
Ericsat-Travel Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de Ericsat-Travel, Agência de viagens, Avenida Rev de Outubro, casa 8/Bairro Cassenda-Maianga, Luanda.

As a travel agency specializing in river cruises, Europe rail trips, safari and travel insurance we can plan/offer our audience travel products and services to help them travel confident worlwide

Viagens Turísticas Nos EUA🇱🇷Viagens de cruzeiros nos EUA inspiram Você?Para o Seu planejamento e organização de viagens ...

Viagens Turísticas Nos EUA🇱🇷

Viagens de cruzeiros nos EUA inspiram Você?

Para o Seu planejamento e organização de viagens seja de lazer ou expedição nos Estados-Unidos de América, queira contactar Ange Mingas, o Especialista Certificado da empresa américana: American Queen Voyages (AQV).

Je tiens à informer à nos potentiels clients que je deviens Spécialiste Certifié de l'entréprise de croisières américain...

Je tiens à informer à nos potentiels clients que je deviens Spécialiste Certifié de l'entréprise de croisières américaines American Queen Voyages AQV pour toutes vos planifications de voyage d'expédition et loisire aux Etats-Unis, Canada, Méxique et Costa-Rica!


Voyagez et Decouvrez La Nature en Europe par Train de Luanda(Angola) avec l'agence Ericsat-TravelEricsat-TravelEricsat-Travel.


Voyagez par train en Europe-Uni avec ERICSAT-Travel de Luanda, Angola!!!

Voici à quoi ressemble l'ambiance sur le voyage rivérrain de nos navires Uniworld et U-by-Uniworld!

Voici à quoi ressemble l'ambiance sur le voyage rivérrain de nos navires Uniworld et U-by-Uniworld!

Ericsat-TravelEricsat-TravelEricsat-Travel LOGO!

Ericsat-TravelEricsat-TravelEricsat-Travel LOGO!


Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? 😍 "This is the perfect place to camp and watch Northern Lights"
📸: .akash_ from India 🇮🇳

We absolutely love seeing your Eurail memories ❤️ Share your travel pictures and inspiring stories via 🚂

🌍 : France- Belgium - Sweden - Norway - Denmark
📍: Riksgränsen, Sweden

VIAGEM EM CRUZEIRO FLUVIAL!Esta experiência de viagem consiste em navigar em rios renomados através de barcos e navios f...


Esta experiência de viagem consiste em navigar em rios renomados através de barcos e navios fluviais para ver e explorar cidades, vilas e aldeias em países diferentes numa so viagem.
Além de conhecer novos pontos turísticos, paisagens aquáticas que se desdobram ao longo da viagem, vai conhecer e interagir com novas pesoas, degustar diferentes deliciosas culinárias e vinhos ou bebidas das regiões visitadas.

Viagens em cruzeiro fluvial podem levá-lo a lugares que você nunca pensou que vería : Vinhedos Franceses;Fazendas Cambojanas; Vilas Amazônicas e Castelos Húngaros.

Conforme você explora em um ritmo agradável, você será levado nos bons restaurantes, palestras estimulantes e ocupar acomodações luxuosas. Pois, oferecemos ou vendemos não apenas cruzeiros fluviais na Europa, mas também em Africa, Asia e na América do Sul.

Através da ERICSAT-Travel, suas viagens em cruzeiro fluvial são organizadas com facilidade e segurança para experimentar essas viagens inesquecíveis.

Està interessado(a)?

Para mais informações ou perguntas relativas, pode entrar em contacto o Especialista em cruzeiro fluvial por e-mail: [email protected]

Ange Mingas
(Especialista Aprovado de Uniworld & Riviera River Cruises)

VIAGEM DE SAFARI EM AFRICA!Experiência de Vida Selvagem...Safari significa viajar no mundo da vida selvagem no idioma lo...


Experiência de Vida Selvagem...

