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Севанаванк — монастырский комплекс 9-го века. Он находится на полуострове, уходящем в озеро Севан. Согласно надписям, пр...

Севанаванк — монастырский комплекс 9-го века. Он находится на полуострове, уходящем в озеро Севан. Согласно надписям, принцесса Мариам построила монастырь. До недавнего времени полуостров был островом. Затем, в годы Советского Союза, уровень воды упал. И вскоре удалось добраться до монастыря без лодок.
Сначала монашеский комплекс был только для согрешивших монахов из Эчмиадзина. Однако с годами правило изменилось. Таким образом, Севанаванк сейчас является одной из главных туристических достопримечательностей Армении.
Озеро Севан является одним из символов Армении. Севан — самое большое пресноводное озеро на территории. Кроме того, это голубоглазая королева Армении. Свежий воздух и захватывающие пейзажи дают вам возможность увидеть с высоты птичьего полета и насладиться моментами жизни.

Эчмиадзин — это Ватикан Армянской Апостольской Церкви, место, где преподобный Григорий Просветитель увидел луч света, па...

Эчмиадзин — это Ватикан Армянской Апостольской Церкви, место, где преподобный Григорий Просветитель увидел луч света, падающий на землю в божественном видении. И здесь он построил первый Майр Тачар (Собор Матери Армении).
Собор Эчмиадзина находится в городе с одноименным названием, который является духовным центром Армении. Первоначально это самый древний образец христианской архитектуры во всем мире. В 2000 году собор был объявлен объектом Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, наряду с церквями Св. Гаяне и Св. Рипсиме и археологическими руинами Звартноц.
Иисус Христос явился Григорию Просветителю в поле зрения и определил правильное место для собора. После этого началось строительство собора. А потом у нас был Эчмиадзин, что означало «единородный».
Собор является очень значимым культурным и историческим центром для армян и не только. На территории собора находится Музей казначейства.

Хор Вирап — величественный монастырь в Армении. Монастырь это место, где св. Григорий Просветитель хранился тринадцать л...

Хор Вирап — величественный монастырь в Армении. Монастырь это место, где св. Григорий Просветитель хранился тринадцать лет. После этого в 301 году Армения приняла христианство в качестве государственной религии. Таким образом, Армения стала первой страной Христа в мире. В то время царем Армении был Тиридат III.
Монастырь расположен на холме прямо напротив горы Арарат. Вид на заснеженные горы потрясающий. И само название означает «глубокая темница» на армянском языке. Кроме того, посетив монастырь, у вас будет возможность спуститься в темницу и увидеть место, где Григорий провел 13 лет в одиночестве. Монастырь восходит к 642 году до нашей эры.
Хор Вирап был образовательным центром на протяжении долгой истории. И сейчас это одно из самых посещаемых мест в Армении и имеет большую популярность.

Недалеко от храма Гарни находится монастырь Гегард. Монастырский комплекс — уникальное сооружение. Кроме того, он входит...

Недалеко от храма Гарни находится монастырь Гегард. Монастырский комплекс — уникальное сооружение. Кроме того, он входит в список объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Комплекс состоит из множества средневековых зданий, вырезанных из живых камней. Соответственно, название монастыря — Айриванк. Естественно, высокие обрывы и горы Гегама окружают монастырский комплекс. Одним словом, сама природа придает сайту особую загадку.
Первоначально монастырь Гегард был построен между 4-13 веками. Армения приняла христианство как государственную религию. После этого Григорий Просветитель основал монастырь. Монастырь Гегард является очень ценным культурным центром. В средневековой Армении здесь были школа, библиотека, каменные дома и многие другие секции.
Кроме того, Гегард был также известен своими реликвиями. Одним из них является Копье, которое ранило Христа на кресте. Это было в Гегарде в течение 500 лет. И теперь вы можете увидеть это в музее казначейства в Эчмиадзине.
В настоящее время монастырь Гегард является одним из самых интересных и уникальных сооружений в Армении. У этого есть поразительный пейзаж естественной красоты. Кроме того, древняя история и могущественная гармония того стоят. Следовательно, монастырь — это место, где вы найдете внутренний мир и гармонию.
Почувствуй тайну! Почувствуйте гармонию в монастыре Гегард!

Храм Гарни является одним из самых посещаемых мест в Армении. В настоящее время Гарни является единственным языческим хр...

