There’s a elk Lot of terrain to be snowmobile accessed in Nevados de Chilan. Our program combines the finest BC access supplemented by a mechanized component.
#skinevadosdechillan #sendandreturn #avalanchesafety @backcountryaccess @patagoniachile @patagonia_snow
Nevados de chillan provides y para rellene SC and BC access. @
Access to snow@when conditions aren’t perfect is key. We have a motorized access program in the Andes with the best riders in the range.
@backcountryaccess @patagonia_snow @patagoniachile @pixmap.gis @aprendica_snow_safety @avyinstitute @american_avalanche_association #mapaspixmap #avalanchesafety #sendandreturn
A bit more of Tetons porn
Synchronization tactics, got lucky when models didn’t coincide. @backcountryaccess @patagonia @patagonia_snow @pixmap.gis @american_avalanche_association
#avalanchesafety #backcountryskiingpatagonia #sendandreturn #andesbackcountry #andesbackcountryskiing
We were looking for the goods in the Bariloche backyard, touching and sniffing until we saw it !
#patagoniabackcountry #sendandreturn #avalanchesafety @backcountryaccess @patagonia_snow @patagonia.arg @patagoniachile @patagonia @american_avalanche_association @pixmap.gis @beaconguidebooks
Great day at Nevados de Chillán today. Thanks @manuob
@patagonia @patagoniachile @patagonia_snow @backcountryaccess @pixmap.gis @beaconguidebooks
Splitboarding vibes in top of Sollipulli North before the next storm arrival.
@patagonia @backcountryaccess @pixmap.gis @american_avalanche_association @acker.snow @patagoniachile #mapaspixmap #andesconsciente✨🌱🏔
Getting deeper by the day in Patagonia!
Nothin’ like our terrain in Bariloche
It’s happening
@backcountryaccess @patagonia @patagonia_snow
Fine tuning the pistons for the seasons’s opening. @patagonia @patagoniachile @patagonia_snow
Skiing in April wasn’t even elusive, it was always unimaginable. Off we go with a promising start.
@patagonia.arg @patagoniachile @patagonia_snow @backcountryaccess #snowsafety #avalanchesafety #pixmaptopomaps
Easy access to play with friends and family. #ilovebariloche
@patagonia.arg @patagoniachile
Kayak Touring in Patagonia with Magellanica