ARTFABRIK The artfabrik is an innovative advertising agency domiciled in Innsbruck, Austria.

Because of the broad multimedia-based expertise the artfabrik’s creatives offer a wide range of attractive audiovisual communication- and advertising materials. They are telling stories that attract cause of the exceptional realizations and sensitive compositions. Their interactive portfolio follows the same rules. They form virtual worlds that allow their users to dive into and experience information.

Wir hatten erneut das Vergnügen, den internationalen  Masterstudiengang bei uns willkommen zu heißen. Es ist immer inspi...

Wir hatten erneut das Vergnügen, den internationalen Masterstudiengang bei uns willkommen zu heißen. Es ist immer inspirierend, mit Studierenden in Kontakt zu treten und ihre frischen Perspektiven und unkonventionellen Ideen zu hören.
Once again, we were happy to welcome the international Masterclass to our office for their excursion. It's always inspiring to connect with students and hear their fresh perspectives and unconventional ideas.


We feel like dancing!

Check out our App Wood goes Europe – a project that is associated with Salzkammergut 2024. Together with our friends from Forstverein Oberösterreich & Salzburg and forest ambassador Hermine Hackl, we came up with an edutaining collection of 3D models, characters and special points of interest that give you insights into forest topics that will reveal an unknown truth.

Exciting news! “The Crow” is officially being released today, with the German premiere taking place in Munich. We’re pro...

Exciting news! “The Crow” is officially being released today, with the German premiere taking place in Munich. We’re proud to have played a part in bringing the movie to life by creating 3D scans and virtual production sets for VFX. Keep an eye out for the scenes at the Prague Opera House, for example. And of course, Bill Skarsgård’s performance as the dark and intense Eric Draven is definitely worth watching!

The Crow – coming soon to theaters! Starring Bill Skarsgård, FKA twigs, and Danny Huston.Subscribe to the LIONSGATE: YouTube Channel for the latest movie tra...


Wasserkraft erlebbar machen – das war unser Ziel mit der App ‘TIWAG erneuerbare plus Kühtai’. Die mobile, offline-fähige Applikation befähigt UserInnen, zu entdecken, was sich bei einem Wasserkraftwerk sowohl oberhalb als auch unterhalb der Erdoberfläche abspielt. Von Turbinen bis hin zu Generatoren wird Schritt für Schritt eindrucksvoll gezeigt, wie Strom erzeugt und gespeichert wird. Das alles wird durch starke Bilder transportiert: alle 3D-Geländemodelle und Maschinen sind interaktiv und können in AR platziert werden.

Die App ist im Appstore und im Google Play Store frei zugänglich.

Bringing hydropower to life - that was our goal with the 'TIWAG erneuerbare plus Kühtai' app. The mobile, offline-capable application enables users to discover what happens at a hydropower plant both above and below the earth's surface. From turbines to generators, it impressively shows step by step how electricity is generated and stored. All of this is conveyed through powerful images: all 3D terrain models and machines are interactive and can be placed in AR.

The app is available for free in the Appstore and Google Play Store.

Die App im Appstore:
Die App im Google Play Store:


Ferdinand Weyrer Str. 9/3


Montag 09:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 18:00
Freitag 09:00 - 18:00


+43 650 9996020


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