Have a look at the description section to see how the convention will unfold. Remember, ADL 2012! Commencing on the 27th of December and concluding on the 1st of January, ADL 2012 Convention has been extended to 6 days of no sleep and non-stop action. The program for ADL 2012 is as follows:
Thursday the 27th:
After registration, the convention will start with the "opening ceremony" followed by a
spit roast dinner. Following dinner, the "Royal ADL Show" festivities will commence! Friday the 28th:
After breakfast and our daily devotional, the "Amazing Race" all across the Adelaide CBD will begin! After returning from the city, we will be having another dance party inside the marquee at St Marks. The theme for the dance is "90s Kids". Make sure that you wind back the clock to your early years with both your fashion sense and your taste for music as we bring to you the best parts of our childhoods. Rumor has it that Captain Planet, Mr Squiggle and the Power Rangers will just be some of the people that will be making an appearance. Dressing up is essential! Saturday the 29th:
Saturday sees that time old tradition of Convention Beach Day Return. Buses will transport everyone to Glenelg Beach (a short distance outside of the city) and back. There will be kayaks, beach volleyball and other such beach sports available. After returning to St Marks, YSA will be given time to prepare for the YSA Convention Ball, held at the stunning Hilton Hotel. The Ball will be a fully-catered event and promises to be one of the highlights of convention. Sunday the 30th:
We have a full and exciting Sunday planned for you on convention, starting with some brilliant workshops by uplifting and engaging presenters with a track-record of success when it comes to living a full and happy life. Then after a beautiful lunch we will all enjoy a Sacrament Meeting to remember, followed by insightful lessons in Sunday School, Relief Society and Priesthood. After a satisfying dinner we will host a Fireside that will lift your spirits and raise your sights as we look ahead into 2013 & beyond, and to cap off this spirital feast, we will conclude the day with a Testimony Meeting where The Holy Spirit will have much to bear witness of as pure testimonies are borne, reaffirmed and enlarged. We invite you to prepare yourself for the rich spiritual experience Sunday will be. Monday the 31st:
After waking up for our morning devotionals, YSA will have the chance to participate in multiple service opportunities!
“Lift up your heart and be glad by giving service that gives life! That is what you’ll be doing in the ADL 2012 service projects. We will help hundreds of people who could not help themselves. First, the Adelaide city homeless people will benefit directly with the care packs we will assemble and the sleeping swags we will donate to Ruf Us, a totally volunteer organization. Secondly, the Red Cross needs your blood. YSA can donate towards the 127,000 units of blood that Red Cross needs daily in order to meet demands on its stocks. Your heart will be lifted! You’ll be so glad that you had the experience! Red Cross Blood Appeal:
Preparing to give blood?http://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/SELF%20ASSESS_A4%20Poster.pdf
We are definitely saving the best to last with our massive new years eve and end of convention party. 400 white t-shirts? check. UV lights? Check. Glow in the dark paint? Textas? Get ready for a new years party like you've never experienced before...
Tuesday the 1st:
The last day will conclude with the ADL 2012 Closing Ceremony. After everyone has checked out, the unofficial after-party proceedings of convention will commence! Make sure to hang around for a few days afterwards!