#الانزلاق_الغضروفي #الانْقِرَاصُ #آلام_الظهر
#العمود_الفقري #فتق_في_الرقبة
#الامارات #دوبي #Dubai #uae #disc #lowbackpain #discherniation #discogel #lbp #Emirates #majidzohrabi #spinesurgeon #spinecare #spine_care #sciatica #دكتورمجيدظهرابي #الدكتورمجيدظهرابي #جراح_العمود_الفقري
#ديسكوجل #الديسكوجل #انزلاق_غضروفي
سندرم له شده گى يا
Crush Syndrome
در اثر آزاد شدن مواد توكسيك(سمى)
از عضلات آسيب ديده و له شده
بوجود مى آيد
رابدوميولايزيس يا تخريب فيبرهاى عضلانى
و ورود مواد داخل آنها به جريان خون
ماندن دست، پا، تنه يا كل بدن در زير آوار
يكى از شايعترين علل اين حالت است
اما ميتواند در اثر ساير انواع سوانح هم ايجاد شود
نارسائى كليوى از عوارض مهم اين سندرم بشمار ميرود
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
Crush syndrome: Also termed rhabdomyolysis, involves a series of metabolic changes produced due to an injury of the skeletal muscles of such a severity as to cause a disruption of cellular integrity and release of its contents into the circulation.
Crush syndrome (also traumatic rhabdomyolysis or Bywaters' syndrome) is a medical condition characterized by major shock and kidney failure after a crushing injury to skeletal muscle.
Crush syndrome is a medical condition characterized by significant systemic symptoms resulting from toxins released by crushed muscle tissue. Crush injuries are commonly seen in severe trauma, and include direct soft tissue destruction, bony injury and limb ischemia.
It is a reperfusion injury that appears after the release of the crushing pressure. The mechanism is believed to be the release into the bloodstream of muscle breakdown products—notably myoglobin, potassium and phosphorus—that are the products of rhabdomyolysis (the breakdown of skeletal muscle damaged by ischemic conditions).
The specific action on the kidneys is not understood completely, but may be due partly to nephrotoxic metabolites of myoglobin.
علائم شايع آبله ميمون:
تب و لرز، كوفتگى و بدن درد شديد و ساير علائم غيراختصاصى كه با تورم غدد لنفاوى همراه ميشوند
يك تا سه روز بعد علائم پوستى معمولاً
از صورت شروع و به ساير نقاط بدن منتشر ميشوند
طيف وسيع تظاهرات پوستى
از وجوه مهم تمايز و تشخيص اين بيمارى هستند
آيا احتمال پاندمى (جهانى شدن)
بيمارى آبله ميمون زياده؟
در بيمارى
كه چند روز بعد از تب و لرز،
كوفتگى و درد بسيار شديد و منتشر بدن،
با بروز اين ضايعات پوستى
مراجعه كرده
و در معاينه لنفادنوپاتى منتشر هم داره
بنظرتون آيا ممكنه
بيمارى آبله ى ميمون
(كه اين روزها اخبارش بر سر زبانهاست)
جامعه ى بشرى رو مثل كرونا زمينگير كنه؟
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion. The main difference between symptoms of smallpox and monkeypox is that monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy) while smallpox does not. The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox is usually 7−14 days but can range from 5−21 days.
Unlike SARS-CoV-2, which spreads through tiny air-borne droplets called aerosols, monkeypox is thought to spread from close contact with bodily fluids, such as saliva from coughing.1 day ago
https://www.nature.com › news
Monkeypox goes global: why scientists are on alert - Nature
In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches,
برخى از عوامل مستعد كننده ايجاد سنگ كليه:
زمينه ارثى، مصرف كم مايعات و كم آبى بدن،
رژيمهاى غذائى پرنمك، پرپروتئين و…، چاقى، خوددارى از دفع بموقع ادرار، عفونتهاى ادرارى، مصرف زياد برخى داروها مثل ويتامين سى، كلسيم،
مصرف مقادير زياد شير و ساير مواد لبنى
در زمينه ى ارثى (سنگهاى اگزالاتى)
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
Risk factors
Limiting intake of these foods may be beneficial for people who form calcium oxalate stones which is the leading type of kidney stone. Eat and drink calcium foods such as milk, yogurt, and some cheese and oxalate-rich foods together during a meal.
Drinking milk does not cause kidney stones and may in fact protect against them.
