Rearte Gallery Vienna

Rearte Gallery Vienna For more Info. visit the gallery official Homepage ->->

Rearte Gallery was in launched 2008 as a non-profit, private initiative in order to provide opportunities for known and unknown artists to present themselves in an exclusive and representative atmosphere. Since then, the Gallery has dedicated itself to supporting young emerging artists, but also to connect artists from different countries and assist them in showing their work in group exhibitions

with other artists from the region (Austria). In the meantime, the Gallery has distinguished itself through this initiative and has become well known in the art scene, nationally and internationally, as the non-commercial art space in Vienna. The main idea behind Rearte Gallery is to establish a point for art lovers in Vienna where artists can present their contemporary and modern art works. Art lovers can discuss and share their ideas and thoughts away from the commercial atmosphere. In addition, the Gallery promotes cultural exchanges between artists and countries in particular to focus assisting artists from the Arabic region in showing their work in Vienna, encouraging a greater understanding of art regardless of its origin. Since its establishment, Rearte Gallery has been able to expand its cultural network by maintaining good contacts and new partnerships with different cultural institutions. Rearte Gallery believes that art knows no borders, no barriers, no religions, and no age or s*x limitation. Art is there to build bridges that connect nations and melt the cultural diversity in one pot to create a universal language - the language of art.


تحتفل العاصمة النمساوية فيينا بالعرس الثقافي "ليلة متاحف ORF الطويلة"، غدا السبت، وذلك بعد عام من استراحة إجبارية بسبب تفشي وباء كورونا في خريف 2020.

دعوه للمشاركه بمعرض "حروف عربيه" - ليله المتاحف الطويله 2020Ausschreibung zur Ausstellung "Arabic letteres" Lange Nacht ...

دعوه للمشاركه بمعرض "حروف عربيه" - ليله المتاحف الطويله 2020
Ausschreibung zur Ausstellung "Arabic letteres" Lange Nacht der Museen 2020


مركز فيينا لفن الخط Bild: Alnemsa Net تم أفتتاح مركز فيينا لفن الخط في 7 سبتمبر 2018 ليكون المركز الاول من نوعه في الجمهوريه النمساويه ووسط اوروبا ويهدف المركز من خلال نشاطاته ...


Dear Kathy Priscilla It took a long time but now i am ready to thank your for your generous donation to our Library

So Wrote the Friar - Così scrisse il frate (by Kathryn Shank Frate), Shodo (by William Reed), Prodotto Libro , Caligrafia Rivista periodica practice book Nr. 2, Caligrafia Rivista periodica practice book Nr. 3, Caligrafia Rivista periodica practice book Nr. 6, Caligrafia Rivista periodica practice book Nr. 7/8 all books are listed under the following Link:


اليكم تفاصيل هذا الخبر فيينا تستضيف سمبوزیوم الخط الدوليفيينا - «الحياة» | منذ 8 دقائق في 19 مارس 2019 - اخر تحديث في 19 مارس 2019 / 17:29 تستضيف العاصمة النمسوية فيي


فيينا تستضيف سمبوزیوم الخط الدولي


تستضيف فيينا الورشة العالمية للخط الدولي لعام 2019, بنتظيم مشترك بين المركز الدولي لأبحاث الخط التابع لجامعة سندلاند البريطانية وجمعية فيينا العالمية لفن الخط. وتم ا....


Spiesshammergasse 4


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Our Story

Rearte Gallery was in launched 2008 as a non-profit, private initiative in order to provide opportunities for known and unknown artists to present themselves in an exclusive and representative atmosphere. Since then, the Gallery has dedicated itself to supporting young emerging artists, but also to connect artists from different countries and assist them in showing their work in group exhibitions with other artists from the region (Austria). In the meantime, the Gallery has distinguished itself through this initiative and has become well known in the art scene, nationally and internationally, as the non-commercial art space in Vienna. The main idea behind Rearte Gallery is to establish a point for art lovers in Vienna where artists can present their contemporary and modern art works. Art lovers can discuss and share their ideas and thoughts away from the commercial atmosphere. In addition, the Gallery promotes cultural exchanges between artists and countries in particular to focus assisting artists from the Arabic region in showing their work in Vienna, encouraging a greater understanding of art regardless of its origin. Since its establishment, Rearte Gallery has been able to expand its cultural network by maintaining good contacts and new partnerships with different cultural institutions. Rearte Gallery believes that art knows no borders, no barriers, no religions, and no age or s*x limitation. Art is there to build bridges that connect nations and melt the cultural diversity in one pot to create a universal language - the language of art.