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New Moon in Cancer 6th July 8.27 am ACSTA powerful moon for healing and growth and setting intentions and equally powerf...

New Moon in Cancer
6th July 8.27 am ACST

A powerful moon for healing and growth and setting intentions and equally powerful in bringing things from the depths that ready to

As we begin this month, we are in Saturn retrograde in Pisces now until November 15th and will move from 190 degrees back to 12 during this time and these are potent degrees of the Zodiac – here activating letting things go and the ability to put down the sword. Stop the fight – with yourself and the world – it is time to reach for peace. What is interesting here is it is travelling alongside the asteroid Nessus – ancestral healing – shadow – deep generational wounds of the darker side – and Nessus is also retrograde – you get the picture. It is useful to remember this when things stir – not all wounds are down to us – however if we have the courage to face them and heal them then the whole blood line is healed.

July really is a magical month this year – beginning with the Sirius Gateway – the conjunction between our star Sol and Sirius – our spiritual star that many ancient monuments align with. And this gateway from the 1st to the 7th of July incorporates the Cancer New Moon – Decan 2 – on the 6th – falling in the heart of it as it were. This gateway raises our vibration energetically and unlocks a deeper wisdom held within our DNA – recharging us – body and soul – and this energy is connected to freedom and a technology of mind – beyond devices – which are just the stepping stone.

On the 2nd we have Mercury moving into Leo – passionate and fiery – adding to this month’s ability to learn to communicate deeply and from the heart. There is much healing possibility in this and always remember you heart cannot lie so pay attention this month – listen to it rather than the mind and there is much to gain in these healing energies from this. Your insights will grow as Mercury travels through Leo and groups and individuals may rise in power and passion to defend a deep sovereignty of being against the propaganda manipulation and may meet very stubborn and fixed views in opposition as they rise and these may be difficult to counter. Avoid getting caught in circuitous arguments or fights to the end – as Sun Tzu says – pick your battles wisely.

Mercury opposes Pluto on July 2nd to 4th – stirring the pot and during this time observe the mind with detached awareness – do not engage in obsessive thinking, confrontations, power struggles or airing of dirty linen and non-useful disclosure and secret revelations. Other things with Mercury later in July as it squares with Uranus on the 21st – first of three for the year – will add volatility and exposure of serious crowd numbing exposure – which will prove interesting in the year of the election where the stacked supreme court there just killed democracy [or any pretence at it at this stage lol]

This opposition creates a battle of ideas within your self or with competitors and be mindful of not focusing too single mindedly on this. This is the time to research and examine all aspects of the issue – within and without – clear the decks – discover the secrets and move on. Your thinking may become a little obsessive so practice mindfulness or get help if you feel stuck. Opinions can lean to the extreme with this energy however there is also the opportunity to find some transformational aha moments moving forward. In this particular alignment we can expect an uptick of manipulation and propaganda to reach high levels from those pretending to be in charge and it is important to watch your own attempts to be coercive to get your way – this will ultimately backfire. Conspiracy theories and false messiahs will abound so be careful what you accept as a truth.

Also on the 2nd we have Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces. This will dredge things up to the surface and allow us to see through any illusions we are holding – to stay safe – when in fact what we are holding is far more harmful than the truth. Neptune lifts the veil and lets us see what is real and at this time illusions can shatter and many will experience profound unhousing moments – where what they thought was real is not – having peeps wonder – what else am I kidding myself about. It is very discombobulating – however useful – and allows us to take off the rose coloured glasses. Here until 7th of December – many things will be cleared up during this time and much of this will not be comfortable.

Neptune retrograde can strip away illusions and false realities and this can increase anxiety as the fantasy world falls away and some of this can lead to some harsh realities becoming evident – about your love life, finances or career future. The point is the further you have travelled from the truth or the bigger your escape into altered states of denial [drugs, gambling, p**n et al] – the bigger the shock when reality bites. These ‘unhousing’ events are always painful and always expanding if you work with them and again get help if needed. See what is there for you – embrace it – it was always held within you and is just a sign of awakening – however difficult.