Factors that increase your risk of developing kidney stones include:
* Family or personal history. If someone in your family has had kidney stones, you're more likely to develop stones, too. If you've already had one or more kidney stones, you're at increased risk of developing another.
* Dehydration. Not drinking enough water each day can increase your risk of kidney stones. People who live in warm, dry climates and those who sweat a lot may be at higher risk than others.
* Certain diets. Eating a diet that's high in protein, sodium (salt) and sugar may increase your risk of some types of kidney stones. This is especially true with a high-sodium diet. Too much salt in your diet increases the amount of calcium your kidneys must filter and significantly increases your risk of kidney stones.
* Obesity. High body mass index (BMI), large waist size and weight gain have been linked to an increased risk of kidney stones.
* Digestive diseases and surgery. Gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease or chronic diarrhea can cause changes in the d
دليل كوتاهى قد در سنين بالا
معمولاً از سن چهل سالگى ببعد هر دهسال
يك سانتيمتر از طول قد كاسته خواهد شد
سرعت اين كاهش از هفتاد سالگى ببعد
بيشتر هم ميشود
تغيير ساختار مهره ها و كم آبى و كاهش ارتفاع ديسكها
و ساير مفاصل بهمراه ضعف سيستم عضلانى
اصليترين دليل اين اتفاق است
شكستگيهاى ميكرو و ماكروسكوپيك استخوانى
بدليل پوكى استخوان خصوصاً در ستون فقرات
سرعت و ميزان اين كاهش طول قد را
افزايش خواهند داد
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
Height loss is related to aging changes in the bones, muscles, and joints. People typically lose almost one-half inch (about 1 centimeter) every 10 years after age 40. Height loss is even more rapid after age 70. You may lose a total of 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5 centimeters) in height as you age.
Losing a little height as you get older is normal. Over the years, the discs between your spine's vertebrae flatten, your muscles start to lose mass and the spaces between your joints narrow. However, a significant loss in height can signal osteoporosis,
رنگ قرمز خون انسان
بخاطر تركيب پروتئينى
بنام هموگلوبين با اكسيژن است
پروتئينهاى ديگر
كه با تركيبى غير از آهن همراهند،
اغلب بى رنگ بوده
و در تركيب با اكسيژن
بجاى رنگ قرمز، سبز، آبى و با بنفش ديده ميشوند
اگر بجاى آهن، مس وجود داشته باشد،
اين تركيب بى رنگ در تركيب با اكسيژن برنگ آبى در مى آيد.
پروتئينهاى ديگرى كه ميل تركيبى چندانى با اكسيژن ندارند
خون سبز توليد ميكنند
و نوعى پروتئين بى رنگ ديگر هم در تركيب با اكسيژن
آبى رنگ ميشود
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
When you think of blood, chances are you think of the color red. But blood actually comes in a variety of colors, including red, blue, green, and purple. This rainbow of colors can be traced to the protein molecules that carry oxygen in the blood. Different proteins produce different colors.
Red Blood
Humans, along with most other animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, have red blood. We all use an oxygen-carrying blood protein, known as hemoglobin, that contains iron. It’s the iron that gives blood its dark red color in the body. When blood comes into contact with air, it turns the classic scarlet red. Some people appear to have blue blood in their veins. That’s just an optical illusion caused by the way the skin filters light.
Blue Blood
The term blue blood often refers to people related to kings and queens. But organisms with actual blue-colored blood are far from royal. They include snails, spiders, slugs, octopuses, and squid. The protein that carries oxygen in these creatures is called hemocyanin. Instead of iron, this protein contains copper. The blood appears clear when it’s not carrying oxygen. It turns blue when i
اپيستاكسى يا خون دماغ
علل زيادى داره
شايعترين اونها:
خشكى مخاط (هواى گرم و خشك)، دستكارى (خصوصاً در كودكان)، فشارخون بالا
برخى از علل ديگر:
آلرژى و عفونتها، مصرف داروهاى رقيق كننده خون، فشارخون بالا، بيماريهاى خونى،
تلانژيكتازى مخاط بينى، ضربه و…
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
The most common cause of nosebleeds is dry air. Dry air can be caused by hot, low-humidity climates or heated indoor air. Both environments cause the nasal membrane (the delicate tissue inside your nose) to dry out and become crusty or cracked and more likely to bleed when rubbed or picked or when blowing your nose.