Храм Гарни является одним из самых посещаемых мест в Армении. В настоящее время Гарни является единственным языческим храмом, датируемым первым веком нашей эры. Это символ дохристианской эры. Храм стоит на высоком плато и выходит на ущелье реки Азат. Само плато невероятно красиво. Кроме того, это объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, а также его окрестности.

Кроме того, здесь находится римская баня с таинственным мозаичным полом из 30 000 кусков натуральных камней, а также руинами королевского дворца. Баня восходит к 3 веку н.э.
Одним словом, Храм — это великолепное сооружение, окруженное удивительной природой. Рядом с храмом местные жители покажут вам удивительные произведения искусства и супер-вкусную еду.

Как известно, Ереван — источник культуры. Каждая улица, каждый маленький уголок — это культура. Город имеет долгую истор...

Как известно, Ереван — источник культуры. Каждая улица, каждый маленький уголок — это культура. Город имеет долгую историю. Он был основан в 782 году до нашей эры и старше Рима.

Очевидно, что Ереван является одним из самых интересных городов с его древними домами, современными улицами, гостеприимными и оживленными людьми, шумной атмосферой, местными тавернами и роскошными современными винными барами, старыми церквями и современными зданиями. В городе Солнца есть множество достопримечательностей и музеев, а также тысячи баров, ресторанов, кафе и клубов, где можно проводить вечера.

Центр города — просто музей под открытым небом. Начиная от Парка Победы, через Каскадный комплекс и Северный проспект до площади Республики и Вернисажа, вы будете поражены разнообразием города. Открытые рынки и сердечные люди приветствуют вас и заставляют вас чувствовать себя так близко к городу.

Розовый Город славится своими розовыми зданиями из туфовой вулканической породы. Государственные здания вокруг площади Республики являются яркими примерами этого. Прямо здесь вы можете посетить Музей истории Армении. Вся история страны здесь перед вами. Вы увидите даже самую старую обувь, которой 5500 лет.

Затем, пройдя до Оперного театра, вы пройдете через оживленный Северный проспект с бутиками, кафе и отелями. Кроме того, Каскад Комплекс является следующим пунктом, где находится Центр Искусств Гафесчян. Здесь вы можете насладиться чашечкой кофе и принять участие в концертах под открытым небом. И если вы окажетесь здесь в последнюю пятницу месяца, вы наверняка будете танцевать народные танцы рука об руку с местными жителями.

Что ж, если вы решитесь подняться по лестнице, вы попадете в самый оживленный парк Еревана. Это Парк Победы со статуей Матери Армении. Поразительный вид на город на коленях библейской горы Арарат останется с вами даже после того, как вы покинете город.

Голубая мечеть — еще одно интересное место для посещения в большом центре Еревана. Чтобы получить исчерпывающую информацию об основании Еревана, отправляйтесь в музей Эребуни. Мемориальный комплекс Геноцида, расположенный на холме Цицернакаберд, — это место, где мы молимся за миллионы армян, убитых в 1915 году.

Находясь в Ереване, вы не можете упустить шопинг в Вернисаже. Ювелирные изделия ручной работы, деревянные подарки ручной работы, шарфы, сумки с национальной символикой и произведениями искусства с каждым шагом в Вернисаже. А за вкусными покупками вам наверняка понравится гулять по Гам Маркет. Что бы вы хотели иметь с собой? Травы для чая, гата, разнообразные сухофрукты, лаваш, сыр, пахлава …?

Вечером поющие фонтаны встретят вас на площади Республики. Вы почувствуете приятный вечерний ветерок и насладитесь жизнью столицы Армении Еревана.

Путешествуйте в Армению!Хотя Армения небольшая страна, она имеет огромную историю. Каждый маленький камень имеет свою ун...

Путешествуйте в Армению!
Хотя Армения небольшая страна, она имеет огромную историю. Каждый маленький камень имеет свою уникальность. Вы увидите поперечные камни по всей стране.
Армения — страна природных чудес и архитектурных шедевров. Он уникален по своей культуре. Армянские танцы особенные, а армянские блюда супер-вкусные. Тараз поразителен, а язык божественен. Что касается армянского вина и коньяка, то они из этого мира. Более того, природа захватывает дух. Люди очень дружелюбные и гостеприимные.
Столица — Ереван. Кроме того, он известен как «Розовый город» и «Город Солнца». Кроме того, городу уже 2801 год. Это старше, чем Рим. Знаменитые достопримечательности Еревана — Каскадный комплекс, Исторический музей, Вернисаж. В городе есть различные парки и оживленные улицы.
Хороших каникул. Возьмите индивидуальные туры, которые предназначены именно для вас, чтобы удовлетворить все ваши потребности и желания.