A new relationship or critical event could be the trigger here and as Neptune rules the world of victim consciousness, addiction, self sacrifice, delusions and illusions – one can expect guilt, self pity, humiliation, betrayal, anxiety, loneliness or depression to be part of what unfolds. Phobias, hypochondriasis, and paranoia can also rise so be mindful of this along with being mindful of not buying into too many theories of world ending scenarios or returns of something to save you from above.

America – going through the upheaval of its Pluto return – and apparently dying now – certainly its terrorism state nature is being exposed warts and all – as Jupiter in Gemini expands exposure – Neptune dissolves boundaries – and Jupiter smacks it all directly on the 4th of July – meaning people are truly going to see how ugly that country is and how meaningless and pointless their lives have become in the daily grind of it all. Neptune in its most challenging aspect here – will make the programming overt – the coercion and control fall down – the drugs and mental illnesses climb through the roof. In the line up of the heavenly bodies unfolding this year and next dear ones - it all points to things coming to an end – big time.

Then on the morning of the 6th in the portal of the Sirius gateway we have the New Moon in Cancer initiating a new lunar cycle of 28 days – a time of planting and intention. The first new moon of spring post Winter Solstice here in the southern hemisphere and is a potent moon for initiating clear intent for the year ahead. This is a very positive energy for all so make the most of it – write your list after some quiet contemplation this week for what you are planning for the difficult year to come. It will facilitate the shedding of the blocks and the clearing of the fields to allow new growth.

Here we have Moon conjoining Sun with Venus aligned and beginning to rise in the evening sky from July 11th. A call to home and Venus here in Cancer the emphasis is on the home and family life and the safety and acceptance it brings when all are connected and real with each other. The New Moon in Cancer is opposite Ceres and the fixed star is Sirius in Canis Major. Family values are highly emphasised at this time and with good parenting the family is safe – and more financial success is likely to flow to us – if the family is solid and the blocks are cleared.

This moon reminds us we can continue to begin again in all things – in fact we are born anew to each day with a new ego each day – and we are reminded powerfully at this moon to be in each moment in love – thinking of those we love – clearing the decks of what stands in the way of a strong and loving family. This means practicing self love dear ones – the beginning of it all. There really is a beautiful soft energy around this moon and with the amplification of the Sirius portal energy – we can all see things clearly and well and let go with love where we need to.
This is a powerful time of healing, restoration and rebuilding. This will last for several weeks from now although will be strongest at the new moon. Heart energies are amplified – softness is real as we connect with the truth of our feelings – and be able to act on that with self love guiding the way. People may find themselves feeling a lot more sensitive than usual with a genuine compassion, love and forgiveness for all we are unpacking. With this enhanced sensitivity and with Neptune retro now – it behoves all to not take on what is not yours – to know the difference between what is yours and what is not as you allow a new freedom to be yourself unfold. This energy will bring a lot to the surface and it is time to clear the muck from old wounds, preconceived ideas – that are not even your own – angst and triggers – with these healing energies we can really let go and grow.

Some of the themes here may include past traumas from harsh upbringings and it is important to be kind and empathetic if any of that is arriving around you or from within. This is not a time to be out in the chaotic wilds of the external world but to sit quietly – in a community you know and feel safe within. Avoid the plebs and unpleasant types at this moon and beyond dear ones.

Ceres – the large asteroid – retrograde in Capricorn from May to August this year – is closely aligned with this New Moon in Cancer. This powerful emblem of the mother goddess – aligned with the power of the Moon in Cancer and so the energies of nurturing, caregiving, mother-child relationships, maternal love, parenting, nourishment and fertility issues are all coming to the fore now. This is another energy feeding into financial issues and it is not at all uncommon for financial problems and solutions needing to be found to rise now.
Darker themes of custodial issues over children, abductions, narcissism and the devouring mother – Noyobi – the hand that rocks the cradle – can also emerge so be on your guard now. Grief, loss and the unconditional love and its ability to heal all things are here. Remember you are never given anything you cannot handle – no matter what the mad mind may throw at you – stay Zen and grow.The cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel it strongest however all will be impacted by this double energy in the retrograde build up moving forward. A divine wake up call indeed. Venus is also active at this New Moon in Cancer. The heart will be engaged in all unfoldings.

