Sometimes, happiness is palpable. Registration for Beyond Kizomba 6️⃣ starts tonight. ⏳
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Sometimes, happiness is palpable.
Registration for BK 6️⃣ opens tonight. ⏳
Embarking on one of our cultural immersion programs in Angola is about leaving your comfort zone while enjoying the ride! It's about understanding on your last day of the trip why we purposely call these life-changing experiences "Beyond Kizomba".
Will you join us on the next one in May (08-18th)?
#kilapanga #BandaMaravilha #LuandaNights #ChádeCaxindeMondays
It's called Beyond Kizomba: for a good reason.
If you leave Angola without a deeper understanding of the ancestral rhythms that move the souls of Angolans, then we fail at our core mission.
A workshop of Angolan traditional music instruments is a must in our cultural immersion program. We are proud to say that we were pioneers in doing so. 🙏🏾
The irresistible rythms of Angolan carnival music that 51 tourists succumbed to during our Beyond Kizomba: Angola Cultural Trip (5th Edition) from 10-20 Oct.
warm up for our upcoming Beyond Kizomba: Angola Cultural Trip (5th Edition): 10-20 Oct…
No matter what happens today, you've already won our hearts & minds. You've united a nation, a people. You gave hope to the hopeless. You've restored our pride. Good Luck, Palancas. Your nickname includes Black Giants for a reason. Hook'em, sables!
Arguably, nobody brings more diverse groups of cultural tourists to Angola. We have shown Angola's rich culture and history to people from such a broad spectrum of backgrounds, ethnicities, nationalities, upbringings, demographics, religious beliefs, etc, etc. This has been a blessing that we do not take for granted. 🙏🏾🫶🏾