Путешествуй в Армению!



MUST-GO places in ARMENIA🇦🇲☀🗻
2. There are so many UNESCO sites in Armenia but the closest to Yerevan is Geghard monastery partially cut into the rock, which illustrates the very peak of Armenian medieval architecture.


MUST-GO places in ARMENIA🇦🇲☀️🗻
1. Start your tour from Echmiadzin🙏- the holy capital of all Armenians. Here you can witness many relics of the Christian world such as the Holy Spear, a small piece from Jesus Christ's cross, a piece from Noah's ark and many other relics.

VorotnavankDiscover more about the history and let your soul fill with peace and inner harmony!The monastic complex is a...

Discover more about the history and let your soul fill with peace and inner harmony!
The monastic complex is another endeavor of Armenian great architects. It stands on the hill overlooking Vorotan gorge. Vorotnavank is between Vaghatin and Vorotan villages in the Syunik region. It was built in 1000 by Queen Shahandukht.
The monastery has had workshops, stores, a seminary, resort, cemetery, and an alms-house. It has been and is surrounded by high walls for defensive purposes against foreign invasions. During the long history, the monastery has been destroyed and undergone many invasions and plunder. But it continues to welcome visitors and admire them with its beauty.

SpitakavorOne out of thousands of overwhelming monasteries and churchesFar from the everyday hustle and bustle, the best...

One out of thousands of overwhelming monasteries and churches
Far from the everyday hustle and bustle, the best-kept monastery is standing in the majestic mountains. The peaceful ambiance takes you up and you get filled with that special mystic spirit. You enjoy the seconds and the moments and get inner relaxation and harmony. And all this happens at Spitakavor.
Geographically, Spitakavor is located on the slopes of Teksar mountain of the Vayots Dzor Region. Two princes from the Proshian dynasty built the monastery in the 14th century during the Zakarid Armenia period. Thus, choose your life-changing destination right now!

SardarapatThe remarkable victory and the towering memorial complexSardarapat memorial museum was opened in 1968 on the d...

The remarkable victory and the towering memorial complex
Sardarapat memorial museum was opened in 1968 on the day of the 50th anniversary of Sardarapat Battle. The complex symbolizes the historical importance of the victory in the battle of Sardarapat in preserving Armenia and its ancient culture. There are two openings in the towers of the building: one faces Aragats and the other – Ararat. There are more than 70000 items on a display including main exhibitions dedicated to the national culture and history of the heroic May battles. The museum contains archaeological items of ancient and medieval art, crafts, religion, and worship.
The dominant structure in this solemn monument complex is the Bell Tower. The bell tower was built according to the tradition that all the church bells from Sardarapat to Vagharshapat and Yerevan rang to gather people and keep them sharp and steady. Two huge winged bulls stand as the guards on both sides of the belfry. The figures of winged bulls are the symbol of strength and loyalty in Armenia. A cosy alley with the sculptures of eagles leads from the belfry to the “Victory” wall which is decorated with sculptures. It is noteworthy that the theme of eagles is seen in the other works of R. Israelyan, the architect of the memorial complex. In this complex, the eagles surely embody the heroes of the battle.

Parajanov house-museumThe great artist and his unparalleled talentBeing in Yerevan it is unquestionably worth visiting A...

Parajanov house-museum
The great artist and his unparalleled talent
Being in Yerevan it is unquestionably worth visiting Armenian legendary filmmaker Sergei Parajanov house-museum. He was a person whose imagination, mastery and talent were unlimited and boundless.
Parajanov’s woks were highly criticized and forbidden during the Soviet period. But his contemporaries were praising him and admiring his masterpieces. His films are full of colors, emotions, feelings, ideas, and deep concepts. His films should be watched more than once and every time new things are discovered.
The house-museum bearing his name was opened in 1991 and contains a huge and overwhelming collection of his 600 artworks.

Mughni, St. George churchMughni, St. George church is the proud pearl on the edge of the gorgeThe empowering Church is u...

Mughni, St. George church
Mughni, St. George church is the proud pearl on the edge of the gorge

The empowering Church is unquestionably one of those monasteries which have had an immense significance in the history of Armenian people. It is situated in Mughni village, Aragatsotn region.

