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Health Provider Score Have you had an experience with a doctor or at a hospital that you are convinced the world had to kn

8 RANDOM HEALTH FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW:1. Motorists who talk on cell phones are more impaired than drunk drivers with bloo...


1. Motorists who talk on cell phones are more impaired than drunk drivers with blood-alcohol levels exceeding .08.

2. Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.

3. n some parts of the world, they protect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer.

4. The word 'gymnasium' comes from the Greek word gymnazein, which means 'to exercise naked.'

5. There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee; of these, only 26 have been tested, and half caused cancer in rats.

6. There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.

7. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

8. It is possible to go blind from smoking too heavily.

VISIT: to find out some facts about the doctor you should choose for your family.

info ref:healthabc

4 Signs You’re Working Too Hard1. You’re impossible to pleaseThe food isn’t good enough, the hotel’s not convenient enou...

4 Signs You’re Working Too Hard

1. You’re impossible to please
The food isn’t good enough, the hotel’s not convenient enough, your income isn’t high enough.
The solution to these seemingly external problems is to turn inward and change your mindset. “I have all I need.”

2. You’re always running late.
Make a commitment that you’ll be five minutes early to every meeting and every event, and then tell others about it as a way forcing you to curtail the activities that are making you late.

3. You never take a mental break.
Taking mental breaks every once in a while creates opportunities for learning and enjoying new things. To incorporate them into your daily life, set up rules for yourself.

4. Your phone has become an appendage.
Never turning off your phone, or even worse, being unable to even put it down, leaves you open to constant interruptions.
Be sure to give yourself some quiet time to think, to plan, to reflect in a place where there’s no phone.

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HOW TO REMEMBER SOMETHING THAT YOU FORGOT:1. Retrace your steps.Research has found that a lot of memory is “context-depe...


1. Retrace your steps.
Research has found that a lot of memory is “context-dependent,” meaning people are better at remembering information in an environment that matches the environment in which that information was learned

2. Reconstruct your train of thought.
If you can’t physically go back to the place you were when you had the thought you’ve now forgotten, try imagining where you were, what you were doing, and how your thoughts connected to each other.

3. Recreate the original environmental cues
For example, if you were listening to a particular song or browsing a particular webpage when you had the thought you’ve forgotten, bringing up that information again will likely help you retrieve the information you forgot.

4. Think and/or talk about something else that's not related.
stores so much information along overlapping neuronal patterns, it can be easy to get stuck retrieving related but “wrong” information, such as all of the other actors who played Batman, but not the one you’re thinking of. Thinking about something else can help “reset” your retrieval

The best way to find the best doctors and remember them is to register on:

info ref: wiki img ref: collegechurch

HOW TO CURE HEADACHES WITHOUT MEDICATION1. Go for a walk.Going for a walk and getting some fresh air can do wonders for ...


1. Go for a walk.
Going for a walk and getting some fresh air can do wonders for a headache, particularly if it's caused by stress or staring at a screen for too long

2. Apply an ice pack.
Try using an ice pack to ease the throbbing in your head, by placing it on your forehead, temples, or the back of your neck. The cooling effect of the ice pack will help to relax muscles and relieve pain

3. Eat something.
Headaches are often caused by hunger. Try eating a small, healthy meal, then wait for up to half an hour for the pain to subside.

4. Turn off your computer.
Spending long periods of time staring at a computer screen is a common culprit for causing headaches. Staring at a bright screen all day puts strain on your eyes and can too easily lead to headaches.

5. Take a nap.
Find a quiet room, close the curtains and lie down on a bed or sofa. Close your eyes and focus on letting go of the tension in you shoulders, neck and back. Clear your mind, focus on your breathing and try to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

visit: to search for the best doctor in your area.

info ref: wikihow img:pelham

5 QUESTIONS FINALLY ANSWERED1. Do feet really get bigger with age?It’s certainly possible: After years of wear and tear,...


