Emacon for Investment and Development SAE

Emacon for Investment and Development  SAE Men Who Make The Difference EMACON, headquartered in ISMAILIA, is a rapidly growing company with diverse interests In food business in GCC, and MENA markets.

At EMACON, customers come first in our corporate philosophy as we take pride in paying careful attention to every detail of their requirements. For us, fair business is the stepping stone into the industry leadership. We consider professionalism a binding commitment to our strategic business partners and strive to introduce distinctive business models and deliver the maximum value in the industry

while adhering to our values of genuineness, dedication and integrity. Determined to become in the forefront of the regions largest business houses, EMACON has outlined massive expansion plans and set consistent growth targets with intention to diversify its investment portfolio aggressively both inside and outside UAE. Vision

To be "the best and the largest"


EMACON mission is to become a highly competitive trade company satisfying the needs of clients seeking international standards and commitment to time and quality. EMACON has created an organization with culture that cares for the employees, promotes their performance and makes them feel different and proud. Objectives

Doing everything right the first time, every time and on time, with the best quality according to the agreed specifications, with a fair competitive price to meet client satisfaction. Best utilization of Arab and global resources through implementing proper procedures and management systems. It is the men who make the difference. Strategy is to be a dominant regional integrated service provider. TQM

Our total quality management is a philosophy, a set of tools and process whose output yields client satisfaction and continuous improvement. It espouses a "win - win" attitude, differentiates cost versus price, and provides added value. Human Resources

We believe that humans are our most valuable asset. Therefore, every opportunity is taken to hire, train and utilize only the most competent, professional and well experienced candidates. Health, Safety and Environment

Commitment of honor holds health management, safety and environment (HSE) issues as an integral part of our policies and procedures. Our aim is to have clean operations that safeguard our employees and other people from any harm, moreover, minimize local and global environmental damage. M.I.S

Management information system integrates financial, technical, and other information into a form for easy retrieval by all departments in order to improve efficiency and support decision making. About

The Company published since 1981 in egypt and since then the company has been a pioneer organization with a wide and diversified experience in many Food, Beverage, and FMCG fields and along its history, the company has always been at the forefront in applying the most advanced management policies and procedures that meet a burgeoning demand in GCC, and MENA for Food and Beverage market. The scope of work for

The Company offers all the, trading services, export & Import, marketing services, Trade Agencies, Food & Beverage, and Distribution, FMCG.

فريق برنامج الجدعان في لقاء مع سفير دولة باراجواي في ضيافة شركة إيماكون

فريق برنامج الجدعان في لقاء مع سفير دولة باراجواي في ضيافة شركة إيماكون

Emacon CEO Mr. Elemary in meeting with Iraqi Delegation and Romanian Delegation in   City   for signing the MOU between ...

Emacon CEO Mr. Elemary in meeting with Iraqi Delegation and Romanian Delegation in City for signing the MOU between Iraq and to Export Livestock Cattle to Iraq from

Very Soon in EGYPT .... by EMACON and Genetic Austria GmbH

Very Soon in EGYPT .... by EMACON and Genetic Austria GmbH



صفحة غير رسمية لخدمة العاملين بالمديريات المالية بوزا?




كل يوم بنفهم حملة جديدة من مزرعتي : سنتعرف من خلالها عن كل طرق الرعاية داخل المزرعة إبتداءً من مرحلة الرضاعة وحتى مرحلة العشار والولادة .
تابعونا يوميا الساعة 7 م وسيتم أعادة نشر الحملة يومى الخميس والجمعة فى نفس الميعاد


إتعرفوا على بيل، مدير مكتب التنمية الأقتصادية في USAID/مصر منذ عام ٢٠١٢! يساعد فريق بيل على في مصر من خلال تصميم برامج في مجالات المياه والصرف الصحي والزراعة والسياحة وريادة الأعمال، والتجارة. يقول بيل "أحب أن أرى مدى تأثير عملنا على حياة الناس".

يقول بيل "أحب رؤية تأثير عملنا على حياة الناس". وقال ايضاً "عندما كنت في الأقصر، التقيت بعلماء آثار مصريون يقومون بالتدريب العملي حتى يتمكنوا من استعادة كنوز مصر وفتحها للسياحة."

وعندما كنت في إسنا والبحيرة، التقيت بالمزارعين - رجال الأسرة المكافحين - متحمسين لكسب المزيد من المال بما أنهم الأن يقومون بتصدير الخضروات للخارج. بالنسبة للكثيرين، يمكنهم الأن تحمل مصاريف تعليم ابنائهم ورؤية أمل جديد للمستقبل!

بيل، شكرا لك على مساعدتك في خلق فرص كثيرة للناس في مصر ومساعدتهم على الحلم والنجاح.

Meet Bill, USAID/Egypt’s economic growth director since 2012! Bill’s team helps in Egypt by designing programs in water, sanitation, agriculture, tourism, entrepreneurship, and trade.