St. George church or Mughni was founded in the 13th century but the details of the construction haven’t been investigated to the full yet. According to historian Zakaria Sarkavag, the monastery was built by the members of Hovhannavank. The remains of St George have been moved to Mughni at the end of the 13th century.

Here monks have copied and written hundreds of manuscripts. The monastery has also been a sanctuary and home to a lot of people. In the 17th century, the monastery has had its highest, most vibrant peak.

MarmashenBecome an element of the surroundings and indulge in the peace! The tenth-century monastery is an amazing piece...

Become an element of the surroundings and indulge in the peace!
The tenth-century monastery is an amazing piece of Armenian architecture. Marmashen is on a plain field and is like a real gem. It clearly shows the medieval style.
The monastery is on the left side of the Akhuryan River not far from Gyumri. The monastery consists of 3churches which have served for many purposes, from school to fortress. The main church is Katoghike. The monastery has suffered a lot because of wars and attacks, two serious earthquakes but on the whole, it is preserved and has become one of the most visited places in Armenia.
The peaceful atmosphere around and inside the monastery is so captivating and appealing that you can't pass by and not visit.

Lori FortressTouch the historical and archaeological treasure and enjoy the time in the laps of nature!One of the well-h...

Lori Fortress
Touch the historical and archaeological treasure and enjoy the time in the laps of nature!
One of the well-hidden gems of Armenia and its astounding nature-culture harmonized combination is Lori Fortress. Being outside Stepanavan city Lori Fortress presents the life of the Middle Ages in Armenia. Davit Anhoghin built the fortress in the 11th century. He was the successor of the throne of the Armenian Kingdom of Tashir-Dzoraget. At that period there were 5kingdoms under the control of the Bagratuni dynasty.
At first, the fortress has been very rich and famous. But soon it has undergone attacks and plunders by Seljuk Turks who have robbed all the treasure, destroyed, and damaged the fortress heavily.
During the visit, you will listen to so many interesting facts and legends about the fortress, the people, surroundings, and the life inside.

MakaravankA hidden pearl in the middle of the forest!Makaravank is a tenth-century church complex situated on the slope ...

A hidden pearl in the middle of the forest!
Makaravank is a tenth-century church complex situated on the slope of Paitatap Mountain. The complex consists of 4 churches. It has overcome the difficulties of history quite well and preserved its main structure. It is 3 km far from Achajur village in the Tavush region.

The isolated position of the complex makes the surroundings and the atmosphere mysterious and relaxing. You can enjoy the moments of relaxation from the buzzing cities. You are in a wave of complete peace and you have time to rethink the real harmony of life.

Experience the moments and not just think about them!

KobayrThe remnants of an awe-inspiring churchKobayr is a 12th-century wonderfully designed church in Kober village, Lori...

The remnants of an awe-inspiring church
Kobayr is a 12th-century wonderfully designed church in Kober village, Lori region. Hidden in the trees on the brink of a deep gorge, the monastery is standing in ruins. The ruins of the main church in the monastery contain frescoes of Christ and the twelve apostles as well as the Church Fathers and other Christian figures.
From its position, the magical nature opens its laps and shares its limitless love and care and greenery. Enjoy the moments in the laps of nature with the amazing scene of Kobayr monastery.

The name of this church is Karmravor. Do you know why?Karmravor monastery is supposed to have been built in the 4th cent...

The name of this church is Karmravor. Do you know why?
Karmravor monastery is supposed to have been built in the 4th century. It is located in Ashtarak, Armenia. Despite its small size, the monastery appeals to everyone. The name comes from the word ‘karmir’ meaning ‘reddish’. And there is a legend connected with the name of the monastery.
According to the legend, three sisters fall in love with the same man, named Sarkis. The two elder sisters decide to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their younger sister’s happiness. They put on red and orange (color of apricot) garments and throw themselves into the deep canyon. The sister hears about the fact, dresses in white, and throws herself into the canyon as well. Sarkis becomes a monk because of grief. Afterwards, three churches were built on the edge of the canyon: Karmravor, Tsiranavor, Spitakavor.

HovhannavankWant to explore the country of thousands of churches and monasteries? For this time choose Hovhannavank! Hov...

Want to explore the country of thousands of churches and monasteries? For this time choose Hovhannavank! Hovhannavank monastery was built in the fourth century by St. Gregory the Illuminator. He baptized Armenians into the first Christian nation in the world. The medieval monastery is located high on the edge of the Kasagh River canyon adjacent to Ohanavan village in the Aragatsotn Region.
The extraordinary position of the monastery and the splendid nature around it give you wings of a free bird. In the meantime, they let you dream and fly and feel the touch of peace.

