Die Englischtrainerin Dr. Kim Meyer-Cech

Die Englischtrainerin Dr. Kim Meyer-Cech Individuell gestaltetes und auf Ihre Interessen zugeschnittenes Sprachtraining - Coaching im Einzels

Dawn (Morgendämmerung), the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky. So beautiful! 🤩      ...

Dawn (Morgendämmerung), the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky. So beautiful! 🤩

In English there are two words for the German word "Schatten". Here you can see the SHADOW of the dog. But on a hot sunn...

In English there are two words for the German word "Schatten". Here you can see the SHADOW of the dog. But on a hot sunny day you would find a place in the SHADE.

Autumn and fall (Herbst) are used interchangeably in American and Britisch English, but fall occurs more often in Americ...

Autumn and fall (Herbst) are used interchangeably in American and Britisch English, but fall occurs more often in American English.

Visiting the stupa (a Buddhist monument) in Grafenwörth. An inspiring, peaceful place.

Visiting the stupa (a Buddhist monument) in Grafenwörth. An inspiring, peaceful place.

September 21st is World Gratitude (Dankbarkeit) Day. May this day remind us to appreciate (wertschätzen) all the little ...

September 21st is World Gratitude (Dankbarkeit) Day. May this day remind us to appreciate (wertschätzen) all the little and big things that make life meaningful.

We found a huge (riesig) mushroom 🍄 during our English Walk, unfortunately it's not edible (essbar).

We found a huge (riesig) mushroom 🍄 during our English Walk, unfortunately it's not edible (essbar).

In awe (Ehrfurcht, auch Staunen) of nature's beauty during a silent walk at a Yoga retreat in Tyrol.

In awe (Ehrfurcht, auch Staunen) of nature's beauty during a silent walk at a Yoga retreat in Tyrol.

English Walk in the lovely Waldl in Wiener Neudorf - singing in the rain! We also visited the Hubertuskapelle (Kapelle =...

English Walk in the lovely Waldl in Wiener Neudorf - singing in the rain! We also visited the Hubertuskapelle (Kapelle = chapel in English) in Biedermannsdorf, some say it's a strong power place (Kraftort).

Ein wunderschöner Internationaler Yogatag auf der Kaiserwiese in Wien, wo ich den Sonnengruß vorführen durfte 😀🕉A wonder...

Ein wunderschöner Internationaler Yogatag auf der Kaiserwiese in Wien, wo ich den Sonnengruß vorführen durfte 😀🕉

A wonderful International Day of Yoga on the Kaiserwiese in Vienna, demonstrating the sun salutation 😀🕉

We had a special and very sweet canine (Hunde-) guest today at our English Walk. Welcome, Lupo!

We had a special and very sweet canine (Hunde-) guest today at our English Walk. Welcome, Lupo!

I found a broom that matches (dazu passen) my outfit!  If the broom fits (passen), fly it! Hi, hi, hi! 😃

I found a broom that matches (dazu passen) my outfit! If the broom fits (passen), fly it! Hi, hi, hi! 😃

Say "cheese"! This week we had a cheddar cheese tasting (Verkostung) and learned interesting facts about this special ch...

Say "cheese"! This week we had a cheddar cheese tasting (Verkostung) and learned interesting facts about this special cheese. Did you know it originally comes from an English village called Cheddar?
Next week we will speak about maize (Mais) - there might even be a tortilla chips tasting 😋

Auf Englisch diskutieren, jeden 2. Freitag Nachmittag, aktuelle, spannende Themen, zum Beispiel „Limiting tourism – yes ...

Auf Englisch diskutieren, jeden 2. Freitag Nachmittag, aktuelle, spannende Themen, zum Beispiel „Limiting tourism – yes or no?“. Maximal 5 Personen, der 26.4. ist schon ausgebucht, aber für 10. Mai sind noch Plätze frei! Eine Diskussionsgrundlage wird vorab zugeschickt.
Bei Interesse bitte ein E-Mail an [email protected]
und wir senden die nächsten Termine sowie die Diskussionsgrundlage gerne unverbindlich zu.
P.S.: We also hike (wandern) and speak English 3 times a week, mehr dazu unter https://www.facebook.com/englishwalks.at/


Wienerstraße 140


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