Safari significa viajar no mundo da vida selvagem no idioma local de Kiswahili falada na Quênia, Tanzania, Rwanda e a Republica Democratica do Congo (RDC), com foco de ver a Fauna Africana, especialmente os BIG FIVE, que incluem: Leão, Elefante, Búfalo, Leopardo e Rinoceronte.

O Safari, de facto é uma viagem na vida selvagem ou experiência dos visitantes para observar a natureza através de suas diferentes formas ou paisagens e para ver os diferentes animais selvagens dentro de seus habitats reais: arbustos, parques nacionais, reservas, lagos, ilhas e parques nacionais marinhos.

A viagem dita Safari, permite também aos visitantes ou turistas de praticar varios actividades de lazer dentro da mata tais como: visitas nas povoações e interagir com as suas comunidades aprendendo suas culturas, e também visitar as Reservas Nacionais para saber acerca de seus projetos de conservações dos animais em perigo.

O Safari é uma viagem de luxo dito TUDO-INCLUSO que incluem Alojamento, Refeições, Actividades e Divertimentos.

Està Interessado(a)?
Queira contactar, para sua viagem de Safari O Especialista Qualificado de Safari na: [email protected]

Ange Mingas
(African Travel Specialist).

RIVER CRUISING!!!This travel experience consists in sailing on renowned rivers through river boats and ships to see or e...


This travel experience consists in sailing on renowned rivers through river boats and ships to see or explore different new cities, towns and villages. Plus seeing new sights, water landscapes that unfold during the course, meeting and interacting with new people, sampling different cuisines and wines or beverages of the region visited.

So River Cruises can carry You to places you never thought you'd see: French vineyards, Cambodian farms, Amazon villages and Hungarian castles. As You explore at a gracious pace, you're treated to fine dining, thought-provoking lectures and luxurious accommodations.

Through Ericsat-Travel, Your river cruises are arranged with ease to experience and take advantage of these unforgettable journeys as we offer or sell not only European river cruises but also in Africa, Asia and South-America.

Are you interested?

You could for more information or inquiries, reach out to our River Cruise Specialist through Email at: [email protected]


😷 How to wear a non-medical fabric mask safely during COVID-19:
Do’s and don’ts



The Travel Industry.

How could one speak about such an invaluable resource as travel or tourism without evoking its source or core organizational system called THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY?
Travel and tourism are part of one of the largest industries in the world and the industry can be considered in itself like an immense complicated forest.
The Travel Industry is made up of various components that depend on each other for the benefits of the travelers worldwide. Those components are 1) The trade organization (ASTA, IACTA..); 2) The travel-ruled organization (IATA, CLIA..); 3) Transportation companies (Airlines, Cruise Lines, Rental cars, Motorcoaches..) 4) The inbound companies (Hotels, Resorts, Attractions, Restaurants..) and The outbound companies (Travel agencies, Tour operators/Wholesalers.
Those travel industry components look like the human body members, each of the members needs a help of another one for the good function of the Body!

Ange Mingas
(Travel Advisor, TAP).

Discover The Nature and The World of Wildlife through Safari in Kenya with Ericsat-Travel!

Discover The Nature and The World of Wildlife through Safari in Kenya with Ericsat-Travel!

How are you feeling? Many of us did not predict a year like the one we are living through, but if there is one thing we know about the human race, it is that we are very resilient. Do not give up hope that we shall come out the other side. Continue staying safe and taking care of yourself. We want t...

Discover how it's fantastic to river cruise in Europe!

Discover how it's fantastic to river cruise in Europe!

Adventures by Disney announced all-new sailings along the Seine River in 2019, combining two days exploring Paris on land, followed by eight days of cruising...





Comment Voyager et Partir en Vacances en Douceur et Esprit Tranquille!

*Nous rêvons tous de faire d'excellents voyages ou vacances. Cela peut être soit un voyage terrestre (moyennant un train, auto car ou voiture de location); sur un vol, une croisière océanique ou fluviale.
Malheureusement, il existe de nombreux problèmes de voyage inattendus ou peuvent aussi survenir des circonstances imprévisibles, sans oublier de nos jours les incidents qui accompagnent le Voyage Moderne.
Toutes ces histoires peuvent soudainement ruiner vos vacances de rêve et transformer votre éxcitation ou joie du voyage en déception dans des situations tels que: le re**rd ou l'annulation d'un vol; le mauvais temp; le re**rd à s'embarquer pour une croisière; connaitre un cas d'accident, de blessure; de maladie et de décès.

