Battlefield SA

Battlefield SA A South Australian skirmish business with a difference!

Come and experience the thrill and adrenaline of tactical skirmish games from paintball to gelball.... like you've never experienced before!

**Disclaimer: Fake News For Skirmish Games**

**Disclaimer: Fake News For Skirmish Games**


Coming in HOT very soon!

Details of the 2024 BFSA Gelsim in October...

Follow the page to get news soon as it comes to hand...

G'day Everyone!Thank you to everyone who came out to the Southern Legion Paintball Day Paintball Skirmish S.A . It was g...

G'day Everyone!
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Southern Legion Paintball Day Paintball Skirmish S.A . It was great to see everyone have a blast .......pardon the pun.. 😀
Thanks also to Crucible Combat Sports - MagFed SA and Australian Redfor Group - South for assisting with the days games too. Check out some of the pics of the action and stay tuned for some videos up soon!
Regards, WITEFOSS!

Its Coming.......................Keep An Eye Out For More News Soon!

Its Coming.......................Keep An Eye Out For More News Soon!


Gday All!

Its been a very busy year so far, so apologies for no communication on this years gelball milsim. We are looking at an October event at present (no firm date), and we are keen to hear what you all want to see and do at this years game.

Last year we had feedback of "More night missions and night raids for points etc" this what the players want? :)

Let us know what you want in the next game!

Regards, WITEFOSS!


Breaking News everyone!!!

We have get ready for this.....the COMPLETE Magic Mountain Water Slide for the Paintball Skirmish S.A paintball field! Many of you may remember that slide from good days at Glenelg, but it is now ours and we intend to use them as part of some upgrades to the Red Dawn field and some hidey hole trenches on the field!

What we need are people with vehicles who are able to help tow the slide (in pieces) on trailers to the field!
Let us know if you can help!!

And no this is not a joke...


Gday All!

Ok, gauging interest.......who's keen for a GelBall Milsim for November 16th to 17th, starting at 3pm Saturday and finishing at 11am Sunday. Pure afternoon-night assault heading into the morning with multiple FOB's, MOB's and missions?

Lets GO!!!


Gday All!

I know this post is a little late, but when you're a basketball family at the moment, you don't seem to get much time for other fun stuff :)

Hope everyone had a good 2023 Xmas and Happy New Year for 2024!

The schedule for 2024 has slightly changed with regards to games, but we are still looking at "1" gelball milsim, "1" paintball milsim and "1" MAJOR working bee this year. The working bee will come as soon as I can work out a full Saturday and then I will be asking for help with cleaning up and moving stuff around the field to get ready for the 2nd half of the year.

We will also try and fit in a couple of team days too if possible! With regards to the working bee we will be after:
- Pallets
- Sheets of Iron
- Length of 2x4
This will all be used to create a huge compound in the middle of "The Boneyard" (car field). If you can help with any of the above, that would be fantastic.

Some people already know, but I might as well mention it now............I have a D22 Robinson Helicopter fuselage and tail section that I will be taking to the field as well that I picked.

Some exciting times ahead!

Any questions or queries at all, please dont hesitate to flick me a message!

Regards, Ben "WITEFOSS" Armitage.

Gday Everyone!Myself and the BFSA crew would like to thank everyone that has come to our event and the field in 2023. Wh...

Gday Everyone!

Myself and the BFSA crew would like to thank everyone that has come to our event and the field in 2023. Whether its paintball, gelball or a working bee, all people who have helped out for the sake of our beloved skirmish sports at the Paintball Skirmish S.A field is appreciated.
Barry loves seeing all of the smiling faces everytime we have games at his field, it supports his business and the sport.

Special thanks to all of the volunteer admins who make the games special for all players. Whatever job they do whether its writing milsims, building forts and trenches or putting on a character, all of the team are awesome and the games wouldnt be the same without you all!

Thanks also to the below supporters of games at the field:
- Crucible Combat Sports - MagFed SA
- Australian Redfor Group - South
- Safari Zoomer
- Millsoft Gelball Scenarios
- RAID: Milsim
- AA Mercenaries inc.
- Task Force 618
- PMC Polèvka
plus many more......

2024 will be a challenge. As well as having a lot of personal things to sort as well as kids sport, there will be multiple games at the field in 2024. Not just one big milsim later in the year. So if youd like to help out and make this happen......with building, working bees, or games, please let us know!

Oh, and before I forget, the 3 winners of the $50 vouchers for Safari Zoomer.....if you can contact the page, it would be much appreciated. I want to mke sure Doug has the $50 for each of you ready to go for what you need :)

Again, thanks for all of the support in 2023, for the games, the laughs and the to the great community that we have.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year for 2024!

