This system ensures that a broker is held accountable according to industry standards and receives the referrals he or she deserves. This website enables you, the client, to make yourself heard, regardless of whether you are satisfied with a broker or not. rateSAFA’s web-based client satisfaction system helps identify financial professionals based on their specialty and location. Visitors to the w
ebsite can search for an advisor by name, specialty, location or company name, among other fields. They can also complete a brief survey based on their experience of a particular individual. This survey information is collected, analysed and made publicly viewable. This allows a visitor to the website to make an informed decision about a broker based on his or her ratings. Clients are only allowed to rate a broker once every six months. This ensures that overall ratings of a particular broker is accurate. In this way the system does not become skewed and remains as unbiased and fair as possible. rateSAFA is unique in that it focuses on the performance of individual financial professionals rather than financial institutes. Since brokers act as conduits between these institutes and their clients it is crucial that clients are made aware of their level of professionalism – or lack thereof. Our rating system gives a client the ability to make an informed decision based solely on the experience of others. This provides a much more balanced synopsis of a broker’s professional integrity. In essence rateSAFA serves as an extension of the client’s personal experience. rateSAFA compliments client-advocacy groups, empowering the individual by allowing him or her to make an accurate decision about which broker will best meet their needs. In addition, the detailed information provided by clients helps financial professionals to improve their service where needed. rateSAFA’s rating system supports the financial profession by providing accurate and unbiased information to the public. Financial professionals are held accountable, ensuring that a certain level of industry professionalism is maintained. In this way the client always receives the level of service he or she deserves, without exception.