Sirius at 14 degrees is the fixed star here. Long associated with fame an high profile, strong ambition and reaching the top of the totem pole – this can also bring its own dangers amongst this energy. In ancient times this Sirius was also associated with fevers and pestilence aswell as temper and fiery ambition so it behoves all to be mindful of this. The myth of Isis – devoted wife of Osirus rises from Sirius and she is also tied to Cancer and the Moon – granted the ability to resurrect and breathe life into the dead.

On the 6th of July we have Chiron [about to station retrograde in Aries from 23rd July until December 26th 2024] square Venus in Cancer and this will add to the mix of tension in old childhood wounds and other matters of the heart that will continue the deep dive into healing with positive outcomes. On the 11th Venus transits into passionate Leo and that adds to the passion of sorting things out – guides us to put ourselves and our needs first and foremost – with love as the guide – and time for play as well. The Sun and Saturn align here also adding to our productive ability to get things done – and be mindful that Karma related issues may rise here for resolution.

One the 12th of July we have Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius and can be very challenging in relationship to power struggles going on in your life. Issues of control – exerting it over others or being controlled are the theme here. Again the admonition is to let the heart decide the truth of the matter and do what has to be done to resolve it or walk away. Avoid power ‘struggles’ or arguments about the truth. You may find yourself having some pretty intense conversations around this time or equally predatorial issues may rise. The asteroid Juno is also in play here and any marital issues that began from November last year can now find resolution if you do this well.

On the 15th July we have the Sun square Chiron [stationing retrograde in Aries a few days later] and anything still nagging in the healing journey – particularly re childhood patterns and wounds. You will have progressed a lot this year and are likely to see how far you have come along with clear insight in what still needs to resolve. Today is the day to move forward if it rises. Also on this day we have Mars conjunct Uranus – both in Ta**us – so be mindful on the road and with knives and with getting into ideological arguments with fixed belief types. It could get ugly quickly.

Then on the 20th we have Mars transiting into Gemini just before the blue moon – the second Full Moon in Capricorn in the sign of Cancer. So it is a very healing and intense journey from here on in for the month dear ones – make it yours – own your own pain – you are the only one who can heal it – take on nobodies projections and nor inflict such things on others. It is a potent healing lovely time with much light and love to help all along the way.

Also from July until December this year we have the potent Jupiter square Saturn influencing us. The direct square hits on August 19th and again on December 24th however it begins now and will influence the rest of the year. This energy will trigger all we were going through at the great conjunction of December 2020 – ushering in the Age of Aquarius – so we can expect a revisit and review of all that has unfolded since then. The actions required from this transition will be put into deeper movement and with Jupiter now in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces we can expect friction and tension as the old world crumbles and the new world rises.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. A Transpersonal Counsellor and Art Therapist – taking an holistic view of the journey of life - she has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 30 years now.

Recognising we are all on the path between birth and death and understanding that all eruptions of the psyche into perception and life - in all facets of existence from conception to dying and death - Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue.

These engage the deep path, the shadow realm and allow you to see the boulders on the path - and move them out of the field – to spin the warp and weft of a new tapestry – in a new ground of being - to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.

Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms - in the service of her clients. We are all living in extraordinary times and are removing our limiting beliefs about who and what we are.

This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – that we may return to the experience of living in the moment with the wonder of the magical child – whose wild imagination is set free - her work is deep and efficacious.

You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries9th April at 3.50am ACDTHang on to your hats – tighten the parachute harness – take a ver...

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

9th April at 3.50am ACDT

Hang on to your hats – tighten the parachute harness – take a very deep breath and prepare for the inner astronaut journey to plunge you to a whole new level of awareness, reality, being and relating dear ones.