Local trauma is the most common cause, followed by facial trauma, foreign bodies, nasal or sinus infections, and prolonged inhalation of dry air. Children usually present with epistaxis due to local irritation or recent upper respiratory infection (URI).
3 common causes of nosebleeds?
* Acute sinusitis (nasal and sinus infection)
* Allergies.
* Aspirin use.
* Bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia.
* Blood thinners (anticoagulants), such as warfarin and heparin.
* Chemical irritants, such as ammonia.
* Chronic sinusitis.
* Cocaine use.
طبق يك آمار تقريباً دو سوم افراد بالاى ١٨ سال
درجاتى از درد پاشنه را تجربه ميكنند
كه يكسوم آنها نسبتاً شديد است
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
The study, which surveyed 1,000 US adults ages 18 and older, found the majority of Americans say they have experienced foot pain (77 percent), but only a third of those would seek expert care by a podiatrist.
در لابلاى سختيها
فرصتهائى هم هست
اگرچه ممكنه بچشم همه نيان
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
In the middle
of every
difficulty lies
Albert Einstein
تب معمولاً بمعنى افزايش دماى بدن
در پاسخ به تحريكات سيستم ايمنيه
طيف وسيعى از علل بسيار مهم تا كم اهميت
ميتونن باعث تب بشن
بهترين و كم خطرترين دارو براى كنترل
تبهاى معمولى و غير مهم استامينوفنه
نام تجارى: Tylenol, Paracetamol
دوز معمول اين دارو
🟢 در اطفال: ١٠-١٥ ميليگرم هر ٤ تا ٦ ساعت
🔴 مقادير بيش از ٢/٦ گرم در روز ممنوع
🟢 در بزرگسالان: يک یا دو قرص ٣٢٥ ميليگرمى
هر ٤ تا ٦ ساعت
🔴 مقادير بيش از ٤ گرم در روز ممنوع
🔴 در بيماران كبدى و كليوى با احتياط فراوان
و فقط با تجويز پزشك
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
A fever is a temporary rise in body temperature. It's one part of an overall response from the body's immune system. A fever is usually caused by an infection. For most children and adults, a fever may be uncomfortable. But it usually isn't a cause for concern.
Acetaminophen (AA), the first antipyretic used in modern medicine, and ibuprofen have been the most widely used antipyretics, However the more recently developed dexibuprofen (DEX) series has become common in recent years. AA is recommended at doses of 10–15 mg/kg and should be administered orally once every 4 hours.
Acetaminophen is generally regarded as the safest antipyretic drug; it has minimal activity against peripheral COX-1 and has not been linked to Reye's syndrome.
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
دليل ايجاد چال گونه!
بطور معمول يكى از
عضلات صورت
بنام زيگوماتيكوس ماژور
كه از استخوان زيگوما (تصوير) منشاء ميگيره
معمولاً بطور مستقيم
به گوشه لب متصل ميشود
اما در بعضى موارد (كه ميتونه زمينه ژنتيكى داشته باشه)
در انتها به دو شاخه تقسيم و به كناره لب ميچسبد
چال گونه در واقع از فضاى بين اين دو شاخه است!
و برخلاف تصور عمومى هيچ فلجى در كار نيست!
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
In people without dimples, the zygomaticus major muscle usually begins at a bone in your cheek called the zygomatic bone. It then runs downward, connecting to the corner of your mouth.
In people with dimples, the zygomaticus major may divide into two separate bundles of muscle on its way down to the mouth. One bundle connects at the corner of the mouth. The other bundle connects below the corner of the mouth and is also tethered to the skin above it.
صرفاً جهت اطلاع!
تخمين زده ميشه كه اگر اين امكان داشت
تمام رگهاى موجود در بدن
(سرخرگها، مويرگها و سياهرگها)
در يك امتداد قرار بگيرند
خطى بطول تقريباً صدهزار كيلومتر ايجاد ميكردند!
براى درك بهتر:
محيط كره زمين حدود ٤٠ هزاركيلومتره
يعنى رگهاى ما ميتونستن نزديك ٢/٥ بار دور كره زمين بگردند!
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
If you were to lay out all of the arteries, capillaries and veins in one adult, end-to-end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles (100,000 kilometers). What's more, the capillaries, which are the smallest of the blood vessels, would make up about 80 percent of this length.
