
Salzkammergut-Live Ferienwohnung im Salzkammergut Vorchdorf. Ein 115m2 4 zimmer Wohnung


Salzkammergut Austria ⛺️🗻

Almsee is a picturesque mountain lake in Upper Austria, located in the Salzkammergut region near Grünau im Almtal, at the northern foothills of the Totes Gebirge. Its beautiful surroundings make it a perfect destination for nature lovers.

Getting There:
From the Salzkammergut-Live Apartment, Almsee is approximately 30 km away and can be reached by car in about 30-40 minutes.🗻🗻
If traveling from Vienna, take the A1 Westautobahn to the Voralpenkreuz junction, then switch to the A9 motorway and exit at Ried/Tr. From there, follow the signs through Voitsdorf, Pettenbach, Scharnstein, and Grünau to reach Almsee.

🗻Dimensions and Features:
The lake is about 2.3 km long, 700 meters wide, and covers an area of 85 hectares. Its average depth is 2.5 meters, with a maximum depth of 9 meters.

Due to its low water temperature, Almsee is not primarily known as a swimming destination, but it is perfect for relaxation and nature enthusiasts.🗻

The area around the lake offers great hiking opportunities, with trails like routes 404 and 420. In summer, rowing and boating are allowed between 8 AM and 6 PM. In winter, the lake often freezes, providing opportunities for ice skating and curling.

Surroundings and Peaks:
Almsee is surrounded by the Totes Gebirge mountains, whose peaks reach over 2000 meters, offering a breathtaking backdrop for visitors.🗻

The walking path around the lake is approximately 6 km long and can be comfortably completed in about one and a half hours.



Minden kedves ismerősömnek, leendő vendégeinknek, valamint a világ minden emberének kívánok nagyon boldog, békés karácsonyi ünnepeket!


Ich wünsche all meinen lieben Bekannten, zukünftigen Gästen und allen Menschen auf der Welt ein frohes und friedliches Weihnachtsfest!


I wish all my dear friends, future guests, and everyone around the world a very happy and peaceful Christmas!


Auguro a tutti i miei cari amici, ai futuri ospiti e a tutte le persone nel mondo un Natale molto felice e sereno!


🥳 Fahr nicht weg - Skifahren könnt ihr daheim in OÖ! Am Kasberg warten 23 Pistenkilometer auf dich und deine Familie!
🔵 Leichte Familienpisten
🔴 Mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad
⚫ Für schneidige Könner


Mautstraße 48


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