Welcome to the vital and important month of April 2024 bring us the reset of the Solar Eclipse and a long awaited and rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus – both in Aries. The Lunar Eclipse on 25th March set the tone for monumental shifts on every level and the Solar Eclipse will set the tone for many years to come as you are called deeply upon to see what makes your heart sing – what lights your inner fire – moving forward. There will be no games you can play, no people pleasing or co-dependent relationships – that will spare anyone from this. Rise and shine or be burned away.

Setting the tone from the 1st of April to 24th April [in sign until 15th May] we have Mercury stationing retrograde and so the planet of communication, travel and tech comms so we can expect the usual glitches here – double check everything – postpone signing major contracts at this time. Be mindful of what you post online at this time. However remember the main effect of the Mercury retro is that our intuition expands and heightens and our ability to hear our guides and inner landscape is much clearer should we care to pay attention. So reflect on what rises from the past – act where you need to with this second look – trust the inner world. Mercury retro in Aries will give you an opportunity to sort any impulsive actions you may have taken that can now be redressed if needed. Also rest now where you can – your body is busy under this whole sign.

On the 5th of April until the 29th of April we have Venus transiting through Aries and this brings powerful leadership traits forward – encouraging us to start something new in a passionate way – especially if we are utilising our creativity. This yin energy also will allow us to draw things to us and it is important to let your heart be the guide. The glorious sensual and social planet is in her male counterpart sign of Aries – then it means we can see what we want, draw it to us and also go out and get it. You can expect to see assertive [and at times aggressive] women this month. At times it will feel exhausting.

And then we have the personal and global changing New Moon Super Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 9th at 3.50 am ACDT. Travelling right across america – from Mexico to the canadian border – in the longest eclipse this century – this one will shift character – disrupt time lines – shake personality and relationships to their core – to connect with your divine essence and values and vitality to set a firm foundation for the years to come.

As the Moon passes between the earth and the sun – and as the moon has reached the upper boundaries of the elliptical orbit known as the Lunar Nodes [aka karmic nodes and nodes of destiny] – the eclipse occurs – the spiritual change begins. These wild card cosmic events unleash intense energies for change and bring unpredictable and confusing events designed to shake you out of your concretised life controlled by old and non-useful patterns of mind. So simply observe what is before you in a detached manner – deal with what you must – be ready to seize the day without exerting control over it – and be mindful that not all will be clear – possible until the end of the eclipse cycle later this year.

The transiting lunar nodes depict the journey we are on at any given moment in time – for the 1.5 years they are in the opposite signs on the zodiac. Currently – since July 17 2023 – the Aries - Libra axis is in play with the North Node – what we are moving towards – in Aries and the South Node – what we are moving away from – in Libra. North Node is telling us it is time to put ourselves first and focus our attention there in projects and endeavours. South Node is telling us it is time to release outdated and unhealthy relationships, partnerships and business/legal endeavours – where our needs are being sacrificed for others in an imbalanced way. The key is to observe, not react, surrender, heal and make changes.

This Aries Total Solar Eclipse is one of the most powerful cosmic events of the year – followed two weeks later by the other one – the great conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries. The ones who physically see this will be the ones most potently affected by it – so we can expect some big upheavals coming to america at this time – during this door opening exposing time – allowing us to see the truth behind the curtain – the controllers of the mirrors. We may all experience big aha moments and clarity personally and globally - that facilitate new steps forward. Watch the american music industry and hollywood exposures going on currently – clues are building. During the eclipse the Sun [heart and ego] align perfectly with the Moon [emotion and desire] and Gaia [life fecund] all in perfect symmetry – fusing their power to perceive and achieve.

Also at this eclipse we have Chiron – the wounded healer – place of traumas and fears in alignment with the North Node here and in Conjunction with the Sun on the same day. Be courageous this day dear ones – not all changes coming are negative – be courageous in the face of self doubt and move the barriers that have been revealed during the emotional journey begun at the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th. You will know what to do and are ready to embrace the new beginnings and the new astrological year in such spectacular ways. Be mindful of jumping in where angels fear to tread mind – remember that with Mercury retro here we will not have all the information yet and with Mars against Saturn here we need to observe and move when you have internal authority to do so.

