I can't help but notice so many people wearing mask while walking around. I hope they educate themselves about the mode of transmission of COVID-19. Your mask won't help you not unless someone sneezes or coughs directly into your face within 3 feet distance. Ncov is not airborne. It is not suspended in the air like varicella, no scientific studies has proven that yet.
Surface contamination is the route of transmission to majority of the infected. It is transmitted through droplets from mouth, nose and respiratory tract. Practice proper hand washing or hand rubbing with disinfectant. Ncov can stay alive for 48 hours on surfaces. Like the exposed part of you mask, which you touched to fix after touching the door k**b, staircase rails, handles on public transportation, etc.
And N95 or N98 or even N100 (if there is) won't help if it doesn't fit your face properly. Medical professionals undergo a "fit test" for N95 mask to determine the correct size we have to use. Yes, there are sizes. Most people can't tolerate wearing N95 for an hour. It is tight! It tightly hugs your face and breathing is a labor.
If you're using face masks, avoid touching your face, specially the outer part which often is contaminated. Dispose masks once wet or the elastic feels loose. Don't use washable masks unless you'll be washing them straight away.
Don't use mask unless you're sick (surgical mask, disposable) or you're a medical professional.
If you want to win the battle, know your enemy.