This is one of the most specific project designed by Dekliada-Alb Institute. Have a look at the pictures to understand why.
Ky eshte nje nder projektet me specifike te projektuara nga Instituti DEKLIADA -Alb. Hidhini nje sy fotove dhe do ta kuptoni arsyen.
Type of service provided for this HPP :
pre-feasibility studies, all the neccessary feasibility studies and reports, all the implementation design detailed studies and reports, all the detailed drawings design, working schedule, preparation of Request for offers & Tender Documents for civil works, turbines, penstocks ,Supervision of HPP construction, etc
Tipi i sherbimeve te kryera per kete Hidrocentral :
Hartimi i studim parafizibiliteti,te gjitha studimet dhe raportet e nevojshme, te gjitha studimet dhe raportet e projektit te zbatimit, te gjithe vizatimet e detajuara perkatese, grafiku punimeve, pergatitja e Kerkesave per Oferte & dhe dokumentat e tenderave per punimet civile ,turbinat, tubacionin e presionit, Supervizimi i ndertimit te hidrocentralit, etj
Rrapuni 3 & 4 HPP, installed Power Capacity - 10MW, energy production 43’978’845 kWh/year.
This Hydropower Plant is chosed by us to present in our page ,because it contains almost all types of hydraulic&civil structures that might be in a Hydropower Plant,as DAM (earthrock and concrete ), settling basin, hydrotechnical reinforcement concrete tunnel under pressure, Tunnel, Penstock, Surge Tank, Power house , Substation 110kv, Hydraulic Gates etc.
Hec Rrapuni 3&4 , ka nje fuqi te instaluar rreth 10 MW, dhe prodhim vjetor te energjise 43’978’845 kWh/vit .
Ky hidrocentral eshte perzgjedhur nga ne per tu prezantuar ne faqen tone, pasi permban pothuajse te gjitha tipet e strukturave hidroteknike dhe civile qe mund te perbehet nje Hidrocentral, si : DIGE (beton dhe material vendi, )Dekantues, Tunel hidroteknik nen presion, Tunel, Tubacion presioni, Kulle Ekuilibri, Godine Centrali, Nenstacion 110kv, Porta Hidraulike, etj