1. Do feet really get bigger with age?
It’s certainly possible: After years of wear and tear, tendons and ligaments in your feet may weaken. This can cause arches to flatten, which means feet get wider and longer.

2. How come women always seem colder than men?
The fairer s*x has a higher percentage of body fat and conserves more heat around the core. That helps keep vital organs nice and toasty but not the extremities—and when your hands and feet feel cold, so does the rest of your body.

3. How come you wake up at night to urinate but not to do anything else?
Because the sophisticated, intelligent neurons in your gut that control colon contractions, which push out waste, are also influenced by your body’s circadian rhythm, the internal clock that wakes you when it’s light out and makes you feel sleepy at night.

4. Why do we have fingerprints?
Many experts think it’s to improve grip, but a British study from a few years back suggests otherwise. Researchers found that a fingerprint’s ridges actually made it harder to hold flat, smooth surfaces, like Plexiglas, because they reduced the skin’s contact area. Instead, they think our prints might help wick water off our fingertips or allow our skin to stretch more easily, which can protect it from damage and help prevent blisters

5. Why does armpit sweat smell worse than sweat from other places?

Your body has two kinds of sweat glands. Most of those on your arms and legs secrete a mix of water and salt. But the glands in your armpits (as well as your groin) release an oily substance, which bacteria love. It’s actually the bacteria eating the oil that releases the telltale stench.

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info ref: img ref:

MEDICAL FACTS THAT WILL SHOCK YOU:1.Sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person's life expect...


1.Sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person's life expectancy.

2. People who regularly eat dinner or breakfast in restaurants double their risk of becoming obese.

3. Farting helps reduce high blood pressure and is good for your health.

4. Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on a stationary bicycle.

5. A lack of exercise is now causing as many deaths as smoking across the world, a study suggests.

6. Over 30% of cancer could be prevented by avoiding to***co and alcohol, having a healthy diet and physical activity.

7. Sleeping less than 7 hours each night reduces your life expectancy.

8. Every cigarette you smoke reduces your expected life span by 11 minutes.

9. Can of Soda a day increases your chances of getting type 2 diabetes by 22%.

10. There are more skin cancer cases due to indoor tanning than lung cancer cases due to smoking.

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5 REASONS WHY MEN DON'T GO TO THE DOCTOR:1. "I don’t have a doctor."Step one toward staying healthy is finding a doctor ...


1. "I don’t have a doctor."

Step one toward staying healthy is finding a doctor you trust. But you’ll never know if you trust one unless you try. Check your local listings for doctors in your area on

2. "There’s probably nothing wrong."

You may be right but … you’re not a doctor. That’s why you need one, to be sure. Some serious diseases don’t have symptoms. High blood pressure is one, and it can cause heart attack and stroke.

3. "I don’t have time."

There are about 8,766 hours in a year, and you want to save … two? When those two hours could save your life if you really DO need a doctor?

4. "I don’t want to spend the money."

It makes more sense to spend a little and save a lot than to save a little and spend a lot. If you think spending time with a doctor is expensive, try spending time in a hospital.

5. "I’d rather tough it out."

If pro athletes can play hurt and sacrifice themselves for the team, you ought to be able to suck it up, right? Wrong! The Game of Life is about staying healthy for a long time – a lifetime.

info ref: img ref: open clip art

MANY NEVER KNEW THIS EXISTED: Stand up WheelchairSummary:An innovative wheelchair design by Chilean physiotherapists hel...


An innovative wheelchair design by Chilean physiotherapists helps patients to move from a seated to an upright position, allowing them to see the world from a different perspective, it has been around for over 20 years yet many have not even heard of it.

HOW TO STOP SCRATCHING YOUR NOSE: 5 STEPS1. Accept that you have a problemIf you pick your nose regularly, own up to it....


1. Accept that you have a problem

If you pick your nose regularly, own up to it. A habit is something that we tend to stop noticing over time and just accept as the norm.

