the adventure
Quest is an extraordinary journey of personal enquiry. The journey is extraordinary, in the sense that it opens up possibilities for living in a way that most people have never considered. Personal enquiry because each participant makes their own unique discoveries of who they are and how they operate. Quest is about surmounting the obstacles and breaking through the barriers that p
revent so many individuals from being dynamically effective in every aspect of their daily lives. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefor all progress depends on the unreasonable man. Bernard Shaw
the weekend
The training takes place over a weekend, commencing at 09h30 on Saturday and Sunday mornings and running full day into the night. The night sessions usually end late, dependent on the amount of interaction from delegates. The basis of the seminar is a series of presentations by the seminar leader designed to challenge common sense concepts and invite questions and dialogue. Through this an extraordinary journey of personal enquiry rigorous questioning of so many concepts that are taken for granted in daily life, delegates individually come to realisations about their lives that are beyond common sense. Delegates are then invited to test or explore their personal discoveries by means of games and processes, that are designed to highlight the major components of the seminar. As a result of both the dialogue and the processes, delegates are given an opportunity to communicate any personal discoveries, in-sights or experiences with the rest of the group. Only those delegates who wish to, need do so. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein
the essence
Quest accepts that the events of your life have already happened, and as much as many people would like to go back in time and change these events, it is not possible. What is possible however is to explore the context in which we hold these events and all the attitudes, points of view, concepts and beliefs we have attached to significant events in our lives. Part of the journey is to explore the possibility of beneficially adopting a new context for our lives. This change of context, should it be meaningful, takes only an instant of time and will automatically become an integral part of life. There is nothing to remember or change or learn. I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
the objective
Quest is designed for healthy successful individuals who have an enquiring and open mind; a sense that there is more to life than they have yet discovered, and a willingness to take a risk with the possibility of enhancing their ability to experience and enjoy life. Quest is a microcosm of life and will take you beyond understanding into experiencing your truth at the level of being. Then you will be able to tap into the possibilities of being creative, being dynamic, being capable, being powerful or being whatever is important to you. Interacting with your being on a consistent basis is the mysterious ingredient of success
He who knows others is wise; He who knows himself is enlightened. Lao-tzu
after quest
It is the overwhelming consensus of those delegates who have completed the seminar, that the new aspects of themselves that they discovered in Quest, have transformed their ability to experience a greater aliveness and excitement in every aspect of their daily lives. Their ability to effectively handle and deal with stress and problems is enhanced. We do not do what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are—that is the fact. Jean Paul Sartre
The world becomes an exciting place. Awareness operates at a heightened level. Success becomes an immediate realisation rather than a distant promise. Work becomes a creative challenge, with an enhanced ability to compete at the leading edge. Relationships become a high adventure with a depth of quality and excitement . Communication becomes meaningful, productive and satisfying. Self worth becomes an automatic state of being. The world becomes an exciting place. the quest institute
Quest and related programs are offered within the scope of Quest Seminars. Founded by Buster and Wendy Sefor, the programs originate from their own life and relationship experiences as well as more than 35 years of study, teaching and involvement in a great variety of trainings, seminars and conferences throughout the world. It is from taking the principals of the seminar into their daily lives and living at risk that the seminars evolve dynamically. Only when we realise that there is no eternal, unchanging truth or absolute truth can we arouse in ourselves a sense of intellectual responsibility. Hu Shih 1891-1962
quest registration
It’s as simple as calling the Quest office. If you wish to discover more about the seminar, you can attend a public guest event or an introductory talk in the home of a Quest graduate. Call the office for details of these events. You can also call the office to complete your registration. Once registered, the office will send you details of times, venues and other logistic information. contact us
tel 079 069 4705
fax 0865 160 164
email [email protected]
banking details
Bank First National Bank
Branch 261251
Name Quest Trainings
Account No. 54481202587
Type Current/Cheque
Reference (Your Name)
graduates say...
Without a doubt, the single most mind-blowing eye-opening journey in the universe. Rated the highest because of the self-esteem this will generate - experience like no other! First Class, more significant than any other experience
Best money I’ve ever spent. The most unbelievable experience of my life. I feel that I am alive and living. The warmest humanising process I have gone through. The ultimate experience. The greatest event of my life. Best thing that’s ever happened to me. Quest is a life experience of such a significant rate that it cannot be measured. Nothing on this planet in terms of money and materialism could have given me what I took away with me this weekend. Certainly among the most profound life experiences I’ve had. An absolute climax! In the front row of life’s experiences
I could put it on a par with giving birth to my son. To me it was indescribable.
100% - The best!! In my opinion no-one needs Quest. Although if everyone did it we would be all living in an amazing and comfortable world. One of the best I have had. Although I wasn’t looking forward to it but after an hour of being there I loved it. And on the Sunday I was disappointed when it ended. Wonderful, I am sorry I did not do Quest years ago
Right up there
Extremely exciting, powerful, scary and interesting
I have this incredible ‘HIGH’ feeling like driving at high speeds on a race track in a fast car. Nothing compares with it! I can’t relate Quest to anything but I can say it changed my life, emotionally and physically. An important discovery. It overshadowed the birth of my baby
An experience that I will carry forward for the rest of my life. One of a kind
A number one experience! The best eye opener
A mind & heart blast
It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had & one of the most real as well. Eye opening – being in self denial of my true feelings
Akin to my first or**sm
The most powerful seminar I have ever partaken in. A truly great life changing experience. I have never felt so in touch with ME. Much better than drugs!! Brilliant. I gained huge insights that have already changed my perceptions of life. A great wake-up call. An experience which made my outlook on life a lot clearer. A must for self enrichment. Enlightenment to secure a richer, more meaningful life. The best thing I’ve ever done!