The working bee yesterday was super special. Firstly, we had around forty people turn up to clean, create, demolish, declutter, prune, and most importantly, share in Ethan's first birthday with cake! Ethan and his brother are both miracles and true blessings, and our Woodcroft family love to share in celebrating moments such as Ethan turning 1. If you want to hear the testimony of their journey to become a family of four when the medical fraternity had given up. Go to YouTube
We are so blessed to have our Carrickalinga camp in our own area down south. From all who attended camp on New Years Eve, we say "Happy New Year".
We will be sharing heaps of testimonies and talks over the month of January to remind us of the amazing ministry.
We will also encourage those who were not able to get to camp to listen in full through our You Tube channel. Stay tuned.
There is no meeting at Woodcroft today....BUT there is loads on at camp. With Carrickalinga camp being in our locally zoned fellowship, today is a beautiful drive down to join us for our meeting at 10am. This afternoon, you can bring a rug or chair to enjoy 5pm burgers & chips $5 followed by a 7.30pm concert on the green.
Livestream is available for those unable to get here. You Tube Revival Fellowship and select Carrickalinga 24-25.
See you today
Want to connect with others over icecream? Join us today at 2pm near the Normanville jetty on the lawn area. Bring a chair, rug and an appetite for icecream and healthy convo's
#campconnect #stayconnected #carrickalingacamp
The talent, sincerity, and testimony shone out of our babies, kids, teens, and youth on Sunday. In these restless times, when young people face peer pressure, bullying, online addiction, drugs, and alcohol dependency, life can seem bleak. But on Sunday, our youth spoke of life at school with God on your side, and how much of a comfort God is to them in times of need.
As parents we can try to instill confidence in our kids, but their relationship with God is next level.
What a blessing to share this day with our youth.
What an amazing family of God we have. On Sunday, our children & youth showed us through song, testimony & talks, what it is like to be a child of God. To be brought up in the nurture and admonition of God, to have christian standards, to make a stand for their beliefs and the importance of raising children in a village where we all share Godly principles. It was an amazing afternoon.
A huge thanks to all the volunteers who helped on the day & throughout the year. The day showed us how unimportant age is when it comes to being bonded together.
If you are looking for a local community of God driven people with a huge emphasis on family values, join us any Sunday.
Revived - to give new strength or energy to.
God has promised to revive us through the infilling of his Holy Spirit. You can experience this for yourself. On your own, on your knees or at a meeting today.
Join us today to experience a Bible-based meeting.
Livestream available for those who are unwell or unable to join us in person.
#TRFlife #onlinechurch #whatsyourstory #woodcroftrevivalfellowship #woodcroftrf #onlinepresence #revivalfellowship #letsdomorein2024 #healedbygod #healing #testimonies #changedbygod #savedbygod #faith #bibletruth #church #australianchurch #signs #wonders #miracles #spiritfilled #christians #christianliving #bornagainchristian #woodcroft #woodcroftchurch #southadelaide #therevivalfellowship #aldingapayinthicollegewednesdaynights
Last night, one area activity saw loads of new people at their Gen Wars Quiz night. There was food and fun, and everyone had their thinking caps on. The tables had each generation pit themselves against the others. What gen won? Well, you might need to ask someone who was there for the lowdown on the winning gen. But to be honest, everyone was a winner as we saw 100 plus people enjoying wholesome fun with like-minded people.
From shorthand to the meaning of cheugy, there were challenges for all.
If your area is running an activity, we would love photos.
"Through Christ, Alone" was the theme of our meeting today, which consisted of looking at Christ's life, death, and resurrection. From the start of the meeting, we were reminded of the amazing role Christ took in getting us to where we are now. The afternoon really showcased Christ's amazing love for us from the talks, testimonies, and songs. Finally, we completed the afternoon with communion and the operation of the Spiritual Gifts as detailed in 1st Corinthians 14. If you would like to hear the 3 part delivery of Through Christ Alone, head to our Woodcroft YouTube Channel and select the 3 talks in this order...
1. The life & Teachings of Christ
2. The death & crucifixion
3. Ressurection & Holy Ghost
The day ended with hamburgers, cakes, and coffee.
Blessed and fulfilled after a day of understanding what God did for us in allowing His Son to die on the cross.
We are open every Sunday to the public, and meetings start at 1.30pm. Why not join us one day?
#TRFlife #onlinechurch #whatsyourstory #woodcroftrevivalfellowship #woodcroftrf #onlinepresence #revivalfellowship #letsdomorein2024 #healedbygod #healing #testimonies #changedbygod #savedbygod #faith #bibletruth #church #australianchurch #signs #wonders #miracles #spiritfilled #christians #christianliving #bornagainchristian #woodcroft #woodcroftchurch #southadelaide #therevivalfellowship #aldingapayinthicollegewednesdaynights
Hope to see you today....
Woodcroft - Join us at meetings on Sundays (doors open at 12:45 for 1:30pm) and Wednesday nights fortnightly (doors open at 7pm for 7:30 start) in our Hall.
Or if you live down south why not visit our Aldinga meeting at Payinthi College, 150 Quinliven Road, Sundays (doors open at 1:30 for 1:45pm start) and Wednesday nights fortnightly (doors open at 7pm for 7:30 start) in our Hall.
Livestream available for those who are unwell or unable to join us in person.
#TRFlife #onlinechurch #whatsyourstory #woodcroftrevivalfellowship #woodcroftrf #onlinepresence #revivalfellowship #letsdomorein2024 #healedbygod #healing #testimonies #changedbygod #savedbygod #faith #bibletruth #church #australianchurch #signs #wonders #miracles #spiritfilled #christians #christianliving #bornagainchristian #woodcroft #woodcroftchurch #southadelaide #therevivalfellowship #aldingapayinthicollege
Woodcroftians Dan and Man reporting from New Zealand after an amazing camp in the South Island. With less than 50 adults and some amazing kids we spent 4 days in a remote location where the entire camp was an absolute buzz. Hosted by the Christchurch fellowship we saw travellers from the Netherlands, Perth, Canberra, Gold Coast and Adelaide as well as from other NZ locations. It was great to catch up with Abby, Helen, Pastor Mark, Millie and Eli who all started their spiritual walks in SA.
From little things - big things grow🌻
Pastor Mark left Adelaide as a young man with a desire to be involved in a smaller work. From that desire, Christchurch is a thriving part of our work in NZ. Millie and Eli left SA with their parents(Sasha and Ella Bramoa) and both are established in the Wellington fellowship with lives of their own. Abby (Hurtado) married a local young man, Shaun and they support the New Plymouth fellowship. Helen, once a singer in an original choir Unity way back in the 80's is a wonderful sister who supports the Christchurch fellowship.
It was such a blessing to see so many young men running the meetings, to be fed with some great ministry, to be entertained with some great items and the chorus sessions were next level. This easter camp is a hidden gem in the multitude of camps available around the world.
What camp did you attend? What were your gems you took home?