Mit Weitblick in eine neue Woche. Die Sonne strahlt in unsere Herzen und Seelen. Meditation auf 1.1113 Meter.
Die Ferienhäuser Aufberg 1110 und Aufberg 1113 mit jeweils zwei eigenständigen Wohnungen für 2 bis 4 Personen bieten modernen und natürlichen Luxus.
267 Dürnberg
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Aufberg is the perfect place for the one who is looking for relaxation in peaceful seclusion and aesthetics. Two houses where you can spend the first hours absorbing the design, materials, details and nature. Natural materials as wood and stone, wool and felt, clear lines accomplish the perfect setting to open up, and draw new vigour and energy from the placid wisdom of nature.
Great hiking tours start right from the door to the Schmittenhöhe and during winter months you are sourrounded by fantastic skiing areas as Zell am See, Kitzsteinhorn – Kaprun and Saalbach Hinterglemm. During summer months you can experience the Grosssglockner Hochalpenstrasse.