Regards, Ben "WITEFOSS" Armitage.


Gday Ballers!

I personally want to thank everyone that came out to Paintball Skirmish S.A on the weekend for Ballout: New Alestania. I had my work cut out for me as the sheriff of New Alestania, but I had a lot of fun putting on some RP and following through with a story that I really didnt know where it was going to go.
We had just under 50 people at the event and it was fantastic to see you all it seems I only see some of you like once a year at these events. But its the players that make this happen as we couldnt run this with out all the die hard people like yourselves.
I want to thank Rosie for putting on a kick ass RP style game with 4 factions. Apart from some generic gaming issues, the weekend went really well, and I am actually keen for more like this.
Mega thanks also to Chris as the Tavern opwner and for setting up an awesome place for the players to sit, drink, eat and get missions from.
Thanks a millison to all of the admin RP players who always come along and put on a show especially Nick the El'Presidente, your performance was smashing!
I am going to try and work on some more games to try and get us out to Swan Reach a bit more often, so watch this space.
Rosie will also update you all on here soon with a run down of how the game went etc
If you have any feedback at all, please feel free to message me directly on here or send an email to [email protected]

Thanks heaps and we will see you next time!

Regardsm, Ben "WITEFOSS" Armitage


Amazing 24hr milsim with the full squad out for the entire thing!!

We might not of won but we gave it our best shot and got bloody close despite being heavily outnumbered

Massive thanks to the team at battlefield SA for putting on the event

As always it was good to fight against the ARG boys


Good Morning Ballers!
The day has come...............
Welcome to Ballout: New Alestania
See you all at the field!


Rosie here! Howdy Ballout Crew! Some of us are arriving on site today to start setting up our camps and offload our gear, tonight will be a chill social camp out before game start tomorrow at 10am sharp.

A reminder folks, make sure you bring water to this event! We have some reserves on hand for emergencies, but otherwise you need to bring your own supplies in and take your trash home!

It is also getting into Snake season, so if you see any nope ropes, leave them be and go around! If any are encountered inside the town (Vendetta) or the Tavern we do have staff qualified to relocate them safely.

If you get to the field and the gate is locked reach out to us and someone will come open up. Otherwise you’ll find us at Vendetta setting up.


Good Morning Ballers!

I would like to thank all of the gelballers who have purchased tickets to this weekend "Ballout: New Alestania" game at paintball Skirmish SA.

Last night Chris "Damo" (one of the BFSA admins) sent all the paid players an email that had a copy of the revised BFSASO 1.0, the BFSA medical release form a copy of the BSFA field map.

PLEASE READ THE BFSASO!!! We can't express this more, but PLEASE read the whole BFSASO. There have been some revisions of the SO and you can see what has been changed or revised at the start of the SO. Some of the SO will be read out before game start as well.

Below is the rough timetable for the 24hr Ballout: New Alestania game.

Friday 27th October 2023
- 400pm Onwards - Arrive At field for pre game overnight camp. The team will still be setting up at this point of time, but if you would like to head to the field earlier and be ready for Saturday morning, then you are able to. The gates will be locked at dark, so you will need to be at the field before approx 800pm.

Saturday 28th October 2023
- 800am - Gates Open
- 800am - 930am - Check In, Sign Waiver, Submit Forms to BFSA admin
- 930am - Game Breifing
- 1000am-1100am - Game Start (This is pending the brefing time).

Sunday 29th October 2023
- 1000am-1100am - Game Finish
- 1100am - Lunch Feast
- 200pm-300pm - Field Closed

UPDATE - If you didnt get much sleep and are pretty tired after the 24hr game, then you will be allowed to pitch a tent, and make a campfire at the admin building to stay overnight until Monday. Please advise if you would like to do this before game start. Cheers :)

If there are any more questions at all, please let us know ASAP so we can try and answer them immediately.

Thanks again for all of the support towards this new game style and we look forward to sharing the Ballout experience with you all on Saturday!

Kind Regards, Ben "WITEFOSS" Armitage


Gday All!

With ticket sales closed, we are going through the player information and dont have "Mugshots" and "Callsigns" from a lot of players. If you did not send these to us when you paid for a ticket, then can you please send these to us ASAP.

More information soon.


Hey Ballout crew!

Tonight is the night! Final night of ticket sales, with cutoff at Midnight tonight. On Saturday we will finalise team numbers and reach out to major team stakeholders. Once this is done and locked in, we’ll start trickling out game packages on Sunday/early next week. A few of us admins will be busy in the field doing some last minute construction work this Sunday and might be hard to reach until we get back into town so be patient with us while we get the paperwork into your hands. The BFSASO will see only minor changes compared to last year to cover some important topics. The overall game scenario is largely unchanged for the original game document that went out a few months ago, but due to some quirks with numbers we’ve had to make some slight adaptions.

