Hello everyone,
I am sharing an monthly budget in Dubai this year and we need your feedback regarding my calculation of monthly living expenses. Is it correct, or would you suggest different values for certain items? Have we possibly forgotten something?
Recurring / per month:
Rent for a 1-bedroom apartment (city center): 5,500 AED
Health Insurance: 518 AED (paid by the employer) Internet: 300 AED
Mobile phone: 199 AED
Electricity, water, air conditioning, waste (DEWA - Dubai Electricity and Water Authority): 300 - 400 AED
Gas: 100 - 120 AED
Air conditioning: 250 AED (winter) - 800 AED (summer)
Public transportation: 314 AED
Food: 1,822 AED
Hairdresser: 73 AED
One-time expenses:
Ejari: 222 AED
DEWA (electricity, water, AC): 2,130 AED (refundable)
AC: 3,000 AED (refundable) - through the company "Empower" if AC is not provided by the landlord.
Application fee for Emirates ID: 70 AED (via typing center) / 40 AED (via e-form on the ICA website)
Minimum deposit in the bank: 3,000 - 5,000 AED
Best regards and thank you!