WORLD TURTLE DAY 💙 This female Loggerhead hung out with us for quite a while yesterday!
Thanks @natsdossantos for helping me identify this lady!
#WorldTurtleDay #SeaTurtle #ObserveAndPreserve #TurtleResearch #SodwanaBay
Have you ever danced with a dolphin? 💙 We're taking a few special people to Sodwana in May to do just that! With a surprise guest speaker ready to share her secrets with us on all things dolphin!
Shout out to Digger and the crew Da Blu Juice for this experience earlier this year!
Let's talk about the time we got stuck in traffic on the reef of Sodwana Bay! 🐟 🐟🐟 The best kind of traffic to be stuck in!
Jokes aside, this moment right here felt like we were being absorbed into this school of fish! Have you been to Sodwana? Keen to come swim with the fish? Join me in May for a SALT Escape to Sodwana Bay💙
#SALTescape_sa #Retreat #FreeDive #Sodwana #Explore
I've got something special brewing for our next retreat! Mark your calendars for MAY! Dates will be announced at the end of the month! 💙 If you love the ocean or looking for a safe place to learn more, come play with us.
Meet new friends who share the same love of all things salty! 🌊
FREE IMMERSION 🤿 a term I learned over this last weekend while completing my Wave 1 Molchanovs with Libby Meyer 💙 Boat support with Wetu Safaris
We dive from blue into the depths, the ocean isn't always clean to the bottom. Cold, nutrient rich water is pushing to the surface causing what is known as an upwelling. The dark water can be scary, but it's the ultimate energy base in the ocean for large animal populations higher in the food chain. 🐟
#Freediving #Durban #FreeImmersion #Science #SaveOurSeas #AliwalShoal
Undeniably the most magical experience 💙 now if I can just figure out how to live under water forever!
Thank you @casedelange for sharing your secrets with me!
#Durban #LocalZA #AliwalShoal #Dolphins #LeaveMeInTheSea
Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life but will surely add life to your years! <3 (Gottal love a good Pinterest quote!) Amy D RainbowRose
Kelly & Zane | 08 Aug 2015