Peu importe votre jeunesse, votre état de bonne santé et capacité à voyager, nous pouvont pourtant tous rencontrer des incidents ou problèmes de voyage imprévus à un moment donné.
C'est pourquoi, il est très important de s'y préparer!!!

Comment S'y Prendre?

La solution est Assurance de Voyage!

L'assurance de voyage avec Allianz Global Assistance vous garantie une protection sure de votre investissement liée au coût (dépenses) de vos préparatifs de voyage à des accidents imprévus pouvant survenir avant ou pendant votre voyage ou vacance.

Les régimes d'assurance de voyage avec Allianz Global peuvent vous permettre à organiser votre voyage, à vous ramener à la maison en toute sécurité et à rembourser les frais couverts!!!

-Avec le plan d'assurance d'Allianz, vous obtiendrez à l'étranger les soins médicaux et le transport d'urgence dont vous avez besoin!!
-Avec le plan assurance voyage Allianz, vous avez accès à l'application gratuite TravelSmart App qui permet de vous comminiquer avec le service-client d'Allianz.

Intéressé ou besoin d'infos complémentaires?

Contacter à: [email protected].



How Could You Travel or Go on Vacation Safely with The Peace-of-mind?

We all dream to make excellent trps or vacations. That can be a land-based travel (on a train, by motorcoach or a rented car); on a flight, ocean or river cruise. Unfortunately, there're multiple unexpected travel issues, and can also arise many unforeseen circumstances and mishaps in Modern travel that can suddenly ruin your travel dreams or turn your travel excitment into disappointment in such situations as flight delays and cancellations, bad weather, delay on cruise embarkations, getting into an accident, injury, illness and death case.
No matter how young you could be, how much well-traveled and healthy you are, we all may experience unforeseen travel problems or mishaps sometime.
And what's crucial is to be prepared for THEM!

How to Overcome?

The solution is Travel Insurance!

In fact, many cruise, tour and travel suppliers are not able to properly assist or refund the cost of tickets if unforeseen covered events occur while you're away from home.

But travel insurance with Allianz Global is a protection for your investment linked to the cost (expenses) of your travel arrangements to unexpected mishaps that may happen before and during your travel or vacation.

-Allianz travel insurance plans may help you make travel arrangements, get you home safely and reimburse covered costs!
-With the right travel insurance plan from Allianz Global, you will get abroad the medical care and emergency transportation you need!
-With Allianz travel insurance plans, you have access to our FREE application called TRAVELSMART app which will help you wherever you are to communicate with the customer-service of Allianz to assisr you and find a solution at your travel problem such as: lost of luggage, helping to locate a doctor or medical facility around, a pharmacy to purchase new medication and etc...

-Interested or need further info?
-Contact us: [email protected]



*Ericsat-Travel é uma agência de viagens completa, especializada em cruzeiros fluviais no hemisfério leste; viagens ferroviárias europeias; passeios e férias; safáris na África e seguro de viagens internacionais.

*Fornecemos produtos e serviços de viagens nacionais e internacionais aos viajantes. Também, podemos personalizar ou criar as férias dos seus sonhos baseando em diferentes estilos de viagem em todo o mundo.

*Atendemos a uma ampla categoria de público e dados demográficos, incluindo: Crianças viajando com seus pais; Adolescentes; Jovens-adultos (até 27 anos); Millennials (com idade média de 28 anos); Geração X (com idade média de 41 anos); Baby-Boomers (com idade média de 61 anos); Jovens casais; Viajantes individuais; Cruzadores fluviais; Casais em lua -de mel; Viajantes independentes ou FITs e Viajantes familiares ou Viajantes multigeracionais.

