Salon Schräg

Salon Schräg Der Salon Schräg betritt das Wiener Kulturleben mit dem Anspruch als multi-kultureller Raum. Salon Schrag has five pillars:
1. To produce its own events

Dabei sollen nicht nur junge, innovative Entwicklungen der regionalen Kulturszene im Donauraum vorgestellt werden, sondern auch rund um die Kernkompetenz der Martin Schwarz GmbH Diskussion und Workshops zum Thema „Wirtschaft und Kunst“ stattfinden. Eigenveranstaltungen

Welcome to Salon Schräg

Bei den monatlich angebotenen Eigenveranstaltungen handelt es sich u.a. um


Zauberei und Varieté-Künste
Ausstellungen von Cartoons und visuellen Künsten
Tanz und Pantomime
Humor und Literatur
Musikdarbietungen und Konzerte
auch um multi-kulturelle Projekte. Cultural life in Vienna will be greatly enriched with an additional initiative and nonforprofit, Salon Schräg. Salon Schrag is located in the office of the Martin Schwarz corporation, Schwarz Consult, in the first district of Vienna, Borsegasse 6. The registered non for profit club is entering the Viennese cultural scene as an interdisciplinary arts location and one of its mains goals is to introduce young, innovative developments from the regional cultural scene to Vienna. Using the core components of Schwarz Consult, Salon Schräg also serves as a location for discussions and workshops with a similar theme: Business, the Arts, and Cultural Management. To develop Art a la Carte, a new form of private art fundraising
3. To enable and lead business and arts discussions and workshops
4. To establish a Members Club
5. To rent space

1. Each month, Salon Schräg produces many events, including music presentations, exhibitions, visual art installations, pop up crafts, comedy and humor, literature, fashion, culinary arts, dance and pantomime, magic and vaudeville art, in addition to multi-cultural projects.

2. Art a la Carte is a new type of private fundraising that will be presented by Salon Schräg. Potential donors will experience and find new talent and art to fall in love with, all while eating high-quality cuisine.

3. Salon Schrag will serve as a cultural meeting point where discussions and workshops are held, centered around the topics of Business and the Arts and Art and Cultural Management. These events are targeted towards cultural managers, creative designers, representatives of media, and interested networkers.

4. A yearly membership is offered at the opening of Salon Schrag for a special price of 45 Euros and is valid until the end of 2015. This membership enables you to use the spaces in Salon Schräg during its normal office hours, Monday-Thursday, 9am to 3pm. Included in this membership is entrance to four of Salon Schrag’s events (including food), as well as rental reductions.

5. The rooms of Salon Schrag can be rented exclusively by interested parties. The cosy and artsy ambience of Salon Schrag offers multiple opportunities for giving an event a special flair. On the ground floor, there are two rooms, accommodating up to 50-60 people (45m^2 and 65m^2), connected by a bar and small kitchen, where there is space for festivities, presentations, workshops, as well as catering. On top of that, the unique basement, which accommodates 50-60 people (80m^2) includes a bar and vaudeville stage that can enrich the planning of a personalized event. Prices are negotiated individually and are dependent on the size of the event and the artistic, technological, and catering needs.

[*]The regional media channel, SchauTV has already been presenting music talent through their television show, Salon Schrag, for a year. Martin Schwarz: Martin Schwarz is the Founder and President of Salon Schrag. He is also the founder and speaker of the board of our partner non-for-profit initiative, the Austrian Business Committee for the Arts. This initiative has been presenting the Austrian Arts Sponsorship Award, “Maecenas” at a large gala every year. Schwarz was director of the ORF Office for Cultural Relations in the 90s, and afterwards, spent 12 years as manager and partner of Cirque de Soleil, working on European development and promotion in Vienna. Now, he runs his own consulting agency (, focusing on tourism, media, and event and cultural management. His digital Vienna Guide, Smart Guide ( was awarded with the Austrian Innovation Award Tourism 2012.


Boersegasse 6


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