2. Figure out what triggers your need to pick your nose.

If it’s merely a habit, it’s likely that you just became comfortable doing it over time and now functions as a form of reassurance or something to do with your hands. On the other hand, there are legitimate reasons that might have led you to start picking your nose. For example, you may have had a medical condition that caused the nasal cavity to become itchy or filled with debris that you just had to remove to keep from going nuts.

3. Clean out your nose every morning/evening.

Try a sinus rinse that uses saline to wash out the place in your nose where the mucus originates. Eliminating the bo**er source eliminates bo**er creation. No bo**ers, no urge to pick.

4. Change your behavior.

Some say habits take 21 days to break. For the next 21 days you have a task to stop picking that nose and to find something else to do with your errant fingers.

5. Ask others to help you

Choose people whom you trust and are intimate friends and ask them kindly restrain your nose-picking habit by pointing out gently to you each time they view it.

info ref: Wiki

Visit: to find a doctor in your area

THINKING SMART:5 WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR IQ1. Expose yourselfBe active in your community, with social media, and with the ...


1. Expose yourself

Be active in your community, with social media, and with the world around you. The more you are involved with other people, with other opinions, and other ideas, the more you will learn.

2. Listen to music.

Not just classical music but any music that you like. It has been shown that by listening to music that you enjoy improves your I.Q. by a few points. You can also listen to music while working, provided it does not affect your concentration on the task.

3. Read voraciously

Reading enhances the mind's ability to comprehend, as well as encouraging you to think critically. Reading a book that you have never read before broadens your horizons, thus increasing your IQ.

4. Get physical, and exercise your body.

Keep your body fit and since it has been scientifically proven, exercising your body and brain will improve the way you think.

5. Expand your boundaries

Just like sitting at your desk all day is bad for your physical self, sitting in the same mental seat all the time is bad for your brain. To break out of that, make it a lifelong goal to continually learn new things.

STRANGE BUT TRUE: DRINKING TOO MUCH WATER CAN KILL YOU.Earlier this year, a 28-year-old California woman died after comp...


Earlier this year, a 28-year-old California woman died after competing in a radio station's on-air water-drinking contest. After downing some six liters of water in three hours in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" (Nintendo game console) contest, Jennifer Strange vomited, went home with a splitting headache, and died from so-called water intoxication.

Where did people get the idea that guzzling enormous quantities of water is healthful? In fact, drinking this much or more "could be harmful, both in precipitating potentially dangerous hypothermia and exposure to pollutants. for more info visit:

HEALTH TIP OF THE WEEK:Laughing is good for your healthPeople who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't. D...

Laughing is good for your health

People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't. Dr. Lee Berk at the Loma Linda School of Public Health in California found that laughing lowers levels of stress hormones, and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds have it best - they laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.

Info ref: doctorshangout.

Visit: to find any medical professional you need.

Top 5 Back-to-School Health Tips:1. Get vaccinatedYou, your partner and your children should all get vaccinated as early...

Top 5 Back-to-School Health Tips:

1. Get vaccinated

You, your partner and your children should all get vaccinated as early as possible in the school year. Many schools require certain vaccinations before children can enroll. Talk to your children's health care provider and your doctor to find out which ones are recommended, and consider getting the flu vaccine, too.

2. Set bedtimes

It's essential for kids (and adults!) to get a healthy amount of sleep each night to stay focused throughout the day. Although sleep requirements vary somewhat among individuals, most adults need about eight hours of sleep each night, and children and adolescents typically need more than eight hours

3. Teach good hygiene habits

With so many people around, germs are bound to be lurking in classrooms. To help your kids avoid getting sick (and prevent them from bringing germs home), it's important to show them how to protect themselves. Teach them to wash their hands after using the restroom and before going to lunch or eating a snack.

