Gday All!
WITEFOSS here! I just wanted to thank everyone who came along to Operation: Big Igloo this weekend. 44 players, 3 admins and some things we hadnt tried before actually came out working well, and I very much appreciate the assistance from David Walker and Christos for their help on the day and especially Dave for pushing to get this one off of the ground.
It was great to see seasoned milsim veterens out for some fun and also suggesting some new players to come out and experience a BFSA milsim as well. I hope all of the new players had some fun and hope you all come back again when we run another one.
I am also sorry to hear about some of the players that couldnt make it, and hopefully we will see you all again at another game too.
Here is some feedback from us to what worked and what may have worked better:
- The comradery and honesty from all players this game was exemplary. Tex and I only had a couple of instances where we had to clear up some rules. Apart from these instances, all players followed the BFSASO the bets the could under fire and in battle situations.
- The 5 hour downtime - We were werent expecting this to be so popular, and it worked really well. Everyone got a feed and plenty of sleep and surprisingly at 0500 bases were being attacked, just like we were expecting. This is the 1st time we have tried this, and Id have to say it worked well...........just maybe some more food and/or different types of food next time?
- Being that there was only Tex, Christos and myself doing admin duties, there was little that went wront in the game............but that did stop the fact that we had to cut down some missions and not have some in the game due to needing more help on the admin side of things.
As I mentioned at the breifing, there is a HIGH possibility of a milsim in April based on the video game Escape from tarkov....called Escape From Swan Reach. As soon as I hear more about this, then more information will be posted up online.
Until then, hope you all have a good rest, get some sleep and we will see you on the Battlefield again soon :)
Regards, WITEFOSS!
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