Got black points on your license??
You can reduce it on August 26 as part of MOI UAE 'Accident Free Day' initiative. Take the pledge to be responsible on the road.
“الداخلية” تطلق حملة “يوم بلا حوادث” تزامناً مع بدء العام الدراسي، وتكافئ الملتزمين بخصم (4) نقاط مرورية
للتسجيل: يرجى مسح الرابط “QR” أو الدخول عبر الرابط الموجود في البايو
The Ministry of Interior launches the ‘Accident-Free Day’ campaign in conjunction with the start of the school year, and rewards those who comply with a reduction of (4) traffic points.
To register: please scan the QR code or use the link in the bio.
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