“I love seeing the impact of our work on people’s lives,” says Bill. “When I was in Luxor, I met young Egyptian archaeologists getting hands-on training so they can restore Egypt’s treasures and open them to tourism.

“And when I was in Esna and Beheira, I met farmers – hard-working family men – excited to make more money now that they sell their vegetables abroad. For many, they can finally afford their children’s education and can see new hope for the future.”

Bill, thank you for helping create so many opportunities for people in Egypt to dream and succeed.


في تونس مشروع جديد لبناء مزارع بكلفة 30 مليون دولار على مساحة 25 فداناً من الأراضي الصحراوية، ويحظى بدعم من الحكومة التونسية.


Oil 40.10 +3.89%


في إطار تطوير و تنمية دور القطاع الخاص الاستثماري المصري و ترسيخ فاعلية و وطنية هذا القطاع الكبير في مصر - أطلقت إيماكون مبادرتها التنموية في خلق و تكوين شراكات متنوعة مع القطاعات الحكومية المصرية و الاوروبية و خلق فرص تشاركية فريدة بين القطاع الخاص و الحكومي المصري من جهه و القطاع الخاص و الحكومي الاوروبي من جهه أخري، و ذلك علي أساس المنفعه المتبادلة و ترابط المصالح القوي و التنمية المستدامة.
انطلاقا من هذا المبدأ بدأت إيماكون في توقيع اول برتوكول تعاون يضمن خلق بيئة مناسبة لنمو الفرص التنموية و الاستثمارية بعيدا عن معوقات البيروقراطية و تضارب التشريعات بين مصر و الاتحاد الاوروبي يركز هذا البرتوكول علي مجالات التنمية الزراعية و تنمية الثروة الحيوانية و ما يتبعها من صناعات كبيرة في قطاع الصناعات الغذائية و الصناعات القائمة علي الانتاج الحيواني كصناعه الجلود و الدباغه و الورق و الصناعات الاخري المعتمده علي الانتاج الحيواني و الزراعي.


AM markets: fears for Egypt, farmer selling stymie ag rally

Are slightly revived grain prices already doing their work?

Richard Feltes, at broker RJ O'Brien, said that the strength in values in the last session was fuelled, at least in soybeans, by the "need to step up farmer selling to processors unable to replace crush" in the US.

In rival Argentina, for example, the top exporter of soy processing products soyoil and soymeal, he noted "continued tight farmer soybean holding on inflation fears", which make it worthwhile holding onto assets denominated in dollars.

And there are the "reports of increasing South American biodiesel mandates" speaking of increased local demand ahead, so also rewarding hoarding. (Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils such as soyoil.)

Gains in futures, meanwhile, had been magnified by the enthusiasm to cover short positions, after data late last week showed hedge funds holding a near-record net short in US-traded ags overall.

Overall, the last session's upbeat note represented "a fresh attempt to attract row crops into commercial/end user pipeline—an exercise that will be accomplished readily, leaving [futures] vulnerable to renewed selling", Mr Feltes said.

And, indeed, futures eased back on Wednesday, with March soybeans, for instance, down 0.2% in Chicago at $4.90 ½ a bushel as of 08:30 UK time (02:30 Chicago time).

'Pretty close to ideal'

There were some other bearish pressures to factor in too, with CHS Hedging noting that "the weather in Argentina has been pretty close to ideal lately" for the corn and soybean crops in the ground.

"Brazil is seeing some dry weather and allowing for harvest to progress."

Benson Quinn Commodities said that "the failure of crude to hold early gains on Tuesday could weigh on prices moving forward", with many crops linked to energy markets via used in making biofuels.

And oil futures eased a little more on Wednesday, by 0.5% to $32.03 a barrel for Brent crude.

That was hardly helpful for soyoil values, which dropped by 0.2% to 31.56 cents a pound for March delivery, still feeling pressure too from industry data on the US crush which showed stocks of the vegetable oil as of the end of last month at 1.526bn pounds, 14m pounds above market expectations.

Credit problems?

Furthermore, Egypt is representing a thorn in the side not just for wheat markets but soybeans too, now reflecting four 30,000-tonne cargos of US soybeans on quality concerns.

"We are starting to think the country may be having a hard time securing money," said Terry Reilly at Futures International, an idea only gaining ground after Egypt rejected another load of wheat too on claims of ergot contamination.

Agritel said that the country has "now rejected a Canadian wheat boat for the same reasons of fungus ergot presence" that meant a French cargo was refused entry last month, and is now being resold.

"This is adding to the confusion and demonstrates how tough the export market is by now."

Benson Quinn Commodities, saying the trade is "lacking confidence in Egypt as trade partner, regardless of rhetoric", added that "If they need to buy wheat, they need to give the trade more consistency in the terms".



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Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00




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