St Grigor Lusavorich ChurchThe largest Armenian church in the worldPeople have always admired the great talent and astou...

St Grigor Lusavorich Church
The largest Armenian church in the world
People have always admired the great talent and astounding works of Armenian architects. St Grigor Lusavorich Church is one of the thousands of stunning churches and monasteries in Armenia.
St Grigor Lusavorich Church is standing on Tigran Mets Avenue. Armenians built the church in 1997-2001 high on a hill. The purpose of building the church was to celebrate 1700 years of Christianity.
The complex consists of three churches: the cathedral, the Chapel of St Tiridates the King, and the Chapel of St Ashkhen the Queen. King Tiridates and Queen Ashkhen were those important figures who helped Grigor Lusavorich to spread Christianity all over Armenia.
The church is also unique for its inner design. There are 1700seats for people. You can find no candle in the church which is typical of all Armenian churches.
You should see the incredible building with your own eyes and feel its simplicity and at the same time superb uniqueness!

AruchGuarded by Aragats and powered by GodAruch monastery is the largest monastery preserved from the medieval period st...

Guarded by Aragats and powered by God
Aruch monastery is the largest monastery preserved from the medieval period standing in the heart of the Aragatsotn region. It is situated in Aruch village which is one of the oldest settlements in Armenia. The monastery was built in the seventh century on the slopes of Mt. Aragats.
Aruch is unique with its quite spacious gavit. Excavations have been done and very valuable information has been discovered about the period of its construction, architects, and the people who have commissioned the construction.
Travel and discover this hidden marvel untouched by modern civilization. It’s an incredible combination of history, tradition, culture, and nature. Meet the genuine and friendly people of the village along the way to listen to their stories and enjoying their hospitality.

AmarasAnother wonderful piece of work by Armenian talented mastersIf you are already in Nagorno Karabakh, then, don’t mi...

Another wonderful piece of work by Armenian talented masters
If you are already in Nagorno Karabakh, then, don’t miss the chance to visit Amaras. It is one of the magnificent monasteries in the Martuni region, Artsakh.
Surprisingly enough, the monastery is right in the middle of the flat field far from the surrounding forested mountains. They are guarding Amaras monastery from afar. The mountains actually provide an excellent climate for visitors who come to see this early-middle-age-period architectural marvel.
The monastery was built in the 4th century by St, Gregory the Illuminator. It was an educational, religious center for centuries not only for the region but also for the whole Armenian community. The monastery has the style coming from medieval centuries and is outstanding with its interesting structure. Huge stone fences and partially destroyed towers surround the monastery. It has undergone a lot of invasions and plunder. But it continues to stand strong and share its history with its visitors.

Dadivank“Every nation in the world has the right to their self-determination, but only a few went through the suffering ...

“Every nation in the world has the right to their self-determination, but only a few went through the suffering as the Armenian nation…” Libor Spimr
Definitely you can find the proof of these words. Just visit this hidden masterpiece of the Armenian Highlands nestled in the northern part of Nagorno Karabakh. The lavish vegetation, dense forests around Dadivank, and the mystic monastery represent the perfect blend of Armenian culture and nature.
According to the legend, the Monastery of St Dadi or Dadivank was built in honor of St Dadi who was preaching Christianity as early as in the first century. The monastery has a history of 20centuries. The fascinating mountains surround The wonderful construction.
Tired of the crowded and bustling cities? Want somewhere off-the-beaten-track? No hesitation at all! This is the dream destination for you to get a real relaxation far away in the warm and welcoming arms of nature. Here witness the heroic history of Dadivank standing there in spite of all wars.

Shaki WaterfallThe stunning waterfall is so captivating!The Shaki Waterfall is situated in the Syunik region. It provide...

Shaki Waterfall
The stunning waterfall is so captivating!
The Shaki Waterfall is situated in the Syunik region. It provides the most relaxing and wonderful ambiance for everyone. On the left side of the river Vorotan, basalt lava flows have solidified to form a ledge 18 meters high from which the waterfall cascades down.
As almost all the names of sights in Armenia, there is also a legend about the Shaki waterfall. According to the legend, enemies kidnapped 93 beauties from Gegharkuni village for their commander, who had stopped in Mughan with his army. When the caravan of captives was on the spot, ladies turned to the invader with a request: “The road was long and exhausting. We got dusty and dirty. Let us have a bath in the river and then only show up to your majors.”
The invaders agreed. The ladies undressed and jumped into the River Vorotan. They sank and disappeared. Only blue-eyed lady, named Shake, swam across the river, trying to escape. The invaders managed to catch up with her. But on that very moment, a rock appeared under her, and the water, flowing above the rock, hid her under its foams. As a result, the waterfall and the village where it is located were called Shaki.

