The concept behind advansTREK®* group fitness program - the essence of this FB page
The idea behind our new group fitness program - kept in view during development of its each individual set of motions as well as the combination of these into the 50’ program sets, is different from all currently available walking (or variations of walking: “power walking”, “Nordic-walking”, “striding”, etc.) base
d programs. advansTREK® group fitness program (vTREK in German, where “V/” stands for “Vormarsch”), is based on motions that best replicate the natural act of hiking/trekking (Wanderung, Genusswanderung) as available at popular destinations (Wanderwegen)*. This is an essential product differentiator that is applied far beyond the level of marketing and form. This new concept benefits from the variety (in intensity, scope and motions) available in the natural foothills environment, in fair weather. Due to the bio-mechanical approach in the design of our equipment advansTREK® can apply these natural benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels, in a controlled, safe, indoor group fitness environment, practically making fitness-hiking available to all, anytime. This unique feature of advansTREK® group fitness program is more than just a strong appealing differentiator. The new concept opens the opportunity for endless changes in - and improvements to the program. When applied properly and opened up via popular social media and crowd-sourcing, the concept can harness the imagination and unlimited resources of the public - involved enthusiastic users and instructors’ professional circles. This makes advansTREK® a unique program that can offer fitness club members something new all the time. For owners and operators this ensures good retention while also generating a steady stream of new clients.