We came across this big male leopard resting on a hot November afternoon. He looked like he really needed a meal, so we decided to wait and see what would transpire.
Eventually, he walked over to a nearby burrow and began digging and trying to pull out what we assumed was a large prey species. Leopards and lions are well known for showing immense strength and pulling large warthogs out of their burrows, but this sighting was a little different. Sometimes a decent meal is hard to come by for a powerful big cat, even when the prey is already dead!
Our "most likely" theory is that a warthog died of natural causes in the burrow and somehow got stuck in there, making it impossible for the leopard to extract. Any other theories will be welcomed in the comments.
We came across this big male leopard resting on a hot November afternoon. He looked like he really needed a meal, so we decided to wait and see what would tr...