2024. The United Nations decided that the theme this year should be "Water fo...

Did you know that today is World Water Day 2024. The United Nations decided that the theme this year should be "Water for Peace."

I am sure many of you have already seen this elephant attack that took place in Pilanesberg Game Reserve but it is worth...

I am sure many of you have already seen this elephant attack that took place in Pilanesberg Game Reserve but it is worth watching again. I only shudder to think what it would have done to my little Hyundai Atos! 😯

While animal videos are always a cute sight on social media, one clip from Pilanesberg has viewers shocked by this scary safari incident.

This is just so cute!

This is just so cute!

"Just loungin'..." 🦁
📷 Mohammed Jinnah 📍

The Sharpe's Grysbok is a small antelope which is not too well known. It is not often active during the day preferring t...

The Sharpe's Grysbok is a small antelope which is not too well known. It is not often active during the day preferring to feed overnight. Did you know that there are two species of Grysbok? The other is the Cape Grysbok. Both are closely related to the Steenbok. I have had most luck seeing the Sharpe's Grysbok in Kruger National Park around the Olifants Camp region.

For more info on these interesting antelope go to

I once read an article about a teacher who gave his students a lesson where they each were given a dismantled weaver nes...

I once read an article about a teacher who gave his students a lesson where they each were given a dismantled weaver nest and had to re-assemble it, with one hand behind their backs. I can imagine the fun and frustration that this must have caused! The lesson must have instilled an admiration for birds amongst the students. These small birds are remarkable in the way that they construct their nests. Weavers are such a well-known group of birds in Africa and are particularly well-known as garden birds in many of the towns and cities around South Africa. They are tolerant of humans and will gladly nest and feed in their gardens.

Read more about weavers at

I am sure that lots of you are heading off on your holidays this week and I wish you all the best and safe travels.The c...

I am sure that lots of you are heading off on your holidays this week and I wish you all the best and safe travels.

The coast remains a favourite destination for South Africans and I am sure that many of you are headed for the surfing paradise of Jeffreys Bay in the Eastern Cape.

Find out more about Jeffreys Bay at

Do you think that chameleons are a lot less common than they used to be? Do you still find them in your garden? I used t...

Do you think that chameleons are a lot less common than they used to be? Do you still find them in your garden? I used to see them fairly regularly in KZN but sadly don't get them in my Gauteng garden.

Check out the on my website

The Common Flap-neck Chameleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) grows to a length of 35 cm. It feeds on a variety of insects including flies, grasshoppers and butterflies.

I suppose it's that time of year when there are plenty of baby animals in our game parks. We certainly saw plenty of you...

I suppose it's that time of year when there are plenty of baby animals in our game parks. We certainly saw plenty of young zebras and buffalos at Rietvlei. If you live in Gauteng you should consider a trip to see all the youngsters.

On an early morning visit to Rietvlei Nature Reserve on Sunday, we were lucky to see this young Black-backed Jackal. It ...

On an early morning visit to Rietvlei Nature Reserve on Sunday, we were lucky to see this young Black-backed Jackal. It was on its own and there was no sign of any adults around.

If you are in the Pretoria area and are looking for something to do today then why not visit Freedom Park. It is located...

If you are in the Pretoria area and are looking for something to do today then why not visit Freedom Park. It is located on a hill to the south of the city and consists of the //hapo interpretive centre, which is a museum that documents South Africa's history from prehistoric times to the modern day. There is also S'khumbuto which is dedicated to those who have lost their lives in the service of their country. Find out more at

Freedom Park, in Pretoria, is a memorial to all those people who have given their lives to obtain freedom in South Africa.

Have you ever seen a whale? There are a number of coastal places that you can visit where you might see a whale (and dol...

Have you ever seen a whale? There are a number of coastal places that you can visit where you might see a whale (and dolphins). Various species of whale occur off the South African coast including Southern Right Whale, S***m Whale, Humpback Whale and Killer Whale. Now is a good time to go and look for them. Read more at

Next time that you enter Kruger National Park via the Phalaborwa Gate make sure that you stop at the Masorini Archaeolog...

Next time that you enter Kruger National Park via the Phalaborwa Gate make sure that you stop at the Masorini Archaeological Site which is 12 km from the gate. A guide will take you on a tour and explain some of the exhibits. Apart from the historical aspects of the site it also gives you great opportunities to see and photograph some brightly coloured lizards.

Visit for more info.

The Mpumalanga town of Carolina is named after Magdalena Carolina Smit who was the wife of Cornelius Coetzee who establi...