The Chiron conjunction with the Sun on the day of the Eclipse is a powerful thing when it comes to your healing journey. These wounds that will be triggered here may come from anywhere in this life, from your in utero journey with your mother where a great deal of misinformation is absorbed – or from the blood lines of your family or even from other existences you have lived. A genuine healing breakthrough is not only possible here but highly likely. Pay attention dear ones and get help if you need it – this is a wonderful opportunity to advance exponentially. The Chiron – North Node alignment at this eclipse can bring an end to institutional suffering in the world where it is needed most – an elevated shift in consciousness that no longer allows us to turn a blind eye to what is obvious. That wounds triggered can indeed become portals to greater wisdom and compassion as the past is released once and for all.

With Ceres [think internal earth mother] in Capricorn Square this Moon we can expect ourselves to be willing to endure what we need to endure to break free and write a new path for the life ahead. Here we get the discipline to do what is right for us – diet, exercise, drawing of clear boundaries with others who are impacting on us in negative ways in relationship. Ceres in Capricorn helps us defer gratification for a greater picture – it is great for saving money for a better future while recognising that nothing is truly secure – be mindful of keeping things in balance here. She overall though is part of you releasing the past and acknowledging it is your life to live as you determine. Ceres is here now for the rest of the year and will give you the impetus to hold to your own true north.

However this Solar Eclipse remains potently an Aries experience for all of us – a rare opportunity to connect with your essence – your creative beginnings and fire – setting a foundation of stability and power for the years ahead. It is time to stop giving yourself away, or denying your part in anything, being silent when the inner voice is roaring – none of these will serve you moving forward. Sun, Moon and Chiron exact conjunction at 19 degrees Aries at this eclipse – along with Venus, North Lunar Node and Mercury retrograde here also – we will all be invited to get in touch with your own will to live free.

To recognise you are a being of the source and the incoming light with this moon will drive awareness deep into the being of the personal and the collective – and this is continued with Mercury conjunct Chiron three further times over March to May. First on the 15th and then at the grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries on the 20th and again on May 6th. There will be pressure to act quickly in these tumultuous times however with more information to unfold during the retro period of Mercury – wait until you find the path forward – which will become apparent with the Mars conjunct Chiron at the end of the month.

Adding to this fascinating harmony of the spheres dance we also have Eris – sister of Mars and goddess of discord and protector of the feminine principal – in Aries [1926-2048] – being activated by Mercury here – so issues around women’s rights and the socially disenfranchised may rise at this time. And all of this is unfolding against the potent background of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces – with Mars joining then here currently until the end of April adds to the turmoil of emotions and illusions and you will need to be discerning as those in ‘power’ will ramp up the deceptive media and censorship so remember who you are and believe nothing that feels off – until you have had the chance to properly research it.

So take care of your body during these times of heartbreak and endings – as new pathways are being stepped upon – as old illusions and delusions are cast aside – as release and surrender moments around old patterns of mind occur – as new beginnings begin – as hearts and desires align for freedom. All will be affected however the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – emerging from the Pluto transformation this year – will be most intensely affected – to elevate their lives. This Eclipse – at 19 Degrees Aries – Decan 2 – brings a brutal honesty into an already rambunctious Aries push for freedom. The Sun is exalted here – not egoically but in terms of sovereign power.

Known symbolically as the Crown it imbues those touched by it with an ability to wield magic into creating new realities that shatter the collective from which they rise. Those imbued will see many things as a shackle to release themselves from – as sovereign self reliance rises. What also will rise is the discernment of the collective that recognises the government is a house of cards – the tiny wizard behind the curtain of smoke and mirrors – and that clinging on the apron strings of this lie will mean death and disillusionment – while those awakening will be forming communities of self reliance – discerning powerfully – despite the overwhelming propaganda – that absolutely no one – is in charge – of anything at all.