Kari LakeDo you want to touch the crisp and snow-white clouds and breathe the freshest air ever?Then, don’t miss the cha...

Kari Lake
Do you want to touch the crisp and snow-white clouds and breathe the freshest air ever?
Then, don’t miss the chance to see the stunning queen Kari Lake between the two giants, Mt Ararat and Mt Aragats. It is located 3,190 m above the sea level and in Armenian it means ‘Stone lake’. The ice-cold water, the astounding scenery, and the snow-capped mountains create unforgettable memories for you.
According to an ancient legend, Mt Ararat and Mt Aragats had a dispute over which of them is the taller and nicer. After a lot of vain efforts to reconcile them, Mt Maruta cursed both and separated them forever. And the lake originated from tears on the top of Aragats.

Horomayr MonasteryAnother fortress, another valuable piece of history!Here we go to Northern Armenia to enjoy the second...

Horomayr Monastery
Another fortress, another valuable piece of history!
Here we go to Northern Armenia to enjoy the second biggest city of Armenia – Gyumri and many Bronze age settlements. Generally, Armenia boasts having many archaeological sites and some of them are located in the Shirak region. Not too far from Harichavank, you will pass by Horom cyclopic fortress. Horomayr monastery is an ancient Bronze Age Urartian fortification atop two large hills south of the main road and opposite of the dam and Kamut Reservoir.
Here, you can’t find much, the only collection of stone walls. But if you rely on your imagination pieces of the huge fortification may appear in front of your eyes.

GndevankGndevank monastery is located in the Vayots Dzor region on the bank of the Arpa river close to Gndevaz village. ...

Gndevank monastery is located in the Vayots Dzor region on the bank of the Arpa river close to Gndevaz village. The construction of the monastery started at the beginning of the 10th century. According to the historical sources it was built under the patronage of Duke Smbat’s wife Sophia. She has left an inscription on the wall which says: “Vayots Dzor was like a ring without a jewel and I built the monastery thus gemming the region”.
So, to enjoy an off-the-beaten-track site have a short hike to Gndevank monastery. Thus, savor the calmness around the monastery and the spirituality inside it.

DendroparkStepanavan Dendropark is the only garden in Southern Caucasus that was transformed from a forest into an arbor...

Stepanavan Dendropark is the only garden in Southern Caucasus that was transformed from a forest into an arboretum. The verdurous forest still covers the majority of the territory of Dendropark. The rest is surrounded by exotic and unique plants and trees. The air is saturated with fragrant and healthful pine oil. Therefore it is really important and highly recommended to all the people with breathing problems. There are approximately 500 plant types in the arboretum. Among them, California Sequoias and the Fir Greenhouse are the most peculiar ones.
The winding paths in the arboretum take you to the arms of nature. You feel you are in paradise. Consequently, you feel relaxed, refreshed, and healthier.

AkhtalaVisiting the Lori region can be an unforgettable experience – a world of fairy tales, fables, and heroes who left...

Visiting the Lori region can be an unforgettable experience – a world of fairy tales, fables, and heroes who left their traces in breathtaking landscapes. Take the monastery road up to Akhtala fortress-monastery. Find yourself surrounded by enormous and overwhelming towers of Rocks on both sides. Get stimulated by these dramatic sights as the road takes you to Akhtala.
This well-preserved fortress dates back to the 10th century. But the base constructions date back to Bronze and Iron Ages. It has always been an important defensive site for North-Eastern Armenia.
Massive stone construction with many bas-reliefs on its external walls. From inside it represents the Armenian architectural style. It is accompanied by Georgian Byzantine frescoes decorating the walls of the church. The luminosity of the colors is impressive: deepest blue, shimmering gold, and warm shades of brown so unique to Armenian culture. The mood in this sacred building is moving and mystical: an intimate breath of the past passes over you as you find yourself inside the church.
The whole complex has suffered a lot during its long history. But it stands proudly among these mysterious mountains. It invites visitors to enjoy the unique beauty and ancient architecture offering hiking in the arms of picturesque nature.





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