Scenes like this is why we could never get tired of going on safari! It is always a privilege to spend time with these giants as they go about their daily activities.
Our #sightingoftheweek is without a doubt this peaceful encounter between a #blackrhino and a crocodile. As the rhino approached we were all expecting an aggressive reaction, a charge, a cloud of dust and a big splash but as you can see they were both very relaxed with the others presence.
It’s amazing how nature never seizes to amaze!
We’ve had some amazing sightings this week but our #sightingoftheweek will have to be this beautiful herd of buffalo seen at makorwane dam yesterday. Close to a hundred buffalo with so many calves came down for a drink and then disappeared again like the ghosts they are.
This is the time of year where you will have the best chance of seeing the buffalo in the Pilanesberg.