The Mpumalanga town of Carolina is named after Magdalena Carolina Smit who was the wife of Cornelius Coetzee who established a settlement there in the 1880's. The town was formerly proclaimed on 15th June 1886. During the second Anglo-Boer war the town was flattened. Even the beautiful Dutch Reformed Church building was badly damaged and had to be rebuilt.

Weenen Game Reserve is located 30 km north of Estcourt in KZN. Although it doesn't have Elephant or larger predators it ...

Weenen Game Reserve is located 30 km north of Estcourt in KZN. Although it doesn't have Elephant or larger predators it is still a great game reserve to visit. Some of the mammals that you are likely to see at Weenen and Black and White Rhino, Giraffe, Red Hartebeest, Kudu, Zebra, Warthog and Common Reedbuck.

For more information visit

We all know that Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach speeds of up to 110 km per hour. So h...

We all know that Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach speeds of up to 110 km per hour. So how fast is a Leopard? Well it's pretty sluggish in comparison to a Cheetah. They have been recorded at speeds approaching 60 km per hour. Although this is slow in comparison to the Cheetah it's a lot faster than you and I can run!


Choosing a pair of binoculars to be used for serious birding is not an easy task. There are a number of aspects to take into account starting with price.

It is fair to say that the more you spend the better the binoculars and the better they will be in the field. My advice is that you should spend as much as you can afford but do not buy the cheapest on the market. They make look good on the outside, but it is the quality of what’s inside that really matters.

The next thing to consider is the pair of numbers shown on all binoculars. You may see 8X50, 10X42, 10X25 and other combinations. What do these numbers mean? The first number (eg. 8 or 10) is the magnification. Essentially it means how big the object will be when looking through the binoculars. So, a bird viewed with an 8X magnification will be smaller than one viewed with a 10X magnification. This doesn’t mean that the 10X is better than the 8X. If you are doing general birding an 8X pair is probably good enough. If you someone who like to scan 1,000 waders looking for rarities, then the 10X is more suitable.

The second number on your 8X50 or 10X42 pair of binoculars represents the diameter of the front aperture. The higher the number the more light enters the binoculars, and the brighter the image when looking through them.

There is another important consideration when choosing a pair of binoculars and that is the weight of them. If you are carrying binoculars on long walks or hikes, then weight matters. I think it is also fair to say that some female or older birdwatchers would be happier to take a lighter pair. So you would expect a pair of 10X50 binoculars to weigh significantly more than a 8X25 pair.

Lastly, you should consider the closest distance that they can focus. This may sound very odd as you tend to think that birdwatching is about seeing birds in the distance. In some habitats, such as forest, you may want to focus on a bird that is 2 or 3 metres away from you. Seeing that forests are generally gloomy you would probably need a pair that lets in more light.

Your choice of binoculars is up to you but bear the above points in mind. For most of my birdwatching “career” I have used a pair of 10X42 binoculars that were the top of the range many years ago. They are still my favourite pair of binoculars and are worth what I paid for them.


A colony of Carmine Bee-eaters makes for a spectacular sight. These beautiful birds are common in Botswana and colonies of them can be found in places such as Moremi Game Reserve.


The Ebro Delta in Catalunya, Spain, supports a vast number of breeding and migrant birds. It is a total of 320 square kilometres in extent and was declared as a natural park in 1983. Nearly 100 birds species nest in the delta and the bird checklist tops 300 with all the visiting species.

I would like to invite the birders amongst you to follow SuperBirders. Find out about birding in other countries, field ...

I would like to invite the birders amongst you to follow SuperBirders. Find out about birding in other countries, field guide reviews and more.

So, you want to see a Golden Pheasant? The male is a truly beautiful bird, and you have 3 options to see one. Firstly, you can go to a zoo, but a SuperBirder would not get much satisfaction from that approach. Option 2 is to plan a trip to one of the many countries where it has been introduced in the wild. These countries include Canada, Mexico, United States, Germany, Belgium, France, Australia, Argentina and many more. This is a feasible option but is not the real deal! There is only one real option for a SuperBirder to see a Golden Pheasant and that is to plan a trip to western China.

Read the rest of the article on


Are you travelling to Europe on a birdwatching trip with some business or family thrown in? If you are looking for a good field guide to the birds of Great Britain and Europe then the "Birds of Britain and Europe, 6th edition" might be a good choice. It is extremely well illustrated and has some good text. I do have a few niggles with it such as the small distribution maps and the very small text in places. Overall it is a worthwhile field guide to the region. Read my full review of it on the SuperBirders website:


Did you know that you’ll find nearly 800 species of birds in Australia, with almost half of them not found anywhere else. For a birdwatcher, it means an experience like no other and a chance to see some of the most unique birds on the planet.

To find out more visit



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