4. Stock up on healthy foods

It might be easy to pack your kids' lunches with premade snacks, but a healthy diet is of the utmost importance, and junk foods don't fit into the equation. Make it easier for yourself by stocking up on healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread and lean protein like turkey.

5. Manage stress

Back-to-school season is stressful for kids and parents alike, but too much stress can lead to a variety of health issues, like insomnia and sluggish immune systems. Help manage stress by talking to your children about anything that's bothering them, and take care not to overload anyone's schedule, including your own.

20 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD START JOGGINGSelf-confidenceWeight lossWeight maintenanceYou look youngerOdourless sweatI...


Weight loss
Weight maintenance
You look younger
Odourless sweat
Increased stamina
Increased endurance
Improved emotional state-happiness
You experience "purpose"
You seek out challenges
You accomplish more
You get a nice tan
You become better able to cope with and handle stress
You get "me time"
Become more adventurous as you begin to see opportunities
Increased motivation
Improved fitness
Decreased heart disease risk
Decreased risk of osteoporosis
Improved muscle tone
Decreased risk of high blood pressure
Improved overall sense of well being
Increased lung capacity

Please share and start jogging to keep healthy.

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THEY LIED TO US: 6 "Healthy" Foods That Are Actually Bad For You1. Wheat BreadYou can add wheat to literally any carbohy...

THEY LIED TO US: 6 "Healthy" Foods That Are Actually Bad For You

1. Wheat Bread

You can add wheat to literally any carbohydrate and label it as a wheat product. These days, you can get Whole Wheat Lucky Charms – do you really think that makes them healthy? If it isn’t 100% whole wheat, bread can contain enriched flour, which gives you a sugar spike and crash without any nutritional value. Basically, enriched flour means nutrients are stripped from the bread.

2. Dried Fruit

Sure, it’s got fiber. It also has tons of added sugar and sulfur to keep it preserved longer. YUM! Since the fruit is dried, it has at least 3 times more calories per volume than its fresh counterpart. A bag of banana chips has three times as many calories as a banana and 20% more fat.

3. Fat Free Flavored Yogurt

Say it with me: fat-free foods are NOT health foods! I always say fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar makes you fat. Most flavored yogurts pack 15 grams of sugar in 6 oz., and yes, even if they’re flavored with fruit they’re not healthy.

4. Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

One of the biggest benefits of peanuts is that they’re full of monounsaturated fats, aka good fats. Take that out of the peanut butter and what do you have left? Tons of sugar and the same amount of (now empty) calories. Typically whenever you see reduced fat in any product, it means that the fat was replaced with sugar or salt.

5. Fruit Cocktail

You may think that anything with fruit in it is healthy for you. But it’s how fruit is preserved that can make a huge difference. A cup of fruit cocktail may be around 110 calories, but has 26 grams of sugar. That is your entire daily value!

6. Protein Bars

Read. The. Label. Too many protein bars are just processed bricks of artificial ingredients and fillers. Most of them end up being not much more than a candy bar with protein sprinkled in it. You do not want to grab these as snacks, and if it has over 200 calories and more than 8 grams of sugar, leave it on the shelf!

info ref: Forbes (Jennifer daily)/ img ref:authoritynutrition

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #8:During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.Saliva pla...

During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

Saliva plays an important part in beginning the digestive process and keeping the mouth lubricated, and your mouth produces quite a bit of it on a daily basis.

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #7:Phobias you never knew existed.- Papaphobia: is the fear of the Pope.- Nomophobia: is the ...

Phobias you never knew existed.

- Papaphobia: is the fear of the Pope.

- Nomophobia: is the fear of being without your mobile phone or losing your signal.

- Anatidaephobia: is the weird fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

- Caligynephobia: is the fear of beautiful women.

- Cenosillicaphobia: is the fear of an empty beer glass.

- Didaskaleinophobia: is the fear of going to school.

In total there are 400 Phobias known to mankind, the crazy thing about this is that humans are only born with only two types of fears: The fear of falling, and the fear of load sound, everything else we learn as we grow.