And then for all of the month we have Mars in Pisces – conjunct to Saturn in Pisces on the 9th – one day past the eclipse. Mars transiting through Pisces – aligned with both Saturn and Neptune will ratchet it all up – bringing with it the flavour of inflammation, heating, illnesses and issues with illnesses to the mix and the Saturnian energy of task master, karma and responsibility and Neptune’s foggy fatigue can have us feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the changes unravelling. For the next few days this energy is peaking however we are feeling it now dear ones. It is an intense and volatile energy – made more so by the eclipse. It will fire up the combative energy and is likely to bring simmering tensions to the surface. Again clear boundaries matter. On the 12th April retrograde Mercury conjunct the Sun – both in Aries – is a very powerful day of this cycle – taking the blinkers off – confusion lifting – clarity settling – and old past patters of mind that have been troubling can now fall away.

On the 19th – just before the great conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Ta**us – we have the Sun entering Ta**us – leaving the fire and passion of Aries – into the sign of earth, security, finances, environment, food and all things basic to our very survival. That which was seen and planted can now receive nourishment to grow and stabilise. It is a chance to take a breath after the shocks and challenges of the recent past and facilitates a solidification of your dreams and plans now. This is also a very feminine sensual energy – so after the chaos of what you have been enduring – get a massage – go to the beach – enjoy some personal down time.

Then on the 21st we have the grand conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries. This conjunction occurs roughly every 12 – 14 years however it is much rarer they come together in Aries – in the sign of Ta**us. Expansion of energy meets innovation – explosion and freedom. These conjunctions always bring innovative and surprising gifts to the world and in Aries are often involved in warfare as well as creative movement forward. It is revolutionary and rebellious and will not be held back.

This is a very unique combination as the conjunction occurs in Ta**us, traditionally the zodiac sign of ownership; money, banks, possessions. Watch the headlines for significant developments in financial transactions and institutions, and possibly drastic fluctuations in market value.
These energies free things up, so financial exchanges such as selling or buying property can feel fated, and suddenly liberating. In a myriad of ways, there will be attempts to stabilize and consolidate while taking advantage of opportunity. Jupiter does everything in a big way, so progress is the name of the game in a season of fortunes made, and in some cases, fortunes lost.

Most likely, this trend will contribute to earth changes and climate disasters. At the very least, it can serve to increase awareness of environmental issues, and spur on development of cutting edge solutions. It can also shake the bedrock of materialism, helping people turn to what is most valuable, life itself. To sum up, this trend has so much potential to enliven and awaken the sleeping masses.

This initiates a new 14 year cycle – and every conjunction through history brings significant, innovative, no freedom initiations – along with boundless luck and opportunity to boot. It challenges and brings down the old and initiates the new startling vistas ahead. A new voyage into the unknow begins. The next one occurs within the 3 degrees of power from April 3rd 2024 to May 7th 2024 – exact on April 21st. We are already in the long lead up to the big event and its power is always striking and magical. As one would expect when the King of the Gods meets the Trickster Daemon of genius in the sign of money and climate – food and resources. This is an exciting, futuristic, evolutionary, freedom boundless energy for change. It will challenge everything – for good or ill – as required to bring change.

The last time the two were together in this sign it was 1941 – and brought more countries into the mad world war. That year brought in equal pay for women also. It was the first year a jet plane was launched. Each Jupiter- Uranus conjunction brings powerful change and each one builds upon the previous. The 1775-76 conjunction saw the start of the american revolution. The conjunction of 1788-89 saw the start of the french revolution. Ireland, Haiti, Poland and Belgium were all in revolution uprisings then. That year also saw the american bill of rights brought in. the 1968-69 conjunction brought the hippie movement, student revolts, the civil rights movement and a new wave of femininism. In 1989-90 we saw the fall of the berlin wall, the collapse of communism.

