At Verify Polygraph we will offer accurate and reliable results and conduct all tests stringently in compliance with the governing bodies and regulations in order to meet and deliver the highest standards in the industry. We understand that you require peace of mind and results and at Verify Polygraph we will endeavor to meet your expectations and deliver an exceptional service to our clients. Pre
Employment Polygraphs
Once a company is interested in hiring someone for a position within their company, it makes sense for them to make sure that they know the person they are bringing into their company. Hiring on a whim or not knowing the candidate very well could open the company to the risk of theft, fraud or other dangers. Pre-employment polygraphs are an ideal way to get to know your candidate and anyone with a clear conscience should have no reluctance to taking one. Pre-employment polygraphs are not legally enforceable but the thought ‘What does he/she have to hide?’ does cross one’s mind when employing new staff. Routine / Periodic Polygraphs
Nowadays, many companies are enforcing the practice of doing routine polygraph tests periodically within the company. The test has, on numerous occasions, detected drug abuse and alcohol consumption cases in the office, other petty offences and even prospective employees being caught out with false IDs, qualifications and references. More importantly, it creates a culture of honesty and is a deterrent for wrongdoing. Specific Polygraphs
Services are mostly utilized once an incident has occurred. The polygraph test is there to both prove the innocence of the “not guilty” and the guilt of any perpetrators. Polygraph tests are quick and efficient and can eliminate the need for lengthy investigative processes. It is important to remember, however, that no one is legally obliged to undergo a polygraph test, but that reluctance to take one can arouse suspicion as to the reasons for declining. We will travel to your locations contact us for more information with regards to any questions you may have.