thank you Paul Pitsaras for believing in me enough to offer my thoughts and share my knowledge with your listeners. This excerpt covers a discussion on intrusive thoughts.
#meditation #mindfulness
I remember a client saying to me once "Anne where is your smile?". Oh I thought, I had put it on that day. We carry so much tension in our face. As a practice, remember to look at your face when you think you are smiling. You might be surprised. In this practice, I invite you to take a pause and relax the facial muscles, release the jaw and soften the eyes. Add a few conscious breaths and lift your smile. Those around you will be lifted too.
#stressreduction #MBSR #anxiety
Where is your smile?
I remember a client saying to me once "Anne where is your smile?". Oh I thought, I had put it on that day. We carry so much tension in our face. As a practice, remember to look at your face when you think you are smiling. You might be surprised. In this practice, I invite you to take a pause and relax the facial muscles, release the jaw and soften the eyes. Add a few conscious breaths and lift your smile. Those around you will be lifted too.
#stressreduction #MBSR #anxiety
Hi, how are you today compared to yesterday? Perhaps you are noticing more emotions than usual. To support you to find your way through the emotional rollercoaster of fear, anger or frustration, take 3 minutes to come into the present and release any built up tension.
Collaboration to keep us all going
How are you today my friend? I'm feeling a bit out of sorts myself and yet I feel grateful for my life and the love of those around me. The greatest gift to me so far from this epidemic, is the evolving collaboration of my work with fellow mindfulness meditation facilitators, Cherise Vallet and Tim James. We are supporting each other by bringing together our collective experience so we can support you. Here's the gist. Mini mindfulness and meditation practices, will be available here online, starting on Monday with Tim. We will be sharing our practices daily Monday to Friday. I am excited to introduce you to Tim and Cherise in this brief video. Please know these practices are intended to provide you with support, and may not be suitable for every-one. If any of these practices bring up any discomfort, you are welcome to check-in with me. Without my colleagues support, I would still be gazing at my navel feeling compelled to do something but in a frozen state. Thank you Tim and Cherise.
#collectiveexperience #collaborationinaction #weneedeachother
How I reduced my anxiety around tinnitus
If I was your doctor and you were seeking help with mental health issues around stress, chronic pain or mild depression, this is what I would prescribe. All you need to invest is your time. My mindfulness practice has been my life-line for two seismic changes in my life. In this video I briefly touch on how I used meditation to cope with the anxiety of tinnitus - the continual ringing in my head.