Imperial Fiat is a wholly owned subsidiary of Imperial Group (Pty) Ltd - a well established JSE listed organization and leader in diverse fields of logistics and retail. Intelligently progressive
The internet has, unquestionably, become the transaction medium of choice, revolutionizing the manner in which customers prefer to interact with service providers. Rising individualism sees customers not
only influencing self-service and multi-channel options but forming brand opinions based thereon – the future of which is destined to see CRM being measured and strengthened technologically. Imperial Fiat fully addresses these demands through intelligent, integrated infrastructure and on-line systems specifically tailored to enhance and add value to procurement decisions. Overview of on-line services and functionality:
Service bookings
Service history and projected service interval dates
Vehicle monthly repayment calculator
Car allowance tax calculator
Repayment affordability calculator
PDF brochures
Test drive bookings
Quotation request
Lead generator
Buy alerts
Used vehicle search
Service excellence
A strong product platform no longer solely builds or retains a competitive market edge. Imperial Fiat believes enhancing the entire customer experience lies not only in the provision of personal attention but, more specifically, in managed service based processes and integrated systems that ensure the consistent delivery thereof. The group has, to this end, directed its energies towards building sustainable customer satisfaction through the deployment of dedicated customer relationship specialists and tailored CRM technology throughout the channel. The sustained edge
Subsidiary of a well established holding company. Track record of success and ability to execute strategic objectives. Established brand with cemented market credibility. Operational experience and understanding of the motor retail industry. Strong financial infrastructure. Innovative product and service offering. Sustainable customer-centric focus and platform.