Ever sat around wondering when and if ever you could afford that beautiful kitchen, that magnificent bathroom, fix that bad plumbing or electrical fault that gets on your last nerve, pave the yard or even obtain those objects of necessity like fencing and burglar bars. Living in times where we are faced by ever changing economic pressures not to mention the ever increasing price of goods and servi
ces makes saving difficult and your aspirations nearly impossible. Welcome to the home of KANNIAH PROJECT SOLUTIONS, we are a Kwa-Zulu Natal based company that specialises in all your Construction, Renovations and Maintenance requirements. Whether its restoration, site preparation, a new facility or facility renovation, bathrooms to building, patios to paving, kitchens to cupboards and everything in betweenwe have the experience and personnel to provide the highest quality construction on schedule and within budget. We support our clients from project inception, to the commissioning of the fully operational facility. We also understand in today's tough times, it's easy to feel weighed down by financial burden. Paying this, settling that and meeting other financial commitments. You worry so much about where the money's going to come from, it gets hard to see the good things in life. Fortunately for you, KANNIAH PROJECT SOLUTIONScan really help you shed some of your worries.We offer payment plans that could range anywhere from 3 to 48 months, yes you read right, 48 MONTHS. This allows you to make those alterations you need in order to live a more comfortable lifestyle while at the same time meet those everyday never ending commitments.So if your budget is feeling a little weighed down, remember that KANNIAH PROJECT SOLUTIONScould really help take a load off.