The scientific revolution began with the 1540-41 conjunction when Copernicus published De Revolutionibus kicking it all off for Kepler, galilaeo, descarte and newton all publishing at latter conjunctions. Farady discovered electromatic induction, Darwin publishes origin of the species, the telegraph was invented, Planck’s work initiates the quantum physics revolution, first tv transmission, steve jopbs birth, first internet transmission, first personal computer, all occurred in these particular conjunctions. Woodstock held during a conjunction.

Shakespeare first published, the Dubliners, jeckyl and hyde, paradise lost and gullivers travels and sherlock holmes, harry potter, carlos castenada, kafka, lord of the rings - all first published during these conjunctions – along with so many other authors lending power to cultural upheaval as well as technology, physics and inventions. Finances, freedoms, resources, technology, food security, storms and climate – all are up for transition, revolution, transformation during this powerful period.

Taureans and Librans ought to buy a lottery ticket this week. Whatever needs busting open for the new age will be initiated here. So during this powerful transit we can expect sudden, left of field, breakthroughs and awakenings that are equally likely to be sudden, shocking, disruptive – like the tower card in the tarot. Expect rapid development in freedoms, with hope and optimism and a willingness to experiment. If they attempt to impose the basic income for the population as a carrot to the stick of the digital dollar – we can expect this now. Revolutionary changes to sustainability are likely to be on the table also.

Expect natural disasters – seismic activity – volcanic activity – weird weather patterns – at this time. Expect financial markets to behave weirdly and/or govts to attempt the totalitarian control of the digital ID and digital dollar. However the revolution and rebellion will continue to rise against endless wars and the poisoning of the world on every level. Jupiter in hard aspect to Uranus [conjunction] is fanatical in the pursuit of personal freedom. It is powerful in so many ways – offering new vistas and possibilities for a world to follow the coming collapse. Both of these planets are about freedom remember.
A great deal can be gained at this time however it behoves all to be aware of not throwing the baby out with the bath water. Do your best to avoid disruption of your life or in the lives going on around you – breathe – remind yourself of what is yours and what is not – however banding together in the face of corporate and government totalitarianism, malfeasance and control is a better way to go when it all boils down to it. The erratic nature of Uranus is real and just be aware that everything can change – for good or ill – depends on how you choose to perceive it – through what lens.
It also falls on the fixed star Botein found in the belly of the ram. Courage and bravery rise from this however due to the precession of the equinoxes and the shift it brings between the signs and the constellations it also brings in the taurean traits of empire building and management – at the end of a time line of 13,000 years Sun cycle and so great disruptions can arise from this added stressor also.

Where ever this falls in your own chart you can expect some thunderbolts and lightning breaking the chains of that particular house and sign – Uranus is the force of change – kundalini electricity – merging with Jupiter’s spirituality expansion and so expect the unexpected and inspirational – the volatile and spirited – the unexpected – that will not be bowed by the old worn out cruelty of the dying Piscean age. Keep the faith in what unfolds – the world will catch up eventually. As the veil thins during this time then expect ancient knowledge with new applications to begin anew.

This is followed quickly by Sun Square Pluto bringing some heavy energies into the mix to encourage transformation and renewal. And then two days post that we have the Full Moon in Scorpio to push us further. We are truly entering the real changes unfolding this year dear ones – do your best – stay Zen – own it all – be prepared for significant change and adaptation.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. A Transpersonal Counsellor and Art Therapist – taking an holistic view of the journey of life - she has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 30 years now.

Recognising we are all on the path between birth and death and understanding that all eruptions of the psyche into perception and life - in all facets of existence from conception to dying and death - Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue.

These engage the deep path, the shadow realm and allow you to see the boulders on the path - and move them out of the field – to spin the warp and weft of a new tapestry – in a new ground of being - to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.

Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms - in the service of her clients. We are all living in extraordinary times and are removing our limiting beliefs about who and what we are.

This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – that we may return to the experience of living in the moment with the wonder of the magical child – whose wild imagination is set free - her work is deep and efficacious.

You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at


Barina Crescent
Adelaide, SA


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