MEA Investment Opportunities are structured into three distinct business segments
There's more to Fiji than its pristine beaches and swaying palms. Although Fiji is small island country, it has a very diversified economic sector with tourism, agriculture, some mining, fisheries, forestry with high quality timber and other niche products made from indigen
ous fruits and plants , the world famous mineral water products out of Fiji, and light manufacturing to name a few. We hope to introduce more of our organic, herbal, virgin products into the Middle East & African Region. PROMOTING TRADE & INVESTMENTS - FIJI
The defining purpose of this arm of ME&A CORPORATION is helping to create economic opportunity for Fijian workers and businesses. By promoting trade and investment we are promoting prosperity and a better world. To increase Trade and Investment into Fiji, ME&A CORPORATION helps companies navigate Fijian markets. We help educate companies about how to tailor their activities to the specific market, help equip those businesses with the knowledge and tools that they need to meet that challenge, and by extension, promote the trade and investment that helps us all. ME&A CORPORATION is your first point of contact in all matters relating to UAE-Fiji business. Our experienced, bilingual staff will support you with first-hand information with customized services for small and medium enterprises. Market Entry Are you are looking for the right partner for expanding your business activities in the Fiji? We have extensive knowledge of the Fiji market and the necessary know-how for a successful market entry, we can best assist small and medium enterprises to build their business in the Fiji. Working directly with highly reputable licensed gold entities mainly from within the African Region and also with other global wholesale suppliers to offer Gold Bullion, Rough Diamonds as they are mined, uncut and unwashed. Occasionally, depending on the supply and demand, we may also supply treated and polished kimberly certified diamonds. Including teaming with major Oil and Gas Companies, Projects, Refineries and Contractors in the Middle East and Africa. To meet projected demand, we have a vital interest in ensuring that competitively-priced gas and oil remain part of it's energy portfolio for decades to come.