For this year, we will be opening up on the Friday for a casual camp out on the Friday night before game start on the Saturday. There won’t be any skirmish on the Friday/Night, but especially for Civ and Government players this is the ideal time to setup your tents and make Red Dawn/Vendetta feel like home!

— Rosie


Gday All!

Well there are "Two Days" left to get your tickets paid for before we close it off to get ready for Ballout: New Alestania the following weekend.

There have been a couple of questions, and Ill try to answer them here.

- Will the BFSASO change? There will be a small change in the BFSASO. This will be around vehicles used in the game. The medic rule will stand as the same as 2022 rules.

- What do I put in my milsim kit? If you have been to our previous games, then please pack a very similar or exactly the same kit. If you are having troubles with your kit, please seek help from other members of your direct faction, as Im sure they will be able to assist

- What time do I arrive for the game? A timetable will be posted up on the weeken for the game, be sure to look out on this page for more details.

- Did the California Operator ready die in in the first milsim? Ummm, We are not sure what you are talking about...........

Thanks all, and if there are any more queries, please be sure to send us a message and either myself or Rosie will assist!

Regards, Ben "WITEFOSS" Armitage


Hey Ballout Crew!

Just a reminder folks that we're closing ticket sales at midnight on the 20th, and counting final team numbers on the Saturday 21st. Game pack/BFSASO will go out that weekend once numbers have been confirmed.

We still have spots open for the Mercenaries faction, so if you want to wear multicam head to toe and play a more traditional 'Bluefor' faction, this is the one for you! We're also looking for more numbers for the Government/Police faction, so if you want a shiny badge and to play lawman in the post apocalyptic wastes of what was Alestania, sign up now!

-- Rosie.


Good Morning All!

Well, Ballout tickets sales have gone above 40 players, with Mercs and Bandits sold out and there are still positions on the government and Civilian side available.

Tickets can still be purchased up to the 20th of October at 8pm.

Get on board, as this is looking to be a really awesome game!


Gday All!
Tickets for Ballout: New Alestania have been selling really well.
We have "Re-Opened" the MERCS side again for ticket sales, so if you are keen to don the MERC uniform for Ballout, then send us a message and let us know!
Regards, WITEFOSS!


Hey Ballout crew!

I wanted to post another quick update to talk specifically about the Civilian faction and what the gameplay will look like for these players.

As a Civilian, you've got a weird relationship with the game world because... well... you're a nobody! But what's a nobody got to do in this post apocalyptic hellscape of roaming criminals and cutthroat mercenaries? Whatever pays!

Civilians are motivated by one major goal, making cash. This faction will earn their points through one of two ways, hunting bounties, and collecting loot - and the two don't have to be mutually exclusive!

How are bounties going to work? Well with a big part of the meta for this game being based around not just winning, but in sabotaging the other teams to prevent them from winning, various factions are going to find themselves inclined to engage in nefarious behavior especially where the town is concerned! if the Police fail to do their job and put a stop to any criminal plot within their jurisdiction they'll issue a bounty against the accused parties. This is one of the primary ways they'll try and recoup points they've lost from failing to protect the town. A wanted posted will be issued in town, usually nailed to a wall or a tree somewhere with a photo of the accused, as well as a description of their crime and possibly photo evidence! Head out into the field, mingle with the population, find your mark and take them out! Bring back photo evidence of your work and the Civilian faction as a whole will earn points towards the final game score. The police/gov faction will also earn points for your success, so they're motivated to give you good intel and not send you on wild goose chases!

This faction is going to work well for small groups, or players who like to do their own thing. You'll have comfortable camping in town, freedom to wear as much flanno as you like, and the opportunity to engage in some really interesting gameplay and interactions between the two warring factions! If you're hunting a Bandit, you might come to an agreement with some roaming Mercs to assist with their assault in exchange for your mark. Perhaps you'll negotiate looting rights as well if the price is right! But be careful, if you get too greedy they might decide to turn on you instead!

Sound off down below if you think this is something you're interested in, or if you'd like to know more about how these mechanics will work!

-- Rosie


Gday All!

What you have all been asking for. Go to this link to find the details of the October 24 Hour milsim by Battlefield SA "Ballout: New Alestania".
If you have any feedback or questions regarding the event, then please comment on this post.

Thanks for your patience everyone!

PS: The page may give a certificate error. This will be gone in approx 30 mins


Adelaide, SA





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