By comparison, the circumference of the Earth is
about 25,000 miles (40,000 km). That means a
person's blood vessels could wrap around the
planet approximately 2.5 times!
احتمالاً براتون پيش اومده
كه ضربه به قسمت داخل آرنج تون
يك حس درد ناخوشايند
و برق گرفتگى ايجاد كرده باشه
خم نگه داشتن آرنج
باعث درد موضعى
و خواب رفتن انگشت كوچك
نام: عصب اولنار
علائم آسيب:
درد و گرفتگى بهمراه حس گزگز
و خواب رفتگى انگشت كوچك
درمان طبى:
خوددارى از جمع نگه داشتن آرنج،
كاهش فشارهاى موضعى
و در مواردى بستن آتل
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
Cubital tunnel syndrome is treated by avoiding elbow flexion during activities and while sleeping,” says Dr. Evans. Wearing an elbow splint at night will prevent you from bending your elbow while you're asleep.
چرا استنشاق هليوم، صدا رو تغيير ميده؟
درسته كه صدا با ارتعاش تارهاى صوتى
توليد ميشه
اما اكو شدن صدا در حنجره هم
نقش مهمى در حالت صدا داره
سبكتر بودن هليوم اكوى صوت در حنجره
را چند برابر كرده
و حالت و كيفيت را تغيير ميدهد
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
براى كوتاه كردن ناخن
بهتر است كه گوشه دوطرف ناخن
از پوست بيرون بماند
(تصوير شماره يك)
اين كار باعث كاهش ريسك عفونت
و التهاب كنار ناخن شده و در انگشت بزرگ پا
احتمال فرو رفتن ناخن در بافت نرم انگشت
(يا باصطلاح عاميانه فرورفتن ناخن در گوشت)
را كاهش ميدهد
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
Ingrown toenail
Ingrown toenails are one of the most common and most painful toenail problems. It occurs when the corner or side of your toenail grows into the flesh.
This can be caused by:
* cutting your toenails too short
* cutting your toenails on a curve instead of straight across
* injuring your toenail
* having unusually large or curved toenails
پوست ما سه لايه دارد
رنگهاى تتوى دائمى به لايه وسطى
يا Derm تزريق ميشوند
بخشى از رنگ توسط ماكروفاژها
بلع و به غدد لنفاوى مجاور منتقل ميشوند
بخشى كه در ماده بين سلولى درم
و يا فيبروبلاستهاى پوست باقى ميماند
باعث ايجاد رنگ موضعى ميشود
بمرور زمان و با پايان تدريجى عمر اين سلولها
و جذب رنگدانه ها، تتو با كمرنگتر ميشود
دكتر مجيدظهرابى
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
To be clear, most of the tattoo pigment stays put after a person gets a tattoo. The ink that's not cleared away by special repair cells, called macrophages, stays in the dermis within trapped macrophages or skin cells called fibroblasts.
Tattoos breach the skin, which means that skin infections and other complications are possible, including: Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes — especially red, green, yellow and blue dyes — can cause allergic skin reactions, such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site.
Modern tattooing machines insert tiny needles into the second layer of the skin, the dermis, at a frequency of of 50 to 3,000 times per minute. This layer is composed of things such as collagen fibers, glands, blood vessels and nerves.
گوش گل كلمى!
اين چيزيه كه خيلى از ورزشكاران رزمى و كشتى
بعنوان دليلى از حرفه اى بودن،
به داشتنش مى بالند
و حتى در مواردى با روشهاى مختلف بدنبال
ايجادش هستند
اين حالت در اثر خونريزى ناشى از ضربه ها
و نكروز (ازبين رفتن و مرگ) غضروف مجاورشون
ايجاد ميشه
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi
The term cauliflower ear refers to a deformity of the ear caused by blunt trauma or other injury, such as what may occur during a boxing or wrestling match. Left untreated, the injury leads to a blockage that prevents blood flow and damages tissue.
Blood pools under the skin in the outer ear and cuts off the blood supply to the cartilage, which causes the cartilage to die. The pooling blood is a type of bruise called a hematoma. If the blood does not get drained, over time, the ear cartilage will look rippled, lumpy and swollen (kind of like a cauliflower).
انسان بودن براى ما
يك اجبار بوده
اما انسانيت يك انتخاب است
#دكترمجيدظهرابي #دكترمجيدظهرابى #majidzohrabi