Info ref: Facts Slide

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #6:Women’s hearts beat faster than men’sThe main reason for this is simply that on average wo...

Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s

The main reason for this is simply that on average women tend to be smaller than men and have less mass to pump blood to. But women’s and men’s hearts can actually act quite differently, especially when experiencing trauma like a heart attack, and many treatments that work for men must be adjusted or changed entirely to work for women.

Img ref: huffington post/ info ref: I can't see you (typepad)

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #6:Heart Attacks Occur More on MondayHeart attacks occur more often on Monday than any other ...

Heart Attacks Occur More on Monday

Heart attacks occur more often on Monday than any other day of the week. This finding comes from a European 10-year study which found Monday’s heart attack death toll is 20% higher than other days of the week. The reasons are not clear, but some people consider it’s the stress of work-reentry that causes the attacks.
photo crd:live science/info crd: beliefnet

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #5:This will make you kiss your wife/husband:Yes, that is correct; kissing could have some he...

This will make you kiss your wife/husband:

Yes, that is correct; kissing could have some health benefits. Believe it or not, scientists say that the act of kissing can help you build up a stronger immunity to germs. Dentists will certainly support the affectionate gesture, because kissing helps to clean your teeth. By swapping saliva, you wash out bacteria in your mouth. Of course, kissing makes you feel warm and cuddly inside, and may lower blood pressure. Scientists even go so far as to say kissing can help with weight loss!

Info credits: The Richest

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #4:You get a stomach lining every 3 to 4 daysDid you know that you get a new stomach lining e...

You get a stomach lining every 3 to 4 days

Did you know that you get a new stomach lining every three to four days? If you didn't, the strong acids your stomach uses to digest food would also digest your stomach.

Photo credits to: Wise geek

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #3:Taking a nap at work is good for your bossA 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertne...

Taking a nap at work is good for your boss

A 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertness, boost your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, co-author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999), says the post-nap boost can last for several hours. In addition, your heart may reap benefits from napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that that men who took naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of heart-related death.

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #2:An Upside Down WorldYour brain sees the world upside down. When the rods and cones of your...

An Upside Down World

Your brain sees the world upside down. When the rods and cones of your retina send an image to the brain—say you’re looking at a tree—the image that gets transmitted to the brain is upside down. The brain automatically rotates the image in its visual cortex. Babies learn to do this early on. It’s so automatic, you do not know you’re doing it.

UNBELIEVABLE MEDICAL FACT  #1:You are taller in the morning than in the evening.When you crawl out of the sack in the mo...

You are taller in the morning than in the evening.

When you crawl out of the sack in the morning you are at your tallest. On average, you are approximately one half inch taller when you wake in the morning, thanks to excess fluid between within your spinal discs. While you are sleeping, these fluids replenish. During the day your body has to deal with the stress of standing, so the discs become compressed and the fluid seeps out. This results in you losing a small amount of extra height.

On 9 August we celebrate National Women's Day!! Special wishes to all Healthproviderscore women. Remember, the test for ...

On 9 August we celebrate National Women's Day!! Special wishes to all Healthproviderscore women. Remember, the test for whether or not you can hold a job should not be the arrangement of your chromosomes. Make it happen!!


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Our ServiceSearch… for the healthcare professional and healthcare service provider nearest to your chosen location, or b...

Our Service

… for the healthcare professional and healthcare service provider nearest to your chosen location, or best rated and recommended by users and other medical professionals. We provide credible and accurate information with only a few clicks.

… the best Provider tailor-made for you from your electronic device of choice. The detailed information on the Provider will help you make the best quality decision for your health. We want you to get better, we want the best care for you.

… the quality of your recent interaction with the Provider. Help other users to connect with the best Provider. Help the healthcare improve or even outdo their services. We provide a key to unlocking the best potential of the Provider.



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