Piano Trans Ltd

Piano Trans Ltd Relocation, Moving, Packing, Transporting pianos and grand pianos, Specialized transport, Shipping, Transportation advice, Private courier services

Transfer, packing and transportation of pianos and grand pianos, personal belongings and more. Brand new van, trained staff with experience more than '20 in the industry, absolutely low prices, transport to anywhere in Bulgaria and Europe. Carriers of innovation in the transport of pianos and grand pianos to distant destinations. Transport the same to Scandinavia, England and the Middle East. We w

ork with major European manufacturers, they are entrusted to us to manage their international transport.

Какво се случва с българската история е учебниците? Чуйте сами!

Какво се случва с българската история е учебниците? Чуйте сами!

486 likes, 30 comments. Check out tanya doncheva's video.

Team of professionals! Moving of grand piano Kawai from Thessaloniki to Vienna.

Team of professionals! Moving of grand piano Kawai from Thessaloniki to Vienna.

This year we had the pleasure to transport one of the 5 grand pianos in the world - Bösendorfer - Svarowski! The 220 cm ...

This year we had the pleasure to transport one of the 5 grand pianos in the world - Bösendorfer - Svarowski! The 220 cm jewel was transported from France to a secret destination with absolute professionalism and perfect organization. At PianoTrans we are specialists in this field. Along with the Verbier Festival in Switzerland, the Royal Palace in Denmark, the preparations for the transport of over 30 pianos and grand pianos to Egypt and many more transports without damage or problems, we believe we can rank with the best in the industry.

Тази година имахме удоволствието да транспортираме един от 5-те рояла в света - Bösendorfer - Svarowski! 220-сантиметровото бижу беше транспортирано от Франция до тайна дестинация с абсолютен професионализъм и перфектна организация. В ПианоТранс сме специалисти в тази област. Наред с фестивала във Вербие в Швейцария, Кралския дворец в Дания, подготовката за транспортирането на над 30 пиана и рояла в Египет и още много други транспортирания без повреди и проблеми, смятаме, че можем да се наредим до най-добрите в бранша.

The new piano and grand piano shop in Vienna - like us or tell someone about us:https://klavierart.at/

The new piano and grand piano shop in Vienna - like us or tell someone about us:

Sie möchten ein Klavier in Wien kaufen? Jahre Erfahrung Dann sind Sie hier richtig! Klavierankauf in Wien - so einfach geht's! Verkaufte oder transportierte Klaviere Bester Preis für Klavier und Flügel, große Auswahl und hervorragende Qualität! Zufriedene Kunden Ein Klavier zu

Packing Pianos for export to Egypt. Soon we will deliver in the Pyramid of Cheops!

Packing Pianos for export to Egypt. Soon we will deliver in the Pyramid of Cheops!

Let's do it!

Let's do it!

RossART Fotografie in action...

RossART Fotografie in action...

Pianos and grand pianos renting. There are no inaccessible places...www.pianotrans.at

Pianos and grand pianos renting.
There are no inaccessible places...

Concert grand piano August Förster - 280 cm., carrying 9 floors! Team from 5 people!

Concert grand piano August Förster - 280 cm., carrying 9 floors! Team from 5 people!


Difficult, but successful!

Sometimes work is fun!

Sometimes work is fun!

One great instrument, delivered from us!

One great instrument, delivered from us!

It was not so easy, but we handled.

It was not so easy, but we handled.

Our new baby - Steinway model O

Our new baby - Steinway model O


Friedhofallee 7


Montag 09:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag 09:00 - 17:00




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