*Embora a viagem seja um investimento valioso para nossos clientes e clientes potenciais, acreditamos firmemente em protegê-lo por meio do seguro de viagem internacional que não só lhe dará tranquilidade com cobertura e benefícios, mas também o assistirá antes e durante sua viagem inteira uma vez segurada!!!

*Ericsat-Travel é uma agência de viagens multilíngue com Profissionais de viagens que falam vários idiomas para melhor atender nossos clientes como: Inglês, Português, Francês; Fiote, Kikongo e Lingala.

- Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Line
- U-by-Uniworld
- Goway Travel
- Eurail
- Allianz Global Assistance
- African Travel
- Rivira River Cruise
- Magical Kenya
- Contiki

Para mais informações, queira contactar nos em email: [email protected]



*Ericsat-Travel est une agence de voyages complète, spécialisée dans les croisières fluviales dans l'hémisphère Est, les voyages ferroviaires européens, les circuits et vacances, les safaris africains et l'assurance voyage internationale.

*Nous fournissons des services et produits de voyages nationaux et internationaux aux voyageurs. Nous pouvons également personnaliser ou sculpter vos vacances de rêve en fonction de différents styles de voyage à travers le monde.

*Nous répondons à une large catégorie d'audience et données démographiques, notamment: les enfants voyageant avec les parents; Adolescents; Jeunes-Adults (jusqu'à 27 ans); Millennials (avec une moyenne d'âge de 28 ans); Génération X (avec une moyenne d'âge de 41 ans); Baby Boomers ( avec une moyenne d'âge de 61 ans); Jeunes couples; Voyageurs solitaires; Croiseurs fluviaux; Jeunes mariés; Voyageurs indépendants ou FITs et Voyageurs en famille ou Voyageurs multigénérationnels.

*Le voyage étant un investissement valable et digne pour nos clients et clients potentiels, nous croyons fermement qu'il est important de vous protéger grâce à l'assurance voyage international, qui non seulement vous donnera la tranquilité d'esprit à l'aide d'une couvrture et avantages, mais vous assistera également avant et pendant votre voyage de rêve une fois assuré!!!

*Ericsat-Travel est une agence de voyages multilingue avec des Professionnels de voyages parlant plusieurs langues pour mieux servir nos clients comme l'anglais, le portugais, le français; le Fiote, Kikongo et Lingala.

- Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Line
- U-by-Uniworld
- Goway Travel
- Eurail
- Allianz Global Assistance
- African Travel
- Riviera River Cruise
- Magical Kenya
- Contiki

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez nous contacter sur email: [email protected]



-Ericsat-Travel is a full-travel agency, specialized in East-Hemisphere river cruises, European rail voyages, Tours and Vacations, African safari trips and International travel Insurance.

-We provide domestic and international travel services and products to travelers. We can also customize or carve your any dream-vacation based on different travel styles throughout the world.

-We cater to a wide category of audience and demographics including: Kids and Children traveling together with their parents; Teenagers; Young-adults (up to 27 years); Millennials (with average age 28 years); Generation X (with average age 41 years); Baby-Boomers or Generation Z (with average age 61 years); Young-Couples; Solo travelers; River cruisers; Honeymooners; Independent travelers or FIT travelers and Family travelers or Multigenerational travelers.

-While, travel is a worthy investment for our clients and potential customers, we strongly believe in protecting you through the international travel insurance which not only will give you the peace-of-mind with coverage and benefits, but also assist you before and during your entire travel once insurred!

Ericsat-Travel is a multi-lingual travel agency with Travel Professionals speaking several languages to best serve our clients such as English, Portuguese, French; Fiote, Kikongo and Lingala.

- Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Line
- U-by-Uniworld
- Allianz Global Assistance
- African Travel
- Riviera River Cruise Line
- Magical Kenya
- Contiki

For further information, you could contact us via email at: [email protected]


Avenida Rev De Outubro, Casa 8/Bairro Cassenda-Maianga





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Outra Agência de viagens em Luanda

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