Football league
What an incredible evening at the VIPS Football Tournament! 🏆 Our school hosted many teams from across Anu Dhabi for an epic competition that showcased the very best in youth football talent. The energy on the pitch was electric as players from various schools and academies battled it out, demonstrating incredible skills, teamwork and sportsmanship. 👏 Huge congratulations to all the participants - you made it an unforgettable event that had the whole community buzzing. Can't wait for the next tournament! #VIPSFootballTournament #SchoolPride #Enrichment #VirginiaInternationalPrivateSchool #VIPS #PreKG #KG #Elementary #Secondary #PrivateSchool #AldarEducation #AmericanCurriculum #AdmissionOpen #OpenDay #abudhabischool
Virginia International Private School extends heartfelt good wishes and blessings to everyone in our learning community on this joyous occasion.
Eid Mubarak to one and all
تتقدم مدرسة فرجينيا الدولية الخاصة بأطيب التهاني والتبريكات للجميع في مجتمعنا التعليمي بهذه المناسبة السعيدة.
عيد فطر مبارك
تتقدم إدارة مدرسة فرجينيا الدولية الخاصة بأحر التهاني والتبريكات لدولتنا وقيادتنا الرشيدة وللأمتين العربية والإسلامية ،بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك، أعاده الله على الجميع بالخير والبركات وتقبل الله منكم صالح الأعمال.
الرياضة تنمي العقل والجسم، فالعقل السليم يدعمه جسم سليم، جانب من اليوم الرياضي لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائية في مدرستنا. Sports play a crucial role in developing the brain and body, supporting overall health. This is a key aspect of our primary school students' sports day. #VirginiaInternationalPrivateSchool #VIPS #PreKG #Elementary #Secondary #PrivateSchool #AldarEducation #AmericanCurriculum #AdmissionOpen #abudhabischool @aldareducation
Secondary Department Science Fair
جانب من إبداعات طلابنا في معرض العلوم الذي نظمه قسم المرحلة الثانوية في مدرسة فرجينيا الدولية الخاصة.
Part of our science fair that is organized by our creative students of the secondary school department in our school.
#VirginiaInternationalPrivateSchool #VIPS #PreKG #Elementary #Secondary #PrivateSchool #AldarEducation #AmericanCurriculum #AdmissionOpen #abudhabischool @aldareducation
KG Star of the Week
KG Department Star of the Week January 15-19. 🎉👏🏽
#VirginiaInternationalPrivateSchool #VIPS #Americancurriculum #abudhabischool #aldareducation
Pre-KG and KG1 Hat Designer Competition. #VirginiaInternationalPrivateSchool #VIPS #Americancurriculum #abudhabischool #aldareducation
52nd National Day Celebrations
Virginia International Private School marks the 52nd UAE National Day with a memorable 3-day celebration! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of these festivities. #UAENationalDay #52 #heritage #CommunityUnity #aldareducation #abudhabischools #americancurriculum
#Artclass #UAEnationaldaypreparation #VirginiaInternationalPrivateSchool #aldareducation #Abudhabischools #AmericanCurriculum